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About Flipout6

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    Fallout series, Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, Far Cry 2, Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Star Wars: Empire at War
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    Fallout: New Vegas

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  1. I am now 16 and eligible to drive! Fetch the damage control teams.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GrueMaster


      On a personal note, I just now realized it's the 21st. :S


    3. Deleted6317247User


      Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great one.


      I remember this guy in school had a car similar to this: http://cdn.styleforum.net/e/ee/ee3560eb_Katy203-wheel20car1.jpeg

      when he got his driver license when he was 16. XD

    4. Ithildin


      Non sequitur here: brilliant writing! XD Leave it to the brothers (and Amendale) ... have to dry out my trackball now. That'll teach me to drink water while reading ToF.
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