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  1. Cian grinned at the loud rumble emanating from Skye's stomach. "Yes, I agree, Skye, food sounds really good right now and shouldn't wait. This way..." The intern led everyone to his favorite vending machine in the world and got everyone's personal pizzas and drinks before taking a seat at one of the break tables. *Hmmph* "Okay, so..." *gulp* "Sorry, college habits die hard." He began, apologizing mid-bite. "As soon as we're done, I'll show you all to the testing rooms." He looked around thoughtfully for a moment, then spoke up again. "Ever think this would ever be possible? Virtual reality? Heh, sure is strange, going from reading books to designing virtual environments practically as real as life. Wonder what my grandparents would think... Anyway, enough wool-gathering on my part. I'm rather partial to pondering aloud sometimes!" Hiding his mild embarrassment, Cian looked at his fellow players. "What kind of games do you all like to play? I'm only asking now because it will help with the testing. We have a broad selection of environments and settings to accommodate most players' wants and needs, and knowing what you all like and feel comfortable with can help out a lot."
  2. Don't worry about it, Mason. Things will be where you left them, if you like. And, no, your inactivity isn't the cause of anything (just kidding, HOW DARE YOU!?!? XD ). Hope things get better for you.
  3. Motley little crew... Cian thought to himself with a smile as the newcomer started abruptly and just as quickly stopped. "Oh, no problem at all, ma'am. Just in time for this group, actually. As I was telling our fellow beta testers, I'm Cian and I'll be joining you all in the test. " Now, then..." Looking past the players and seeing no one else coming immediately, he waved them to follow. "Since I don't see anyone coming right now, let's grab some food really quick. Freedman! I'll go ahead with this lot, start with the tour and such! Will you call down the others, help prep for the other players as they arrive?" The receptionist waved her acknowledgement and went back to work. Leading the way to the elevator and hitting the call button, Cian spoke in whispered tones as he led the way. "To be honest, the cafeteria is a bit of a joke actually; t'is a hall we've remodeled temporarily with some local catering company. Rather cheap food, in my opinion, not the greatest stuff to be feeding to our guests, but it gets the job done. However, if you guys promise not to tell," a conspiratorial grin flashed across his face. "We can stop by the main break room we have, which has a nice little food bar set in. We even have one of those newfangled pizza-vending machines... that thing is so awesome! When an automated machine can build you the best mozzi-ricotta-bacon-chicken-with-olives-on-half pizza you've had perfectly, man, let me tell you..." *Ding!* "By the by, the elevator music is just as terrible as the catchphrase, so," He walked through the elevator doors as they opened, "May I have the honor of your names to help lessen such indignity? Username or irl-name, either one's fine, whichever one you feel comfortable with sharing. I go by "Omni" whilst online, myself."
  4. "Tierney, you better get downstairs! Seems a few of the beta testers are early and have been waiting, and our receptionist is late yet again!" Cian sighed as one of his supervisors yelled across the hall he worked in. Why did I volunteer to do the meet-n-greet? "On it, boss!" The intern yelled back, standing up and heading to the main elevator to the lobby. Trying not to get the terrible tune playing stuck in his head, he focused on his appearance, straightening his polo shirt, and was more than glad to escape the elevator music as soon as the doors to the lobby opened. Counting three people, two men and a woman, milling about idly. Clearing his voice, Cian spoke up loudly to be heard. "Greetings and salutations! Welcome to C2Believe Headquarters; where virtual reality is the only reality!" Looking around and making sure none of his coworkers were around. "And trust me, there are plenty of other terri-bad mottos like that floating around here." Chuckling, the intern introduced himself. "I'm Cian, your friendly tour guide, fellow beta tester, and all-around good guy ginger. I'll be showing you the area where we'll be holding the tests and joining you in the game to see how things work from the players' perspective. I apologize for the poor reception. Someone's supposed to be at the desk, but they're late this morning, hence our slow reaction in welcoming you-- Ah! Here she now. Morning, Freedman! Wake up in time to smell the ashes?" The receptionist rolled her eyes and got to work behind desk. Smiling, Cian turned back to their guests, glancing at his watch. "Since we're a little early, the testing rooms aren't quite ready yet. Would anyone perhaps like a quick stop at our cafeteria before heading up?"
  5. Name: Cian "Omni" Tierney Gender: Male Age: 23 Physical Appearance: Cian strikes an unassuming figure, being rather skinny and standing at 5'11". Pale complected, with light freckles, messy red hair, and unassuming green eyes peer out from under a pair of plain glasses, Cian is plain to look at, not winning any beauty contests but not ugly, either, and comes across as an archetypal nerd of Irish descent, especially when at his job at C2Believe in his office uniform (though the laugh lines and modest beard make him appear older and more mature than he really is, and he is surprisingly athletic). When not at work, he often wears jeans with a plain t-shirt. Personality: Though taciturn and introverted, Cian is surprisingly friendly and fun-loving, and possesses a sharp sense of humor (though his friends find his puns to be a form of cruel and unusual punishment). Omni is focused and hard-working, preferring to take a methodical approach to tasks one piece at a time, and dislikes needless interruptions and laziness (and other forms of "unprofessionalism," as he'd put it). Despite this, he is easy-going when there's nothing that needs doing. Ironically, Cian gravitates towards being a jack-of-all-trades, a fact that sometimes clashes with his single-minded nature. Favored game franchise(s): StarCraft, WarCraft, Half-life, Mass Effect, Halo, Mount & Blade, Warhammer 40K, Command & Conquer, Red Faction, Devil May Cry, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Star Wars; Cian is drawn to rpgs and strategy games, but if a game looks interesting, he likes it. Occupation: As part of an intern program needed for college credit, Cian works part-time at C2Believe, helping with testing the rough concept and programming design while balancing it with his school workload. He dislikes having to split his attention between work and college, but it was a necessary evil, he gets to work with video games, and he gets both pay and class credit, so it doesn't bother him too much. Background: Cian grew up the middle child of the classic suburban family, staying out of trouble but not doing much of note either. Enjoying outdoor activities and sports, succeeding in his academics, and loving games, virtual and physical, he got the nickname "Omni" from his classmates in high school because of how he liked to participate in everything catching his fancy. Being smart and athletic, most of his peers and family members assumed he would go on to become someone important, so it came as a surprise to everyone when he declared he wanted to go into video game design, stating that he wanted to "do something fun," and has worked incredibly hard to that end.
  6. I think that'd be okay. Go ahead and edit your sheet. I appreciate your asking beforehand. :)
  7. Hai! Grue here, one of your friendly thread co-founders. quertyzeldar, everything looks good to me, so Character Approved. Welcome to the RP. :) Just a general head's-up to you (and others reading as well), we won't have the main RP thread up until we get a few more folks in with their character sheets, so we can better hit the ground running. Shouldn't be long, though. ^_^ P.S.: If there are any questions/concerns, please feel free to ask and/or PM me.
  8. We'tak excitedly nodded at Lucas' suggestion. "Yes! Really, any dance would be nice! I've never seen much in the way of softskin dances anyway, so this one cannot judge!" He continued playing, happy just to be around his clutchmates and having fun. Kaji just looked at the strange sight with some minor confusion, simply giving a shrug; there wasn't much he could do anyway. At least, not without burning half the place down, which I think the guests wouldn't like... He thought whimsically, before following after his friends and joining the party. "Well, it may be different, but..." The wu jen looked around as he nursed a drink, chatting idly with Hi-chan. "I kinda like this! Granted, the whole grandeur of everything and the ridiculous outfits on some of these pompous folk are a little boring, but really, not that bad!" "It may be wise not to mention your observations to said-folk..." His elemental muttered quietly, but couldn't help but agree that the atmosphere was pleasant, for a change. The duo was pleasantly surprised to hear We'tak playing music to a particular couple, enjoying the insectoid's wonderful song. "Master, how wonderful!"' She said, heading over to listen to more of the thri-kreen's music when she saw he was beginning to play again. Applauding softly, the wu jen looked around for any other signs of his companions, grinning broadly when he spotted Rameses being approached by a rather beautiful woman. What are they saying? He wondered as he tried to spy on them from the crowd, before cursing his unusual appearance. Aaargh, I can't get closer, Rameses would spot me instantly... unless... Kaji began to smile wickedly as a spell came to mind. It would be something of a waste, buuut... And Hi-chan wouldn't know either... "Ah, screw it. What could go wrong?" At that, he went to one of the countless mirrors decorating the place, making sure no one was watching him, and cast a powerful scrying spell to spy on the distracted fire genasi. The magical eavesdropper, however, quickly stopped smirking when he began hearing the exact details of their conversation. Captured? Cursed!? What in the spirits' names is going on?! He thought as he listened to the dire situation his friend had just been set up with. Rameses, come on, even *I* know better than to fall for that! The wu jen raged quietly as he overheard the arrangement this "Harlock" had set. He released the spell, all mirth gone from his expression. How dare they threaten Ramesesama! Managing to mask his emotions for once, he stepped lively towards his down-trodden friend and slapped his back, smiling greatly. "Ramasesama! Why do you look so dour? Come now, we all face rejection in life, but we still have our health and lives, right?" Kaji reasoned, a clearly exaggerated serious expression on his face. "Though wounded on the field of battle, true warriors such as us shall remain stalwart until victory is ours! Come!" Kaji laughed as he grabbed a couple of drinks from a passing servant and handed one to the fire genasi. "Let us enjoy this night, my good friend!" Inwardly, the wu jen felt equal parts guilt over spying on and lying to his friend and anger over those who would harm him so as he began plotting how to burn this interloper to ash in vengeance. Harlock... you are going to regret ever crossing the Great Kaji!
  9. Macman, I have trouble believing that NOTHING could be found about the world lore. I did a basic google search on "elves in faerun" and the Forgotten Realms Wiki (which is listed in the second post of this thread by Naktis as being a good source of information) was the very first hit on the results, so it is not that difficult to find even basic information. Branching out from that search alone should have been simple enough. Along with this, I personally have mentioned to you that if you had any questions, please feel free to contact me with any questions. Yet you made no mention whatsoever that you were having problems with the lore or were uncertain about particular topics and/or ideas. When all else fails, why not ask your fellow RPers, some of whom have been writing in this very setting for quite literally years, and could have answers you need? I am more than happy to help (ask any of the others; I almost spit out too much info, lol), but sometimes I have to be asked. I've been asked by nearly every member of ToF for the past 2-3 years about stuff, and I have no problem at all with lending advice or knowledge. As the song "Lean On Me" goes, "I'll share your load, if you just call me." Communication goes both ways, meaning you should have mentioned something as well in the face of difficulty. It's that simple. Situations like this simply became too commonplace for some folks' liking and patience. Besides, there was time to ask someone what was possibly going on/ being planned before it got to this point. Communication is key, yes, but again, it goes both ways. Just wanted to throw my two-bits in, here. And again, (this goes for everyone else, too), if there are questions related to the setting, both crunch-wise and fluff-wise, my door (aka: mailbox) is open. :smile:
  10. Kaji sighed, bored by the pompous party goers and lack of wild festivities. Seeing as how Rhaine and Rameses walked off when summoned, he couldn't help but follow. At least something interesting is happening... He thought, closing in on his friends. "Master?" Hi-chan interjected, "What are you doing?" *Shhh* "Something is going on... I'm just going along to see what's happening, that's all." Shaking her head but knowing there would be no swaying her bored master, the fire elemental quietly followed suit. What in spirits' name? The wu jen thought upon seeing Sparrow as he sauntered up by the fire genasi. "Ramesama? What is going on?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We'tak looked at Leif curiously, then with some small trepidation as he heard his clutchmate describe nobles. "Stuffy noble softskins are life-suckers? *Tck...* "I do not know if it is such a good thing to be around them, then..." He then remembered that Sir Gregor and Lady Rosalinde were both "nobles," and surmised that Leif was surely joking. Such nice people would not be so nice, if that were the case. The thri-kreen shook his head at himself for not picking up on his friend's jest earlier and dismissed his worry. "Gifts!" *CHEE!* We'tak chirped excitedly as Leif's words about bringing things to the gala reminded him. "We should bring gifts to this celebration!" *Chee!* "And it is my birthmoon, too... how could I forget!?" He exclaimed, becoming increasing animated as an idea began to form in his mind. "Leif, we need to stop by the inn and get my gythka!" Pulling the hem of his dress up, the insectoid began running quickly, mindless of the strange looks he garnered, so eager was he for his little gift to the mating softskins... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Sssss...Weee...Sssss...* The young thri-kreen panted, being slightly winded by his recent frantic run to the gala. Worth it... he murmured, not even bothered by the trouble he had at first getting in. Once it was proven he was an invited guest, that problem become nothing more but a vague memory in his mind as he began his search for Rosalinde and Gregor. Giving a cheerful shriek when he spotted them, We'tak scurried over to them, practically skipping along the way. "Sir Gregor and" *tck...* "Queen Rosalinde," We'tak called to them with a slight bow, hesitating at what to call the female and deciding upon that title as remembered the one Sin had mentioned. "Mother Moon's blessings upon your bonding." "We welcome thee, ah, Lady We'tak..." Sir Gregor replied, equally hesitant, the dress We'tak wore throwing off his words from their initial meeting back on that road. "You have grown much since we parted last." Lady? We'tak puzzled this quietly. These titles are so confusing... Putting his frustration aside, he nodded happily at the softskin. "Yes! It has taken a little time to get used to being so much taller, but I am thankful for Mother Moon's blessing." *Chee!* "Speaking of which, it is my birthmoon tonight, and since this is your wedding, too, this night is even more special, one to be cherished forever..." He began, chattering in a surprisingly calm, somber tone. "I do not know what softskins like to have as gifts, but, I wanted to give one to you two all the same, so..." The thri-kreen pulled out his metal cords and strung his gythka, plucking them softly until satisfied with their sound. "Thiss one would like to play a song of my people for you in honor of this occasion." "We would be honored," Rosalinde said, curious to hear what this strange creature might play. We'tak nodded, and began playing a jovial tune on his strings, whistling softly in time. Its lilting pitch exuding a blissful tone, one could almost imagine two clutchmates living happily together, celebrating life itself as they lived it as one. This went on for several breathes, before softly ending on one last cheerful strum. Both Gregor and Rosalinde clapped softly, the latter of the softskins wiping gently at the tears forming at the corner of her eyes. Allowing the strings to hum until silent, We'tak gave a slight bow before speaking. "Among my people, memories are passed from clutchparents to hatchlings. Some are good, and some are bad, but these memories help shape who we are as kreen. And even though our lives here are short, our memories are eternal, and go on to shape those that follow." He paused, hoping he was making sense. "Thiss song honors all the happy memories that thri-kreen live, that thri-kreen may always remember there is good in life. This one wishes you two may have nothing but beautiful memories to share together, and to pass on to your hatchlings." "Thine people sound quite wondrous, Lady We'tak," Gregor said. "Thou truly possess a great talent." "Indeed!" Rosalinde agreed, a happy smile adorning her face as she curtsied. "Thank you very much for this gift. Oh, love, we should invite We'tak to play for us again sometime!" *Chee!* "I would be happy to play for softskins again." The thri-kreen responded in kind, ecstatic at the compliments he had been given. "Now, I must find the rest of my clutch... Have you seen them, by the way?" "I believe the young squire traveling with you is over there." The couple pointed, and We'tak spotted Lucas, and Maydirra alongside him. "Many thanks! May the spirits bless you!" At that, he left, quickly walking over to his clutchmates and embracing the two. "Clutchmates!" He exclaimed, before his usual verbal barrage began. "So this is a wedding?" *Tck-tck* "It seems very nice. Although, what is there to do? Is there a ritual, or music or something...?" He trailed off, having seen a few softskin couples dancing to music that other softskins were playing. "Oh, dancing! So that is what softskin dance is like? Hmmm..." He detected slight mating scents from some of the softskins dancing, and took note of that as well. Interesting... Seeing how his clutchmates seemed nervous, the thri-kreen suddenly had an idea to help them. "Clutchmates should dance, too!" We'tak said abruptly, nudging the two together. "I can even play the music for you, and you will not even have to worry about other softskins!" The thri-kreen excitedly prepared another song from his inherited memory, this one being slower and more gentle, its player thinking to give his friends a nice soft tune to dance to. As he moved further into the song's intro, We'tak waved a free hand at Maydiira and Lucas, urging the two begin, his eyes cheering them on...
  11. Kaji grumbled in irritation at the line before them. He had been excited, ecstatic, even, to attend a festival, especially a foreign one; he rarely got to go to the ones back home. And now you're stuck waiting... "Hi-chan..." the wu jen began blathering. "Would it be so horrible if we sped things up a bit?" The fire elemental looked at him with suspicious eyes, fearing what the crazy fool might suggest. "You and I, we could, you know, make a few people hot under the collar, or give them a bit of hotfoo- *Thud!* "Ow!" He exclaimed as the familiar chastised him with a fiery fist. "Kaji-kun, burning people ISN'T an alternative to speeding things up!" Kaji pouted. "I know, I know! No need for hitting me for the idea, though! I'm just so bored!" "What do you know, the weak rat of a hedge-mage... The Plane of Fire must have frozen over for you to be in attendance here." A posh voice, dripping with contempt, called aloud, directed at Kaji. He turned, bewilderment turning to anger in an instant as he discovered the source of the insult to be the wizard that force-manhandled him during his initial stay in town. "You!" The wu jen began to step forward, ready for a fight, but Hi-chan intervened. "Master, you know better! Don't let him egg you on!" "Your little campfire there is a bit mouthy to its master, isn't she? Such a weakling, allowing one's familiar to speak like it's an equal. Of course, it does seem to have a bit more sense than you do, so maybe that isn't such a bad thing." Kaji trembled in rage at the impetuous man, ready to tear him asunder. Weak, am I!? But, he stayed his hand, remembering his promise to Ramesesama. You swore you wouldn't cause your friends any more trouble! With terribly great effort, he contained the fire rising within him and ignored the insulting stranger. "Hahah, I thought you were weak. Not even worth the attention I, Merethinus, wasted on you." "Let's get a move on, yes?" Kaji said to his companions, inadvertantly raising the temperature around him. It grew uncomfortably warm in the space surrounding him as his anger simmered outward, but it got the line moving a little faster, at least... "Um, is there a certain way we are supposed to walk to the ball together, Leif?" We'tak asked his clutchmate with a curious tilt to his head. "I saw all those softskins in dresses placing a hand on another softskin's arm, right about here..." He gestured, pointing at Leif's elbow. "I do want to learn what I can of this culture, but this time, I want to ask before making an assumption..."
  12. "Me? Envious? Hah!" Kaji laughed at the genasi's jab. "I have my own wondrous style, thank you! As for the fighting pits, alas, whilst I would enjoy the fighting as much as the gambling, it would not prove too much of a challenge, or perhaps too dangerous of one; Either my foes would probably have to resort to lethal means to take me down, or they'd throw me out for cheating." Nodding at Rameses, the wu jen stood away from the bar. "Yes, the lady is quite dour, isn't she? Well, Ramesesama, Hi-chan," He took a brief moment to check that he was presentable before turning to follow. "Let us go and enjoy this night!" We'tak walked idly along the streets as he drowned in depression. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice addressing him. "'Purty bug?'" The thri-kreen looked at Leif strangely before responding a bit more sharply than intended. "I do not know what you mean by 'purty,' but I am not a bug!" Cheeing deeply, he looked at the softskin with sadness and frustration. "Sorry, Leif... Thiss one is simply tired of no one answering questions and being scolded when they are asked. I mean, how am I supposed to learn and become stronger and better... if I can't learn because of our differences?" *Chee?* "You changed clothes..." We'tak remarked, just now noticing the change in his clutchmate's appearance. "How did you do that so quickly?! It took me most of Mighty Sun's time just to get this on!" He looked distastefully at the bulky blue outfit he was burdened with. "Oh, the celebration! Were you not going to go?" He asked, before realizing his friend had actually come to check on him rather than leave for the gala. "You came to help me, didn't you? Well... thank you, Leif." Without waiting for a response, he gave the softskin a great hug, appreciating his friend's kindness. "You are a good clutchmate." Straightening his dress and posture, the thri-kreen gave a click of satisfaction. "We should probably rejoin our clutch, yes?"
  13. We'tak shied away from Conall's sharp interruption, looking not unlike a whipped dog, fearful of its master. "But why, Conall..." He whined sadly. "With all the mating scents in here, and with how similar Rhaine and Leif looked... I thought everyone was already talking about it... and it was so much like thri-kreen tradition, I thought... I thought..." I thought what...? His words dropped off as the realization fully set in; thri-kreen and softskins are very different. He glanced at the crowd around them, finally understanding that the softskins don't communicate like his people does, can't pick up the vast words, emotions and expressions hidden within pheromones, not even fully capable of expressing their own thoughts and feelings aloud at times... I am alone here... aren't I? This understanding sent a shock through to his core. He knew this all along, but he had hoped it might change, or might not be so significant. His body language now speaking loudly of a wounded and suddenly-lonesome spirit, We'tak couldn't meet Conall's eyes as he chittered quietly "Thiss one iss sorry..." With that, the depressed, confused thri-kreen turned and left the inn, heading for the city gates. Mother Moon... why is it so hard...? Kaji laughed at first as things were thrown greatly out of proportion, but sobered down a fair bit when he saw how the insectoid took Conall's words. Feeling bad about the poor young creature, he sympathized with how We'tak might feel about being different. I'm rather an expert on the subject, aren't I? He thought sardonically. But, he didn't know how to approach, and only watched as the thri-kreen left. "Oh, I'm sure he will be fine, Hi-chan!" The wu jen countered the fire elemental's condemning look. "He just needs a little time to himself to meditate on things! Now, Ramesesama, come clean..." He said, walking over and throwing an arm around his friend. "You must confess to me; Where on this plane of existence did you learn your sense of fashion? The geisha? HAHAH!" He slapped the fire genasi's back as he waved for a drink from the bartender. "Come! Let us be merry and celebrate our triumphs and good fortunes!"
  14. We'tak stretched as he stood up, stiff chitin popping at the joints, and greeted the new day with barely-contained excitement. He had spent the night in prayer, hoping that his clutch, members near and far, all remained safe, but once Mighty Sun arose, the thri-kreen's concerns soon faded to the depths of his mind. Today, I get to go to a softskin celebration! But... this may be a great challenge... He thought grimly. He was struggling to get the dress on. The young insectoid had taken it off before resting for the night (It supposedly kept it looking nice, as he overheard the softskins saying). Even though he had an exceptional memory and could recall how he got it on, albeit with help, We'tak was struggling to put it back. However, he absolutely refused to ask for help this time; A thri-kreen, even though one should rely upon the clutch for survival, should be able to survive alone as well. This was no different. He heard his clutchmates going by, but he was not done yet, determined to "look nice" for his clutch, and finally, after his great ordeal, the bright blue dress and bonnet was fully donned. It was quite the spectacle as he made his way downstairs. With the vibrant dress, and his attempt to walk in the same "proud, regal manner" he'd seen the softskins walking, We'tak could only be described as awkward, if only he knew that was how he appeared. He felt rather pleased with his personal success, and failed to notice the odd glance or dozen thrown his way. "Rhaine and Leif are wearing same cloth?!" He exclaimed, before scurrying over to the matching pair, lower hands daintily holding the hem of the dress up as he was shown to keep it from getting caught underfoot. Studying his clutchmates closely, there was only one conclusion the thri-kreen could arrive at: "Have clutchmates decided to mate?" We'tak asked, that curious tilt only made more noticeable by his bright bonnet. Mating thri-kreen will sometimes use a talisman to show the bond, so maybe this was how the softskin "marriage" equivalent. *Chee...* He chittered, having overheard the slightly heated conversation between Leif and Rhaine and trying to resolve it. "Well... Winged Pointy-ear is the Alpha of the clutch, and so clearly would have the power over the mating bond, so she would get to decide what to do, Leif." He explained according to thri-kreen tradition. "Thiss one would do whatever she wishes, Leif. She has proven to be a good, strong clutchleader, and has blessed you by choosing you as her mate... You should be honored! Although... Does this mean we will be having softskin hatchlings soon?" *CHEE!* Leaping from one conclusion to another, the prospect of possibly seeing softskins being hatched made the excited thri-kreen even more animated, with more awkward questions being spewed forth, such as how many hatchlings would there be, and whether the children would all have wings, or pointy ears, or be blessed by spirits by virtue of the power of their clutchparents, and all the ritual preparations they would have to make to bless the offspring in Mother Moon's Light... Kaji spotted the matching companions and then the blue-clad We'tak, watching in equal parts horror and ludicrous amusement as he watched the situation spiral rapidly into the realm of insanity, trying not to laugh and appreciating the much-needed refresher of spirits. He had spent the night in complete silence, nursing a pot of tea in the common room as he pondered his encounter the day before. Dark winds are blowing... What does it mean? Arrrgh, I hate riddles! Running his hands through his hair, the wu jen gave a frustrated huff. Hi-chan for her part, knew her master well, and kept silent, knowing her master would speak up once he had managed to sort everything out and was ready to share with her. But, while her master and the others were distracted by the rambling thri-kreen, she noticed the half-elf trying to attract Rhaine's attention. "Master," she said, pulling on his arm and bringing his attention to the newcomer. Nodding, Kaji spoke politely while sticking to his taboos. "I believe Rhaine-sama is busy at the moment, Hi-chan," He addressed the fire elemental before bowing slightly to the stranger with a smile. "She should be able to meet with her guest shortly. For now," tthe wu jen smiled, "Let's enjoy this beautiful blooming scene before it wilts away into history!"
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