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Everything posted by GrueMaster
Tenebris didn't pay much attention to the others, thoughts lost on the strange reading he had cast. Only when everyone made exclamations at the cabins Tannin created was his attention drawn. "Well, now, this is a pleasant surprise," he murmured. What else do you have hidden, Tannin..? the half-vampire questioned silently before heading towards one of the cabins, speaking in a distracted tone as he went. "I believe I shall take my leave of you lot. May all of you rest well. Good night." Finished, Tenebris found himself a bed in one of the corners and soon fell asleep, murmuring things about "love affairs" and "impossible fates" .... Dri, tired and spent after traveling (and willing to get away from the dragon among them as well) was grateful to see the summoned cabins. "Good night, Weyland," she said, after feeling confidant Aurora wasn't going to seduce him, the thought of which made her cheeks burn. Why does that bother me so much...? she thought, but quickly left before anyone could see the blush on her face. She went into one of the cabins and went to sleep almost instantly as she laid down in a soft bed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tak'we, still feeling a little despondent over his lost meal, wandered off from the camp and spent most of the night drifting among the tall grass. He eventually came a cross a clearing, where a small pool of water reflecting Mother Moon's light lay. Mother Moon... He looked up and saw Her as she flew across the night sky, Her tears for Her children trailing behind her. It felt as if She was crying for him. But are they tears of joy, or of sorrow? he pondered. So much had happened to the warrior, so many painful moons, so much loss... and yet he had gained so much as well. Mother Moon... will I actually get to go home? After so many moons? He sat down by the calm pool and stayed there watching the moon's reflection, long until Mighty Sun began to wake on the horizon. I should go back to my clutch now... he thought, before chittering with laughter. "Tak'we cannot let clutchmates eat all the food now, can he?" ---------------------------------------------------------- The thri-kreen came back in time for breakfast, which, from the smell, he could tell Nawen was the one who had cooked the morning meal. "Thank you, Nawen. Dark pointy-ear makess very good food, would be very sought after by thri-kreen males," he said, completely oblivious of the discussion his clutchmates had just been having. Seeing how several of his clutchmates were wanting to spar, the warrior quickly scarfed down the food and watched as the others sparred. He shook his head at first when he saw Lucas fall down, but that quickly turned to a nod of approval as he saw the trick the softskin had played. Very cunning... he'll make a good warrior someday. He winced as Winged Pointy-ear quickly turned the tables and pulled a similar trick. Although not if he faces foes likes Rhaine... Eager to practice, Tak'we chirped up his willingness to spar. "Thiss one would like to practice, if clutchmates would have him." He looked at his scythes and realized they would be too dangerous to use, even with the protections of Rhaine's powers. "Tak'we could use a staff or go unarmed, if that is better." The smell of food woke Dri up, who immediately got up and mindlessly homed in on the source of the scent. Completely disregarding the mess her hair and clothes were in, the girl piled a plate up with food, gave a half-conscious nod to Nawen, then went back inside one of the cabins and was gone for the rest of the morning. Tenebris woke up at the sound of swords clashing and rose from his bed irritably. They had better be fighting for their lives and people ought to be dead... he cursed his companions, coming up with hexes and curses to cast if that were not the case. Smoothing out his clothes, he walked out and, much to his chagrin, saw that there was only sparring going on. Figures... "And here I thought my companions were in peril," he muttered out loud as he approached the breakfast fire. "Never mind the sleeping folks, especially the priest who spent days floating in the ocean, oh nooo, we need to go about and bang away at one another... Wake the dead while you all are at it, why don't you?" Tirade finished, Tenebris grabbed a plate and went to get food, only to find that the leftovers had already been given to the animals. With a look that clearly showed his disdain for life, the half-vampire muttered only three words: "I hate mornings..."
Tenebris stayed inside his bathhouse much longer than anyone else did in the water, the sun having already gone down, a solemn expression on his face as he debated what exactly he should do next. He had finished bathing, but stopped to rinse the rime from his clothes and while waiting for them to dry, he decided to pull out his dragon knucklebones and look at the fortunes of the others. Several companions came up as having good fortunes, some of them with a touch of misfortune to them. Nothing new there. A couple had mixed futures waiting for them. Again, nothing new to the half-vampire. One came up exceedingly bad in comparison to the others, causing a frown to appear on the Jergali's face. Tough break... he reflected, noting the companion's connections to the party. Hope it's nothing too serious... The last cast, however, caught the seer completely off guard. "What in the Hells...?" Inconclusive... Befuddled, Tenebris cast the bones again, meeting the same result again. Aggravated now, he rolled the bones a third time... Inconclusive... What is going on? This is unprecedented... In all his years of fortune-telling, his seeings had never come up without an answer. He had had uncertain ones, ones where the future lay slightly obscured, but this? No answer at all... how are you hidden from fate itself...? Actually perturbed for once by a telling, the priest gathered his clothes and and knuckle-bones and went to the camp... just in time to see the gargantuan dragon landing among the party... Aw, hells, Jergal! he cursed silently. If you want me to die, why would you send a dragon of all things to eat me? he thought sarcastically, before noticing it was a silver dragon who was behaving rather civil and relaxed a little. Perhaps this will not be so bad... All the same, the Jergali made sure to hide his dragon bones. Wouldn't want to actually be eaten, now do we? Tak'we chee'd softly, obviously still displeased but remaining silent. Thri-kreen do not bathe in the water itself... we cleanse ourselves with wet cloth, so the water is not as dirtied as simply diving in it, and is kept relatively fresh... do the softskins not realize this is better for nature and them? The pink thri-kreen kept this to himself, though, instead grabbing a bucket and rag from the clutch's supplies and washing himself with water drawn from the lake, all the time keeping his distance from the splashes of his clutchmates. "Thiss iss better than going in the water..." he muttered as he quickly finished cleaning himself, rolling his joints to make certain there was no water trapped in them. It does feel better being clean, though... Tak'we gave a chittering laugh as an absurd thought struck him. I have spent so much time with softskins now... their habits are wearing off on me... Shaking his head, the warrior dumped the bucket on the ground and went about setting up the rest of camp. He had managed to keep busy well until one of the new softskins came back with a deer. *Tcktck!* It would be good having meat tonight. The thought of fresh meat made the thri-kreen salivate, mandibles lightly dripping. He watched as Aera went about cleaning the dead animal, nodding with approval. Although some of those organs are still edible... he thought, noting the bucket that the furry-one left. Grabbing the bucket, Tak'we took the heart and the liver and skewered them on sticks. Remembering what had happened last time he had tried using the others' seasonings, he opted from using any and simply staked the meat near the fire by Arva's food. Poking at the organs once more before deciding they would cook well as they were, the thri-kreen began walking back to the bucket when he heard his clutchmates speak of (and to) a dragon above them. What? He looked up just in time to see a silvery giant-flying-lizard swooping down upon the camp. By the spiritss! he exclaimed, taking several steps back as the dragon landed and spoke with them. What do we do...? he thought; his scythe was at the edge of the camp opposite from him and past the dragon. I wouldn't be able to reach it in time. When the giant-flying-lizard spoke with them, and rather nicely, it gave Tak'we pause. Is it a good lizard? he thought, and began to ask such when Aera said the creature could eat some of their food and it said it liked cooked food. "Now, wait- NO!" *NRAK'TCK!* The lizard had eaten the food Arva had prepared, but had also caught the cooking organs Tak'we had set out as well. Giving a cree of despair, Tak'we simply slumped down to his knees. "Is Tak'we ever going to get to have hiss own cooking?" Dri struggled, but was helpless as Weyland succeeded in dunking her well into the water. "Okay, okay, I give!" she sent, standing up when he finally released her. Giving him a fake frown, she pouted as she teased him. "Touching me and treating me like that... you should be ashamed of yourself, Weyland Grey!" Failing to hide a smile, she sent a little more water at the man before grabbing for some soap and washing herself. Oh, that feels good. Refreshed from bathing, Dri made her way back to camp and sitting near the fire, waiting for her underclothes to finish drying. She shook her head as Ianthe flashed everyone in the party, and gave Lucas a sympathetic look as he completely passed out from the sight. Poor boy... She turned and listened quietly as the others bantered among themselves, feeling a twinge of jealousy as Aurora not-so-subtly flaunted her own beauty. Her looks are all natural... unlike mine... She looked at Weyland, and wondered if he was thinking of Aurora. Would he like her in that regard...? Oh, by Tymora, shut up! He's not like that! Shaking the thought away, she began dressing once her clothes were dry. At the mention of a dragon, and then Ianthe inviting it to their camp, though, the girl froze where she stood and looked up, suddenly scared as a huge silver dragon landed by them. Instinctively stepping behind Weyland, she finished dressing slowly, terrified as she struggled to decide if the dragon was going to remain friendly or change on a whim and devour them. Oh, gods, why do you do this?
Tenebris eyed the water before him, mild amusement flashing across his face as he guessed at the thoughts of bathing everyone was likely having. Only been a day or so for me. Sure, it was ocean water, salt-rimed my clothes, and filled my lungs, but that still counts, doesn't it? Putting his pack down neatly as nearly everyone else seemed to randomly drop theirs, the half-vampire watched the others simply stripped and dived in. "No propriety, this lot," he muttered under his breathe. He moved a little off away from the others and chanted a spell. There was a rumbling sound from underwater, then three walls and another with an open doorframe rose up, forming a comfortably-sized room. Wading into his creation, he muttered another spell, and this time shaped a partially submerged bench and a spot hang his wet clothes. Looking around for a moment, Tenebris gave a satisfied nod, and proceeded to enjoy his new (and private) bathing house, making sure to take a bar of soap with him. Dri smiled as the party stopped by the lake shore, relishing the thought of bathing. Although, she thought, a slight blush coming to her cheeks as she saw the others (and Weyland) stripping down to their undergarments and diving into the water. I don't know if I feel comfortable about bathing with everyone else. Sybille's teasing comment made her face burn even more. When she saw even Rhaine bathing in the water, however, thoughts of quiet modesty disappeared. Joining in, the girl undressed to her underclothes and dived in quietly behind Weyland. Waiting until she was right behind the warrior, she splashed as much water as possible over her friend, a silent giggle painting her face. Tak'we, however, was not enjoying the water nearly as much, standing a good ten feet away from the lake's edge. In a state more flabbergasted than anything else, the thri-kreen stood open-mouthed at the sight before him. "Do they not have any respect for the spirits' gifts?" he chittered in thri-kreen, feeling somewhat shocked that his clutchmates were bathing in the very water they would using for their supplies later. Why are softskins so wasteful? Not to mention the very fact that it was water, of all things, unable to understand the softskin mindset to be soaking wet all over and even go under the water. Giving a low cree, the mantis warrior shifted nervously near Rhaine, moving a little closer to the lake. "Winged pointy-ear? Why do softsskinss like being in water sso much? You get all wet, and water gets in everything," he said, placing emphasis on 'everything.' "How do you stand that? Just..." *TCKTCK!* "Tak'we doess not understand softskinss."
Tenebris gave a sardonic ghost of a grin at Lucas' questioning look and Rhaine's following explanation. "Yes, I do believe my father got through eating someone before my birth or conception," he said to the squire in a low voice with a tone of conjecture. "Possibly even ate my mother during a one-night stand, or seduction, take your pick. Regardless, I exist, so it's possible. Now, back to more pressing matters, before I imagine the details of said affair." The Jergali returned his attention to Theia and Tannin as they spoke. 'Most original thing...,' he thought, amused. Judging from his reaction and current behavior, I'd say he's more inclined find a new ride... Shaking the thought away, Tenebris focused his mind, eyes closed, a serious expression forming on his face as he muttered a simple spell under his breath. Hmm... weal and woe... mixed fortune... Forehead crinkled in debate, Tenebris opened his eyes. "I don't necessarily see any major problems with having Theia travel with us," he stated matter-of-factly. "As for the benefits, well, those remain to be seen as well. Ultimately, it doesn't matter to me. I've spoken my piece." Tak'we shifted awkwardly where he stood. Traveling with horse-kin? he thought, perplexed by the very thought, memories going back to the quiet troubles between horse-kin and thri-kreen. Then he remembered having to travel with a wemic, of all things, which made this situation seem a bit more tame by comparison. *Tcktck!* "Okay..." the pink thri-kreen said, lowering his weapon slowly. "If clutchmatess have no difficulty with horse-kin, then thiss one will not asss well." I am also curious about this one, too, the warrior admitted silently, now wanting to learn more about Theia. Dri kept silent, sensing that adding her thoughts here might cause more problems with the already-unstable centauress. At how Theia seemed to wilt in hopelessness, however, she made up her mind. Getting off of Weyland's horse, she walked slowly up to the centauress and signed her name slowly, a soft welcoming smile on her face. *Hi, I am Audri. Nice to meet you.*
Upon seeing the centaurs approach the camp, Tak'we made himself scarce inside one of the tens; it had been many moons ago, but the thri-kreen still remembered the tensions that lay between his people and the horse-kin. He heard his clutchmates speak with the horse-kin, but couldn't understand them. I really wish I could understand what others were saying, he cursed silently as he waited. Once they left, he stepped out and began helping pack up. As he did so, he noticed that Rhaine looked particularly angry about something. "What is wrong with winged pointy-ear?" he inquired of no one in particular, wanting to go speak with her, but, seeing as she immediately went off to talk to Tannin, Tak'we saved the question for later and went back to packing, chittering softly with concern. What is going on with clutchmates...? he thought in quiet distress. Tenebris listened in to the conversation with the centaurs, controlling his urge to laugh. Abomination, eh? he thought sardonically. I wonder what they'd call me? Keeping his peace until the centaurs left, the half-vampire gave a side comment as he went about gathering up his things. "Abomination... I rather wish they were more forth-coming with information than that. I mean, all of you travel with me and you don't consider me an abomination, yes?" he inquired innocently, before smiling and finishing up his packing. He saw Conall and Rhaine come back, both with grim expressions on their faces (Though is that anger in the latter's visage? he thought silently), and a newcomer, whom looked like a young squire or some sorts. Tenebris gave a quiet nod, but didn't bother introducing himself further, more interested in the quiet discussion Rhaine was having with Tannin. Hmm... what does fate have in store here now? he mused in his mind, before getting on the horse he had made sure to purchase earlier. Dri hid the wince that flashed on her face as the centaurs mentioned the so-called abomination, thoughts going towards herself in regards to the conversation. What am I? she thought, lost in pondering her own identity, before shaking her head and tidying up her pack. She gave a quiet greeting to Lucas when they met, but she stayed quiet; the look on Rhaine's face as she took Tannin off to the side concerned her. What is going on with those two? she wondered curiously, before saddling up behind Weyland and the group took off. ====================================== Tak'we was clicking softly to himself, wondering how to approach his clutchmates about things bothering them and he, when Argyros motioned for them to stop. He froze immediately, then brought his scythes to bare when a female voice called out to them. The thri-kreen looked towards the direction Nawen pointed, but still could not see anything. Come out, nrak-tck! he thought angrily, feeling a little aggravated; he had been mulling heavily over his clutchmates, even failing to enjoy the good weather, and now this. When the creature calling herself Theia came out from hiding, Tak'we tilted his head in bewilderment; she looked like a horse-kin, but her softskin was off for a centaur, and... "Iss that a horn?" he spoke in surprise, not realizing he spoke out loud, surprised as he was. Did my ancestors forget to mention this? he thought, confused as to how this came to be... Dri jumped a little when the voice cried out. She had felt something almost ever since the Chondalwood had appeared at their side, a sense of anxiousness reaching out to her in the shadow of the woods. The girl summoned Lonesome, but didn't bring it to bare yet, not wanting to appear as a threat quite yet, and tried to discern where the speaker was hiding. When a horned centauress revealed herself, Dri gasped. She is the abomination?! she thought incredulously, and sat there in awe, wondering what else the centaurs had failed to mention to them... Tenebris stayed where he was calmly, not bothering to move when a lilting voice cried out to them. If someone is taking the time to talk to you, they usually aren't going to hurt you, he reasoned. Well, not quite yet, at the very least... Echoing the sentiments of his companions, he also spoke out. "I am the spawn of a human and a vampire. I think we are quite used to 'abominations', good lady." The Jergali raised his eyebrows as Theia, as she called herself, came out into the open. A horned centauress... not what I would call an abomination... he mused quietly. This shall be interesting...
Dri snapped awake when she heard her friends' calls. Not properly dressed, she got out anyway, not wanting to be caught flat on her feet inside the tent, and summoned Lonesome to her hand. Tak'we was at the opposite end of the camp when he heard a metallic scraping sound and everyone began scrambling for their weapons. Immediately alert, the thri-kreen moved towards where the sound originated, spotting some Sun-cursed figure trying to sneak towards them. What in the spirits is that thing? he thought. He remembered the last time he had seen something like this thing, and it had been back during the fight with Ravenna. Suddenly reminded of Mahira as well, the thri-kreen cautiously took up position in front of his clutchmates, planning on not doing something foolish like what he had done during that encounter. Tenebris gave a grumbled curse as he was awakened by the commotion in the camp. "I swear, someone better be dead, or they will be soon, I swear by Jergal..." He crawled out from his bedroll in a disgruntled manner, and suddenly felt that presence from the inn again. "So you're back again, I see. " The half-vampire cast Daylight, lighting up the area as though it were suddenly midday. "This will teach you to disturb my rest!" Chanting another spell, he brought his hands together and released the built-up energy, causing the very earth around the fiendish interloper to rapidly rise, ready to imprison the intruder in a cage of stone...
Tenebris breathed a sigh of relief; he had been prepared to fight whatever that creature was, but was not eager for such an encounter. "Well, thank you for showing up finally," he said cheekily to the others when they came outside, though there was no malice in his voice. "I have to admit, I am surprised for once. " The half-vampire commented off-handedly as he adjusted his pack and followed Conall. "This may not have been one of the record times I've been forced to stay sleep out in the wilderness, but it is the first time that I wasn't the cause for such an event Well done, you lot. I think I shall enjoy my time here; that is, if we don't all die first. Anyway, off we go." Tenebris remained silent for the rest of the trip, having not actually rested for Jergal knows how long, only deigning to speak once camp was made, and that was only to wish everyone good night. "Have a good night!" he called out from beneath his bedroll to no one in particular. "Don't let the vampires bite!" And immediately passed out to sleep. Tak'we, still simmering from the angry innkeeper, muttered and hissed to himself about 'stupid softskins," all the while holding the unconsciously Dagny to the area where at they were going to make their camp. He laid his clutchmate down gently, and allowed Amendale to take over caring for her. For the rest of the night, the thri-kreen patrolled the camp grounds, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone in case they were attacked again. Dri could tell Weyland was rather angry, but she didn't quite know what to say. She hadn't been handy at all at the inn, and whatever had been hiding outside had fled already, so she wasn't feeling overly confident about herself, and thus was silent all the way to the camp. The rogue began to see if there was anything Weyland was wanting to talk about, but the man had declared he was going to bed, and sure enough, he had done so in a very short matter of time. Sighing, she simply laid out her bedroll near Amendale's and Weyland's, and soon fell asleep herself.
Dri felt like she had hardly left her seat before the fighting was all finished. Useless again... she kicked herself mentally, before seeing Hexol chasing after a panicking wererat. Dumb-founded, she only watched, stunned and amused at the same time. Wow.. now that's something you see everyday... Tak'we gave a hiss of relief that Amendale was there to help, and turned to help the others, but the fighting was already finished. Thank the spirits... He walked over to see how his clutchmates were doing when he heard the barkeep yelling and cursing at them to get out. *NRAK'TCK'TCK!* "Stupid softskin!" the now very-annoyed thri-kreen hissed at the man, poking him with strength enough to send him stumbling several paces. "We did not want or expect this fight, sso do not blame uss for thiss. Your hut iss alsso lacking in protection, sso you should be ashamed for promising false safety! Look at Dagny!" Angry but not wanting anymore trouble for his clutchmates, the warrior gave a disgusted hiss and went to Dagny, picking her up from Amendale's arms tenderly. "Tak'we will hold her for you, pointy-ear." "Well, that was a thing," Tenebris said simply as he put Bones away and approached Aera and Conall. "You are rather full of surprises, but I guess 'Whitefang' should have clued me in. Nicely done, Aera, by the way." He turned to see as the rather-red-faced innkeeper stormed towards them, demanding they leave immediately. "Ah, back to the same old, same old, I see. I was wondering when I'd be kicked out. I'll be a short while first, however. My duties call." The half-vampire then pulled out a rather large book and a quill from his robes and went up to the dead wererat. Snapping his fingers, the book opened up and began writing as Tenebris studied the body, a name and basic information forming on the page. As soon as that was done, he moved past the others and did the same for the other bodies, book and quill floating after him. Slamming the book shut once the last assassin was cataloged, Tenebris called out to Rhaine. "I am finished here, Doomguide. I'll leave the rest to you. Your job, after all." Not saying anything else, the Jergali left the inn and stood out by the front, waiting patiently for the others to come along. Bored, he pulled out his knucklebones and rolled them, doing a simple telling to pass the time. What...? he thought, suddenly alarmed; the bones came up giving a foul omen. Suddenly feeling ill at ease, Tenebris began scooping up the bones, mildly disconcerted, when he felt like someone was watching. And that's when he smelled some ungodly stench, emanating from somewhere in the shadows. Or some thing... he thought grim-faced, and immediately cast Light as he drew his mace, studying the now-lit area and spotting some fiendish-looking creature hidden away. Oh stlarn... "Good evening, sir!" he called out calmly. "You waiting for something, or someone, should I say?"
Dri unconsciously rubbed her scarred throat while Nawen told everyone about her treatment at the hands of those villagers. Some way to thank you, she thought, grim-faced. She listened quietly as Rhaine shared her story, and was debating with herself of ever meeting someone before jumping in her chair as she heard the thumps coming from upstairs. What's going on up there? she thought, concern showing in her face. Tak'we chittered rather angrily as Nawen shared her tale. "Tak'we would have clawed off their hands for hurting dark pointy-ear," he stated matter-of-factly, a small trickle of venom forming on his mandibles as a clawed hand went up to the stubs where his antennae once were. "Torturing someone... ssuch a foul act..." He looked at Rhaine as she spoke of having potential mates, that curious tilt of the head appearing at the words of hagspawn. "Hagspawn?" the thri-kreen asked, befuddled as to what that was and followed up with a string of questions. "Iss that what winged pointy-ears are? Would not winged pointy-ear have a simple time finding matess? Your kind doess not sseem very common. Would it not be be better to find a mate and have hatchlingss jusst for the ssake of your people?" Before he could question further, Tak'we heard a loud crash upstairs. What in the spirits was that? he quickly thought, then the realization that some of his clutchmates were still upstairs. "By Mother Moon, no!" Fearing for his friends, the pink thri-kreen leaped from his chair and charged upstairs. What he saw was greatly confusing. In Conall's room, all he could see was two creatures wrestling with one another. What iss this...? he thought, trying to analyze the situation. However, the silence that was coming from Dagny's room disturbed him even more. Going to Dagny's room, he tried to open the door, only to find it barred from the other side. "Dagny!?" he screeched, before he simply ripped the door and pieces of the wall it was attached to off. What he saw angered and terrified him. There was dark figure hovering over Dagny, who was severely bloody with red stains everywhere. Fury coursing through him suddenly, Tak'we grabbed the dresser that barricaded the once-attached door and hurled it with all his might. Before the rat-like figure could react, the piece of furniture connected with the full force of the thri-kreen's strength and both went flying to the bedroom wall... and clean through it. Ignoring the choked scream and the resounding crash that followed after, Tak'we rushed to Dagny's side to see if she was alright. "Dagny! Iss short softskin alright?!" Tenebris was lazily paying attention to everyone's stories when he heard the crashing sounds from upstairs. "That doesn't sound good," he muttered, and closed his eyes as he concentrated on a spell... "Hells..." the half-vampire cursed as he received the answer to his question. "Wererats." Drawing his heavy mace Bones, the Jergali ran up the stairs after the thri-kreen and seeing how Tak'we had Dagny's room handled, he turned to Conall's room. Oh bother... he thought as he studied the fight going on between a wererat and a werewolf. Well, this is interesting, he thought casually, before casting a bolt of darkness at the wererat, attempting to aid what he assumed to be Conall when an opening in the melee opened up.
Tak'we had wandered back downstairs soon after finishing the platter of food he had taken, having seen Ianthe drag Rhaine downstairs rather forcibly, much to his surprise. Why iss pointy-ear dragging winged pointy-ear? Curious, the pink thri-kreen sauntered after them, and discovered everyone was beginning to share stories, so he eagerly sat down to hear more of his clutchmates. "Thiss remindss Tak'we of the nightss where sagass were shared by the druidss of thisss one'ss people." TCKTCK!* "Although..." he paused as he looked down at the strange drink that was handed to him. "I do not remember drinkss like these... what iss it?" Tentatively, he sipped at the hot liquid, and greatly enjoyed the flavor of it, much to his surprise. *WEEE!* Wanting more of the strange drink, the thri-kreen took two more mugs and sipped away at the first as he listened attentively to the others. Dri, still avoiding Aurora, quietly took a mug of cocoa and listened as Weyland shared his story. Knowing most of it already, she had a very solemn look on her face, though she was open-mouthed at the mention of how many others there were. "You were the absolute only one? Oh my... sorry to hear that... but at least you made it, right?" Suddenly reminded of her own story, Dri fell silent, lost in thought and barely heard part of what Tannin said. Tak'we gave a saddened chitter at Weyland's tale. "That iss truly sad, Weyland. Thiss one knowss what it iss like to be a slave asss a hatchling." Not wanting to speak further of such sad things, Tak'we became quiet and listened to Tannin, which induced begrudging feelings in the thri-kreen, especially when Nawen agreed with Tannin. "Tak'we doess not like being different... I liked having chitin the color of the shifting sandss..." Mentioning the sands of his homeland and the mishap with magic reminded Tak'we of his brother, surprisingly, and began telling one of his tales. "Thiss one remembers when I and my clutch-brother tried sneaking into another clutche's camp. What we didn't quite know was that they had slightly different chitin than we, which we found out after we had already sneaked in, so we had to flee. The spirits, sadly, did not favor us that day. The other clutch happened to have a-- what do softskinss call them? A camool? Whatever they are called, Che'Tak did not see it and tripped... right into its excrement!" *WEEEE-SSS-SSS-SSS! WEEE- SSS-SS!* The thri-kreen kept laughing heartily, shaking so much he nearly spilled some of the hot drink in his hands. "We were so terrified," *Sss-ss-ss!* "though, we forgot to clean it off, so when we got back, our clutch-mother was so angry with usss." *WEE-SS-SS-SS!* "She made us go for nearly half a moon before letting Che'Tak clean himself off, and made us both clean up after the animalss assss well." Still chuckling, Tak'we looked at Tannin and Nawen. "He managed to blend in with the other clutch after that, though, I do not think it was quite in the way we wanted..." *Ss-ss-ss.* After the pink insectoid stopped talking, Tenebris merely shrugged where he sat. "I really don't have much to share in the way of stories, beyond the occasional prank done to the elders of the church where us acolytes switched the death logs around on occasion." The half-vampire gave a smirk as he reminisced of red-faced priests cursing as they tried to sort out the subtle "mistakes" that were "discovered." "Ah, those were some fun times..."
Tak'we simply looked on at the newcomers with curiosity, wondering how many more softskins he will meet, before shrugging hopelessly at the thought, simply wishing his clutchmates well and retreating to his room with a platter of bacon-wrapped shrimp. Tenebris gave a half-hearted chuckle at Tannin's pun. I've got bite, do I? He raised his eyebrow at Shalena, not quite sure what to make of that reaction, but making him grin nonetheless. "Hmm. Maybe I'll take you up on that dinner sometime, Shalena Windsail." The half-vampire asked the waitress (when she finally dared to come close enough to him) and ordered some hot tea. While he waited he quietly greeted the other folk of the party he had just been fated to join, but kept largely to himself, only showing some emotion when a clearly drunk woman stumbled through the door in a disheveled mess. Eyes closing a moment, he opened them a moment later with a bemused expression on his face. Aurora... I can already tell this is going to be an interesting journey... Dri kept a wary eye on the pale man for a long while, only taking her attention away when she stopped to look at the woman who fell through the tavern doors. She was suddenly very ashamed and fearful when she realized it was the woman she had pick-pocketed back in Sarschel. Suddenly feeling very exposed, she shrunk up even further against her friends, trying to make herself as small as possible and hiding behind Weyland from Aurora. Please don't recognize me... please don't recognize me...
"Oh dear, a half drow," Tenebris said condescendingly to Tannin while wearing a smile. "Let me guess, you've made it your life-long goal to prove you're not like the drow-side of the family, and that you've promised yourself to do as much good in the world as possible, despite growing up in an orphanage where everyone hated you." He rolled his eyes and took on a more serious tone. "Honestly, Tannin Virson, I don't particularly care about vampires, or others, for that matter. Vampires are simply another form of undeath; only difference is it takes more hits to bash one back to Jergal. As for mortals, can't really say I haven't really hurt any, unless of course you count telling a fortune to a fast, young couple foretells the failure of their relationship and they then break up over it." Tenebris shrugged. "What they do with the information isn't my concern, really. There was this one time I smashed a paladin's face in, though, but that's another story entirely. For the most part, people tend to avoid me, not the other way around. I don't know why..." he spoke nonchalantly. "It's not like I bite people or anything." The half-vampire stretched and turned back to Rhaine as she spoke of her mission. "Hmmm, a dracolich you say... interesting..." Tenebris got up and turned away from the Doomguide, walking over to an empty table and pulled out a set of rune-inscribed dragon-knuckle bones. Jergal, Lord of the End of Everything, he prayed silently. Should I your servant join this party and lend aid? Opening his eyes, the cleric rolled the bones onto the table. What shall be Your will...? The knuckle bones came to stop... Weal. Nodding, Tenebris turned to Rhaine as he returned to his. "It seems that you have a new member among your entourage, sister. Once I finish drying off and get some food, we can discuss the details of our future endeavors." Just then another half-drow walked in. Another half-drow... he thought, throwing a meaningful look towards Tannin before noting the newcomer was a follower of Kelemvor as well. Another sister... I wonder if more of them will arrive... Tak'we shifted uncomfortably in his chair as he listened to the stranger calling himself Tenebris. Is he a shaman? he thought to himself, a sudden surge of questions popping up in his head for a brief moment, before filing the questions for later and going back to eating. What a strange softskin...
"Thank you, madam," the half-vampire spoke irritably, before pulling a chair over to the fireplace while ignoring the stunned (and in some cases, suspicious) expressions he was receiving. "I was wondering how long I would have to stand here contracting pneumonia whilst you and your companions gawk at and theorize about me." "You are partly correct, Doomguide. Not many mortals realize that Jergal still has some power in their fate." Tenebris gave a smirking grin towards the Chosen as he sat down by the fire. "I am indeed a seer of the Scribe of the Doomed, though I was not aware that I prophecy during unconsciousness. The part where you are wrong is assuming that I know your name. Give me one moment... " The Jergali closed his eyes and uttered a quiet prayer, sitting deathly still for a few breathes, then sat upright suddenly. "Ah yes, Rhaine Alcinea. Knew I recognized you." He leaned in closer to the fire trying to warm his hands a bit more. "And Rhaine is correct about my order's concerns over the records of mortals, Conall Whitefang. Just some people tend to regard such information when given as a threat to them. Can't control what others do when faced with their own pasts, I guess. However, it does gladden me so to be met with a kind greeting rather than sharpened stakes, sister." As to my cursing, Doomguide," Tenebris said as he changed subjects. "you see, the last Kelemvorite I had encountered insisted upon attempting to kill me for my... heritage. I forget his name, what was it...?" he thought out loud to himself before waving the question away. "Regardless, since the results of that meeting I have been inclined to avoid the members of your church. I'm already unwelcome in many circles of society as it is." He gave a quiet growl at Shalena. "I prefer 'para-human,' thank you very much, else I might have to bite you. Far less negative connotation, as it were. Now then," the half-vampire leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. "I'm going to rest now, but feel free to talk. I'm curious as to what is currently going on, since I've been floating since the hurricane. Granted, I could find out through my own means, but I prefer a more lively approach. "
Tenebris resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Conall's suspicious glare, choosing instead to ignore. "I still don't know what in the Nine Hells you're talking about, but thank you anyway." And I wonder who this person is that would take such interest in me... He followed after Conall mulling over this thought, and soon found the answer to his own curiosity nearly the instant he walked inside the inn.. ...and saw a Doomguide inside. "Stlarn!" Not only a Doomguide, but a Chosen as well. Great, a follower of my boss' boss... this will go over well... Maintaining a composed face, he looked around and glanced at Conall. "Well, then... I see what you meant by who'd be interested in my personage." Stlarn... a hrast Kelemvorite... I hope she doesn't react as badly as the last Doomguide did... "Just what have you gotten into this time, Tenebris?" he muttered under his breath. Tak'we glanced over at the pale softskin who had just entered the room, a strange yet familiar scent coming from him. He hissed immediately when he recognized the smell as that of bones-that-walk, but hesitated.. the man also smelled as a living softskin as well. What iss he...? the thri-kreen thought in confusion, then waved subtly at Rhaine and nodded at the newcomer. "He ssmellss asss though he iss both living and dead, Rhaine, " he whispered to her. "Something iss wrong here..." Dri looked up from her meal when Conall came walking in, and began to say hello when she saw the stranger beside him. Wonder who he is? she thought, and immediately began to send a greeting. "Hey, Conall, who's your new fri-" The girl stopped mid-sentence when she saw the pale man's fangs when he swore. By Tymora... what is he? She was rather taken aback by this, so much so she leaned back into Aera and jumbled the food from her hands without realizing it. Uneasy, she tried to avert her gaze, while keeping an eye on the stranger... his eyes seeming very captivating... I don't like this...
Tenebris gave Conall a nod of his head by way of thanks for dispersing the crowd. "Thank you, Conall. An angry, fear-mongering mob isn't something I was looking forward to." He grew confused, though, at Conall's initial words. I said his name? I don't remember that. Not letting his confusion show, though, the half-vampire continued listening. "Iljak, eh? Bit far from my original destination, but, anywhere where I'm not being threatened with stakes and torches is alright by my account. All the same, thank you." That gratefulness quickly turned to incredulity, however, when the man claimed Tenebris knew things about him. "Have you been sniffing dreammist? I never muttered your name, and I sure as the Hells don't know anything about you!" Is this guy screwing with me?! Or am I dead and Jergal's screwing with me? Not wanting to anger the man who had helped him, Tenebris sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, my name is Tenebris, Tenebris Sever, priest of Jergal, and right now, I'd really just like to sit down and recover, alright? I feel like Umberlee's been trying to use my lungs as waterskins forever and a day."
"Conall Whitefang:..." Tenebris continued muttering for a brief moment, then his eyes snapped open as he realized someone was shaking him rather violently, red eyes peering into the stark blue ones of a man who appeared to be the one responsible for the shaking. "If you're done trying to shake the soul from my body," the half-vampire began speaking hoarsely, tinged with a condescending tone, " I would very much appreciate it if, *cough* if you let go, sir, lest I suffer *cough* some irreparable damage to my cognitive abilities due-*cough* due to your ministr-ations..." *COUGH!* He broke down into a coughing fit as he tried to release himself, falling from the stranger's grasp and doubling over as sea water finally began being expelled from his lungs, much to the bewilderment of those around him. "Told that idiot captain not to set sail..." Tenebris muttered under his breathe between coughs. " Some thanks for warning him, dumping me like that... Not like it was my fault he sailed into that stupid hurricane..." He finally managed to stand shakily back up, and looked around at the fearful faces around him, with a sense of hostility that could be felt growing. Well, that's a comforting welcome... Wanting to leave before stakes started being carved, the priest turned to the stranger holding him earlier, who seemed vaguely familiar... "Excuse sir, um, what was your name again?" he asked, pausing for a moment, perplexed as to why he felt like he knew the man's name already. "Oh, nevermind. Would you mind pointing me to a nearby inn or similar establishment? As much as I appreciate the efforts and attention of those around me, I'd like to dry off before Jergal decides to give me pneumonia or something equally miserable. By the way, would anyone happen to know what day it is, or more preferably, what town am I in?" ================ Tak'we looked at the talisman Xallistine gave him with curiosity, then put it on without question; the tentacled one seemed very wise in the thri-kreen's eyes, so he thought it prudent to wear it, and soon went back to eating. Dri gave a strange look as Xallistine handed her an amulet of sorts. "Hey, what's this for?" she inquired, curious as to what he was giving everyone. Seeing how everyone else putting them on, though, the rogue soon followed suit. "Do either of you know what's going on?" she sent to Weyland and Sybille, wanting to know why the amulets were being handed out right now.
Tak'we was grateful to finally be back on dry land, having spent a miserable fourteen days on that spirit-forsaken boat. The potions that Conall had made him had helped greatly, but constantly being on the boat still bothered him. Not saying a word to anyone, the pink thri-kreen walked past everyone and went inside the inn his clutch was going to and immediately ordered some fruit and greens to settle his appetite. Dri looked at the bustling port with awe. Wanting to go exploring, she instead restrained herself and followed the others to the inn. Sitting down with the Greys, she ordered a little bit of food and waited for everyone else, curious as to what their next course of action would be. ===================== A middle-aged man was gathering in his catch for the day when something caught his eye: there was something dark floating in the water. Probably some piece of junk cast adrift in the storm.. Curiosity soon turned to horror as he realized that it wasn't some flotsam floating by, but a man. "By the gods!" Calling out to nearby bystanders, the fisherman and a few other men pulled the floating man out of the water, who was incredibly pale. "Is he dead?" one man asked. "I don't know... let me check..." Leaning in, the fisherman looked closely at the non-moving figure, but jumped back in fear when the man began muttering in a low voice. That terror only grew when he saw the fangs the man had as he spoke. "By the gods, he's a vampire or something!" The group of rescuers instinctively backed away from the figure, who remained unconscious and continued muttering. "...Alcinea: Born 1355; Current age: 23; Status: Chosen of Kelemvor; Number of companions lost: 7.... Weyland Grey: Born 1354; Current age: 25; Number of deaths: 1; Number of ales drunk: 1 dwarven keep... Tannin Virson: Born: 1373; Current age: unknown; Number of relationships..." =================================== Saris was fuming silently; she had been busy and finally gotten to tracking the progress of Kalin's friends, and was angered to see they had already reached Iljak, despite the magically-induced hurricane. She had tried to reach into the Doomguide's mind, but was frustrated to find that something was shielding the half-elf. They are proving to be annoyingly resourceful...too much so... she thought, and called Zuir to her side. "Zuir. Rhaine Alcinea and her companions have arrived in Iljak. There is an Ulitharid in her group." The assassin scowled at the mention of a mind-flayer. Continuing, Saris spoke on. "I need you to do whatever you can to delay them. Deal with the mind-flayer as you see fit." Smiling, Zuir disappeared from sight, and Saris went back to working on the ritual. Almost done...
Okay, I've been making a new character. I hope y'all like him:
Tak'we lagged behind the others as they boarded the boat. Accursed softskin creations! he thought angrily, before finally going on board, immediately taking a spot by the stairs leading up to the driver's spot and bracing himself for the sickness to come. Dri quickly boarded, excited to be sailing once again as she stood by the main mast and waiting to go.
Dri felt her cheeks growing hot as Sybille teased about Weyland."I, uh, I..." The girl didn't quite know what to think; she liked Weyland, sure enough, she just hadn't thought of it that way... She was unable to complete her thought, though, and turned even redder when Weyland hugged her again, before finally returning the hug. A few breathes later, she let go of Weyland and gathered her things awkwardly. "Um, I'm ready to leave when anyone else is." Tak'we, after continuing his bone-crushing hug a moment longer, released his clutchmates and went back to cleaning his joints, hissing in relief as he rid himself of the last of the salt. He looked over at the newcomer among them and gave a casual greeting, then packed his possessions as well. "Tak'we is ready to go..." he said, a sense of reluctance tinting his voice; the thri-kreen wasn't looking forward to traveling in a boat again. Spirits be good to me...
Tak'we gave a surprised look at the furry-one called Aera when she gave him some fresh rain water, then gave her a nod in thanks. "Thank you, Aera," he spoke, " thiss one iss grateful." Pulling out a rag, he began rinsing the salt from his joints. He happened to look up and see a few of the others hugging in a small group. Mother Moon, thank you for such a great sight. Feeling fiercely glad at the sight, the thri-kreen decided to get up and join in with his clutchmates, dragging Aera along and wrapping everyone in a great bear hug with his huge arms. Dri had a faint smile on her face as she watched the others hug one another. The love among them was very tangible. Seeing as she was next to Weyland and Arland, she stood between them and wrapped an arm around each brother, grinning at them as she did so. "Might as well join in, yes?" she proposed, giggling. "You guys have been pretty great, too."
*Tcktcktck...* Tak'we grumbled, obviously discontent. "If Winged Pointy-ear sayss sso..." *KRR-KAT!* "Would clutchmatess kindly get warm, clean water? " he asked as he moved his joints painfully; despite his efforts, the deep waters had still managed to dry in his joints, which were now painfully rimed with salt. "If Tak'we iss to travel in ssuch spirit-forsssakened thingss, I would like to be able to move." While he waiting, sniffling and chittering to himself, the thri-kreen listened to Ianthe sing, swaying softly and obviously enjoying her voice. He gave strange looks at his clutchmates when they seem to act strangely towards it, though, and wondered why Xallistine told her to stop. "What iss wrong? Thiss one thinkss her voice iss very nice."
Tak'we gave Rhaine a nod of respect after she spoke to him, playing one last chord as he did so. "Thank you, Rhaine," he chittered, " winged pointy-ear has a nice voice, too." He fell silent afterwards, and stared sullenly at the weather outside. Dri listened to her companions' songs, grateful for something to break the monotony of the near-constant wind and rain outside. I wish I could sing like that... she thought longingly, one hand rubbing her throat as she gave Rhaine a sad expression, before going back to looking outside. Eventually, she dug through her belongings and pulled out a small parcel, wrapped in what looked like a worn but finely made leather wrapping. Unwrapping the water-resistant cover, the girl pulled out what looked like a parchment book and a pen and ink kit, and began writing a poem in a very elaborate calligraphy. She did not get far, though, when Argyros suddenly came in, badly wounded and drenched. What happened to him? Dri thought, concerned as Rhaine healed the elf. Tak'we snapped his attention to the pointy-ear who walked in through the door, shocked to see that it was Argyros, who was in very poor shape. Pulling over a chair for Argyros to sit and rest in, the thri-kreen looked on with curiosity as the pointy-ear was tended to. What happened to you...? he thought, having noticed the smell of toasted almonds on Argyros. The warrior had seen the effects of lightning before, so he was wondering: how did he survive...? Saving the question for later, Tak'we went back to his corner and continued to watch the dismal weather outside. ================== As the sun came out, Dri took one look out the door as Ianthe ran out and was absolutely shocked at the wreckage she saw. "By the gods... how are is this even possible?" Tak'we was amazed at the destruction outside, but remained where he was, other thoughts plaguing his mind, one concerning Argyros, and the other.... *KRR-KAT!* The thri-kreen suddenly sneezed, and made a horrible sniffling, snorting sound as he tried to clear his airways. "Great... a cold..." And he was still PINK! Thinking things couldn't get any worse, Tak'we gave something between a snarl and a screech at the mere suggestion of traveling by boat again. "By Mother Moon, musst we journey in ssuch horrible creationss?"
Dri quickly weaved through the crowds of panicking people that now swarmed the streets, nimbly squeezing through and keeping up with the others. Finally making it to the Grey residence, the thoroughly soaked girl went inside sitting down in a chair shivering and trying to warm herself. "By the gods! Has it ever been like this before?" she asked of nobody in particular. Tak'we, meanwhile, was chattering angrily every thri-kreen curse he knew as he tried reach the Greys' home. *NRAK'TCK! KRAT'CHI! TAK'CHE'TCKTCK!* Stupid softskins! he thought, raging silently. This is what happens when you live near deep waters! Seeing that he wouldn't be able to easily make his way through the crowds, the thri-kreen climbed up the side of a nearby building. He reached the top quickly, but began cursing and sputtering when the gutter at the top broke away and thoroughly dowsed him in water. *NRAK'-AGH- TCKTCK!* Dangling for a moment, he finally managed to regain a grip and pulled himself up... and instantly regretted opting for the top route, as the wind and rain mercilessly began pounding him. Already committed, however, the warrior began running and jumping across the roof tops carefullly, nearly slipping once or twice to a decent fall below. Thank the spirits! Tak'we thought when he spotted the Greys' home. Wet and miserable, he walked in muttering unintelligibly about softskin stupidity and deep waters, and offering prayers to Mother Moon. He wandered to an empty corner and leaned against it, stretching so to get all of the salt water out of his joints. "My jointss are going to crust." What is that? the thri-kreen thought curiously, suddenly hearing something, albeit barely, over the howling wind. He looked around and finally saw Rhaine singing in a language he couldn't understand but still felt the comforting tone it had. Reminded of an old song, Tak'we now felt like playing his strings because of this. Pulling them out (and making sure they were dry), he fiddled with his double-scythe for a while, listening for proper positions, until finally they sounded good enough for his clutch-mother's song. Slowly, Tak'we played a calm, sobering ballad that matched surprisingly well with the winged pointy-ear's song, with a rhythm pounding softly with each thump of the scythe and a low, almost-mournful whistle. The song was meant to thank the spirits for their blessings and as a prayer for protection. Continuing to play, Tak'we silently offered his own prayer, hoping his missing clutchmates would be alright...
Tak'we gave Conall a tilt of his head. "You are clutchmate, yess?" He asked, compound eyes focused on the softskin. "Then thiss one sstandss with you. A clutch lookss after itss own, or it iss nothing." *Sss-ss-ss* "You softsskinss ssseem to have ssuch hard timess undersstanding ssuch ssimple factss." The warrior turned to look outside when thunder sounded over head, giving a chattered moan. "Pleasse not more water..." Dri gave Weyland a pat on the back and then went about helping gather wood for Sana's pyre. She kept silent while the fire consumed the body, then turned and followed everyone back to the inn when the deed was done. The girl had a smile on her face as Weyland went about expressing his love for his family, then blushed lightly when he thanked her as well. "Oh, well, um," her mind stuttered at first, "You're welcome, Weyland. You don't have to repay me at all. You're a good friend, too." Dri giggled silently. "Besides, you guys saved my life first, remember?" She looked away as thunder boomed, a concerned look forming on her face. "That doesn't sound good." ========================================== Tak'we gave a hiss as he looked out one of the windows, openly displaying his disgust. "Sstupid softskinss... living by deep waterss. Why can they not live in proper landsss?" He turned suddenly to the sound of angry scolding and saw the Greys and their friends walk in, sharing what had happened and Rhaine showing her anger very clearly at Arland and Marie. Such hatchlings... When the two continued throwing hateful glares at one another, the pink thri-kreen had decided he had had enough. Knocking over several chairs, Tak'we grabbed Marie and then Arland rather forcefully, holding them well above the ground and dangerously close to his face, where venom was dripping ominously from his mandibles. "Listen, you" *KRA'TCK'CHI!* "Tak'we hass sseen young hatchlingss behave better than you two. I have seen animalss behave better than you two!" Glaring at the two to make sure they were listening, the angry barbarian continued. "Keep acting thiss way, and Tak'we will make you go in the deep waterss! Now behave!" Giving the two softskinss a good shaking to emphasize his point, the thri-kreen dropped them unceremoniously and went back to his chair, chittering angrily as he left. Softskinss... no unity whatsoever... When Rhaine declared that they were to gather their gear and go outside moments later, Tak'we's mood only worsened. *TAK'TCK'TCK!* "Of course we have to go outside. Spiritss be good to thiss one..." With that said he left, grumbling as he went and gathered his possessions quickly and returned. "Tak'we iss ready to go." It better be dry... Dri felt like slapping Arland and Marie, throwing her own angry glaring at them. But she put aside her anger and listened as Rhaine told everyone to pack their things and go. Having all of her gear with her already, the thief simply stood and waited for everyone else to get ready. Which I hope is soon... it's not looking pretty out there... Tymora grant us favor...