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  1. I'm trying t find a good mod the adds spells from Oblivion and Morrowind into Skyrim, as well as a mod that adds touch spells that were in previous games.
  2. Is there a mod that changes the voice of the Nord player character to sound older? I have wrinkles and a beard yet I sound like an 18-year-old. I'd even be satisfied with importing the voice from Oblivion. It'd be much more suiting.
  3. Maybe as a replacement for the Dwarven armor? They're slightly similar.
  4. Reminds me of the Settler mod for Fallout 3. When you make camp/settle, a blip on the map is placed so you can fast travel instantly there. There could be a sort of "camping set" that would do the same thing, allow you to fast travel anywhere you put down the marker.
  5. I'd like this. An easy way (in my opinion) this could work is if when you get a companion, a misc. quest will appear saying Companion Location and when the companion is dismissed or dies, the quest fails, instantly informing you of your followers death.
  6. Generally, I want something like what I hear the Arcane Transmutor in RoM does: it transfers the stats of one item to another. For example, you could be able to forge Dragon armor but (in your opinion) it looks SO STUPID. What you wish you could wear is your manly iron helmet and fur armor. Well, what this mod would do is allow to transfer the defense given state from one armor piece (Daedric helmet) to another piece (Iron helmet). The details would have to be worked out of course, like whether or not heavy armor should or should not be stat-transferable to light armor or if the items weight should change as well, but I think that should be left to the modder to decide.
  7. That would be pretty cool, especially if you were trying to RP some average worker. You could pull out a dagger while a pickaxe remains at your side. Good idea!
  8. Oh hell yes! I'd love a boxing match Ulfric Stormcloak.
  9. I loved RTS. A version of it for Skyrim would be great.
  10. What do you think is the best thing to tell him for his quest? Is it better to tell him Reyda is alive(lie) or dead(truth)?
  11. Have Conjuration spells that summon the Pokemon of your choice to help you. The animation in your hand could look like a Pokeball. SUMMON DRAGONITE
  12. I feel like this thread should be in Spoilers... My woah moment was my first dragon fight. It was as if the dragon's movements synched perfectly with the music.
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