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About SteveGreenFire

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  1. I can't believe this was the problem but i actually managed to fix it. All i did was uninstall skyrim and the creation kit, reinstall skyrim,update it to v1.4, install the creation kit, and when i tried it out it worked perfectly :D Thanks for your help though :))
  2. I can't believe this was the problem but i actually managed to fix it. All i did was uninstall skyrim and the creation kit, reinstall skyrim,update it to v1.4, install the creation kit, and when i tried it out it worked perfectly :D Thanks a lot all for your help though :))
  3. I Checked the voice type and they are all correct :/ I even tried removing conditions and setting the speaker option to my npc, but still nothing. Going over everything i don't think its the voice which is the problem, cause i checked the folder and it contains all recorded voices... i think the problem is in the dialogue cause that is what is not opening ingame, so i won't be able to select the option to start my quest for example, if there is no dialogue box :/
  4. How could i check this ?? so you have to set factions ??? If i used a recorded voice for the npc, does that mean ill have to create a new faction for it ?? Sry but i just tried following tutorials and their's worked but mine didn't and im not rly used to the ck yet :/
  5. When creating an npc as a follower or questgiver etc... do you have to check a certain option to be able to talk to him/her ?? I've been trying to create followers and quest givers and i've followed tutorials fully, but when i come to talk to the npc no dialogue box would pop up, instead they would just say random preset words :/ The npc's quest is there because i've tried activating it with the console and it worked...the only problem is that the npc just wont activate his dialogue options :/
  6. I tried using the console commands to set the stages of the quest. Everything seemed fine, the log entry's worked, the stages would all show up, the questmarkers showed up for each stage, and the quest was complete. So basically the only problem is with the quest giver :/
  7. Hey guys, i just started making my own quests using the skyrim creation kit. I made my own NPC, and Quest. I set the stages and the dialogue views were ready with recorded voice and everything, but the problem is everytime I went to talk to my 'questgiver' no dialogue box would appear, she would just say random words and the quest would not start.... any ideas ???
  8. can u explain again how to register the file please cause i dnt really know how to register the file, im abit of a noob when it comes to cmd sry hehehe
  9. Thnks, im basically trying to create new armors for skyrim and dragonage, so skeletons are basically ready, but to create the armor ..... ahh thats being a pain xD Im not new to the modding world mind you, i've modded quite abit back in my days but i never got the time to make my own armor.....huh i'll follow the tutorials and we'll se from there...wish me luck :P
  10. did you follow any tutorials on how to make your own armor, just asking cause im having a bit of a crazy moment trying to figure it out XD
  11. Hey guys, anyone know if there are any tutorials ou there which teach you how to create armor and stuff ?? Im talking about torso armor, bracers, gauntlets, shoes .... you know things the player can actually wear not like swords or shields... Preferably i'd like to model on c4d but 3ds max is acceptable too :) Thnks :)
  12. Its working perfectly now, thanks to you and your tutorials :) Thanks for everything ;)
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