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I think I'm a little late to the party, but to answer your question the GotY DVD version seems to have been a Europe-only release, unless one of the "wholesale re-release" versions of the game that I've seen over here (I think the publisher is "Xploder" or something along those lines, with a blue box and Morrowind's logo) was the DVD release repackaged. I do not believe that it came with a paper map either, if I recall, and I know most of the US GotY Editions didn't ship with a map after the initial release (so if you were to find a new copy at Best Buy or something it's not likely to include the map). Unfortunate, but I think that was a way for Bethesda to save a little money since the game wasn't as popular anymore.
Liztail recently closed down his(?) website housing the New Beast Bodies mod. While the primary versions are available over at Planet Elder Scrolls, the optional patches that allowed you to use AlienSlof and Silaria's Argonian textures seem to have dropped off the face of the Earth. I'll be posting this request over at the main Bethesda forums too, but if anyone happens to know where I might be able to nab these optional patches, I'd be very thankful. I'll be looking through a few backup DVDs of mine which may have the file and, if I find it, I'll be sure to upload it on Mediafire for posterity. The main part of this mod, of course, can be obtained here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=5650&view=Mods.Detail
Thanks! I'd forgotten that one, but looking into it I remember why I omitted it before: it has issues regarding New Roads and Bridges, not to mention Unique Landscapes (and what doesn't?). I'll give it another look and see if I can't patch the landscape tearing and such if I'm impressed. Definitely looking to Dragon Captions' Fort Akatosh Redux though, I think. ;) Thanks! As for you, Harvald, I think I agree. Thanks for the requirements links. I knew there were a few but the (optional?) COBL one was new to me, so thank you too for your feedback!
A bit of a change up from the "make X item from Y [thing people like]" requests, I'd like to see a mod that gives us a burial site for the Septims and, perhaps, other significant figures throughout Tamriel's history. Bonus points if the place changes over the course of a few days after the assasinations take place, so that the bodies come in, get sealed away, etc over time. MANY bonus points for tossing in an easily looked-over plaque for Calaxes Septim, Uriel VII's *other* illegitimate child-turned-priest, somewhere around the Imperial City by some anonymous donor or another whom would care to remember that black sheep of the Septim line. Just an aesthetics\immersion mod, really, though of course there's room for a quest or two, perhaps involving thieves attempting to steal Uriel VII's (or one of his sons') body ( :ohdear: ) like US President Abraham Lincoln's body was stolen once upon a time (as ransom, to have a counterfeiter released from jail). For sake of compatibility, my figuring would be to have these tombs and monuments in a sort of catacomb, perhaps in the basement of the Imperial Palace since guards seem to indicate that visitors come often to the ground floor of the Palace (the *actual* basement could be moved down a level of course). If I had any competency whatsoever with the Construction Set, I might take this one up myself. We'll see if I find the time to learn a bit more, but kudos to the person who beats me to it. You can find a genealogy of the Septims here, for reference: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Septim_Dynasty
I'm tossing together my collection of mods- who isn't?- and I've run into a bit of an "issue." I want Legion infrastructure, to know that they're out there in droves defending Cyrodiil whether my character wants it or not. I've got my diverse guard mods (Diverse Guards and VIOLA), my patrols and my rangers, my Oblivion gate defenders, but what I don't have is (A) the ability to join the legion myself in any sense or (B) give me a headquarters for them. Naturally, these usually go hand-in-hand. I believe I've narrowed it down to Fort Akatosh Redux (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=21856) and The Imperial Legion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=40823), but after that I'm honestly having issues deciding. In terms of completeness and overall quality then- the "feel" of being a part of the legion- which of the two mods would you most recommend? I've tinkered around with both and will continue to do so, but some insight's always helpful. So, pros and cons considered, what do you all think? Thanks in advance! :ohdear: Note: would have put this in the "Mod Detectives" thread if not for having found the mods (unless there's a major legion mod you think I might be missing- I've already ruled out Fort Weye but only because I've got other Weye mods I'd like to use). I also expect a little discussion, at least.
The Imperial Geographical Society \ Weir Gate
Saeta44 replied to Saeta44's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
Wouldn't mind an altogether new "An Elder Scrolls Legend" or "Elder Scrolls Adventure" game myself, or else possibly a revamp of the mobile games (Shadowkey in particular)... which is another mod idea now that it occurs to me. Skyrim, in particular, I'm hoping at least references the events in the Dawnstar game. A discussion for another thread though, methinks. -
Just going to throw it out there as a suggestion: in Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series, Father Callahan was a once-ordained priest (he lost his faith for a while and then regained it, but that's another story) whom found his way into All World, the world setting for the "Dark Tower" series, from our own world. Recognizing the similarities between All World and Earth in terms of its people, some of its cultures, etc, Father Callahan began to teach Christianity to several of the people in the area he ultimately settled in. Catholicism, in this sense, was fairly well accepted, albeit often, as was the case with the early Church in our own world, not without some other religions being kept by the people as minor gods, something Father Callahan was still slowly working on when Roland Deschain, the main character of the books, met him in Book 4 (Roland himself does not become a Christian but he does consider Christianity to have its merits and recognizes mention of Christ as "The Man Jesus," a religion Roland encountered earlier in his story, which may indicate other Christians had found their way into All World, having only mild success in introducing Christianity into those areas). This is a reasonable approach, I think, to the introduction of an unusual religion, compared with what most of Cyrodiil would know, alongside the mainstay religion of a region, that of the Nine (or Eight) Divines. Some success, but you wouldn't see the entire region turn to the new religion easily, if barely at all. Not unlike Christianity in the Dark and Middle Ages, where it was a relatively slow process to bring Western Europe over to Christianity and Christianity's traditions, in and of themselves, were strongly influenced by the cultures and remnants of the religions in these areas (Hel, a goddess of death, is quite literally the original reference of the phrase "Go to Hel[l]," the name used for the Christian Hell up until that point being "the Abyss," Tartarus ("hell" in Greco-Roman Mythology, and thus an easy term for early Christians to use in the region), or some other minor word). The Religion of the Nine Divines, as indicated in High Rock (see the game, Daggerfall) and in the "Oblivifall: Losing My Religion" mod, is a little more complex than what we see in the unmodified Oblivion game (Christianity, past and present, is not without its finer details as well), but still. You get my point, I hope: just bear in mind that Christianity, as a new religion in Tamriel, wouldn't be the dominant religion, nor would some of its followers totally "get" it yet (i.e. some might see no problem with divorce whatsoever, assuming that their culture and the Nine Divines religion did not have an issue with this). And now I've said way too much, lol. Cool idea, in any case. It opens up the doors a bit more for role-players and also offers at least one alternative to the Nine Divines religion and worship of Tamriel's more accepted deities in general.
The Imperial Geographical Society \ Weir Gate
Saeta44 replied to Saeta44's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
I have to say that I was pretty impressed. They really had potential to tie it in with Battlespire a bit, considering the little pocket dimensions you can enter and fight bosses in, but they did very well. Great mod. Nevertheless, Archeology isn't the same as Geology and there's still potential for my mod idea alongside the awesomeness which was The Lost Spires. Another mod which lightly touches on the subject of the Battlespire (I'll kick myself if I find out it actually includes access to it but I don't believe it does) is "Integration: The Stranded Light" over at ModDB. For the lore and bestiary nuts out there, that mod follows the "Seducers and Dark Seducers are different daedra" school of thought, something which, like the Fire and Ice Demons' relationship with Fire and Ice Atronachs, has not been entirely clarified in lore yet. -
The Imperial Geographical Society \ Weir Gate
Saeta44 replied to Saeta44's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
Yes, I've been meaning to try it. Does "Lost Spires" cover the Pillar of Light and\or the Battlespire then? If a mod's already got that part covered somehow, that'd be awesome. Building an Imperial Museum for the Geological Society should be far easier than building the remnants of the Battlespire, etc. Or did you mean that LS addresses the Geological Society, or both? I'll download the mod now and give it a spin to see. Thank you! -
Tribunal What's up about tribunal manors with no access?
Saeta44 replied to Sherrid's topic in Morrowind's Lore
... well that IS interesting. Nice discovery. I haven't the foggiest idea, but someone ought to make them accessible via a mod, even if there's no interaction with them beyond that. While they're at it, they can add in the shrine below Mournhold which once held the Staff of Chaos (the main artifact featured in Arena) before Jagar Tharn stole it. He was a bard in Barenziah's service, calling himself Nightingale, so perhaps he found out about the ruins below Mournhold through her. Wow. That's going to bug me. I may end up making such a mod myself, to account for these "missing elements" in Mournhold, though it'll take a bit of learning on my part. If I do make such a mod, I'll be sure to give you credit for the find, Sherrid, as should whomever else takes up the mod if I don't. -
Alright, my third "where is it?" thread of the day (I've been compiling all of this stuff for a few weeks now and may end up making some of the mods I'm proposing here if I get any better at scripting). Here goes: The "Lost City" of Sutch gets a lot of attention because it and County Sutch showed up in early videos for Oblivion (well, they're just on the map, but still). There are a few more locations in Cyrodiil, covered in lore, which also are not present in Oblivion, though to be fair nearly all of them come from the recent novel, "The Infernal City." -Ione, a village in the Forth Era which sprung up after soldiers set up temporary buildings and barracades near an Oblivion gate during the Oblivion Crisis just after the Hero of Kvatch closed the gate near that city. Inspired by the Hero of Kvatch, Captain Ione led a small group of Legion soldiers and area farmers into the fray and, at long last, a Bosmer in that party closed the gate at the cost of his health and sanity. These barricades and temporary shelters should be a part of Oblivion now that we know about them, and perhaps you, as the Hero of Kvatch, could help to establish the town of Ione after the gate has closed (lore doesn't indicate that the player was at all involved in closing this particular gate). Should be near Pell's Gate, to the south, located near a large hill where a hunting lodge will, eventually, be built (or did the lodge already exist there, with the Oblivion Gate opening up at the Legion temporary encampment just below it?). Anyway, while the Legion camp should already be present there, the Closed Gate (and Caption Ione's absence from the camp) should occur at a set time following the closing of the Gate at Kvatch, to keep with established lore and to also make this Ione mod compatible with mods which allow you to play the game before the Oblivion Crisis begins. -The Undertow, a tavern in Anvil. -Lank Fellow Inn, a tavern in Chorrol -The Gaping Frog, a tavern in Water's Edge, near Leyawiin -The Crown's Hammer, a tavern in the Imperial City's Market District -Mir Corrup, a city in Cyrodiil supposedly famous for its hot springs. *May* have been renamed, becoming one of the cities we already know of by the time the Oblivion Crisis rolls around. See "Book Five of 2920, The Last Year of the First Era," "A Dance in the Fire," and "Palla." This city is, technically, already accounted for, if you consider the mod "Integration: the Stranded Light." Just a few things to consider. :D
While it's evident that several aspects of Arena have been smoothed over and altered by Bethesda through the years (for good reason, really, since they began to better develop lore, culture, religion, etc starting with Daggerfall), the Staff of Chaos is definitely an important part of Elder Scrolls lore which has stuck. Capable of opening up doorways into and out of Oblivion, it was put under lock and key in White Gold Tower after the events of Arena. I hadn't expected to be able to access it in Oblivion any more than I expected to find its original shrine beneath Mournhold when I played Tribunal, but I wanted to see it, even if it meant the death penalty for my player at the hands of Elite Palace Guards or other Champions of Cyrodiil. I'd like to see a mod which adds this famous staff- or at least the chambers where it was being held (if it's vanished or if it's been moved "elsewhere" for further safe-keeping)- in White Gold Tower. I should think that this mod ought to be at least somewhat compatible with "The Elder Council," but it's not a necessity. Worth noting is that there are definitely higher levels of White Gold Tower than we find in vanilla Oblivion, since there's actually an outdoor walkway about a third of a way up the tower (no railings, no doors, but the walkway's definitely a part of the model for the tower and could be made into the private quarters for the Emperor, the vault of the Staff of Chaos, etc. Someone whom is particularly ambitious might put a wearable version of the Emperor's Robes and a version of the robes we see Uriel VII wear at the end of Arena up there in the chambers too. Other Arena leftovers such as the Jewel of Fire might also be found there on display. Even better, perhaps the Staff, if stolen (not without being expelled from the Blades, losing the title of Champion, and becoming an enemy of the state), could be used to tear a hole into other realms of Oblivion via the Battlespire if that mod were made (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/411338-the-imperial-geographical-society-weir-gate). This would allow a reason for modders to create the different Daedric Prince's realms, all accessible through a metaphysical manifestation of the Wheel (that is, The Tower constellation). For all of this, it probably needs to be noted that Morian Zenas did not consider the Staff a viable means of accessing Oblivion (see "The Doors of Oblivion") since it isn't used for this purpose and isn't mentioned at all in his apprentice's account. Perhaps then it IS stolen, or he had no hope whatsoever of gaining free use of it (likely), or perhaps, somehow, it no longer functions. Modder's Resource for the Staff of Chaos: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27901 Conclusion Video from Arena, depicting the holding chamber of the Staff of Chaos, at least at that time, within the Imperial Palace (the Palace looked much different in that game, but I think the chambers could be adapted into a White Gold Tower style):
The scholar-explorers' society which penned the the Pocket Guide to the Empire and the Imperial Census of Daedra Lords is nowhere to be found in the whole of Cyrodiil. If only through the creation of a new building and a few NPCs somewhere on the edge of Lake Rumare (so as to prevent mod conflicts, hopefully), I'd like to be able to visit their offices and\or museum. I should think this ought to be involved with whatever remains of the Battlemages' college (probably the Arcane University, but not necessarily so) in "An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire," owing to the fact that they helped to create a detailed survey of the Daedric Princes, something which the battlemage college seemed to have a hand in since the Battlespire (and the Weir Gate which accessed it) existed on some level of Oblivion and allowed access into deeper levels of Oblivion. While the Battlespire is inactive now and the Weir Gate itself (which looked like a large mana well, not unlike those throughout Cyrodiil) is probably inactive as well, I don't think it out of the question that the famous Weir Gate \ Pillar of Light would be located near the Geological Society's facilities. No need for a detailed questline- though it'd be awesome if at all possible- but I'd like to see this organization and the Weir Gate the main character in Battlespire used to access the Battlespire actually created, since both are supposedly in Cyrodiil but... aren't. Also worth noting: there's a Second Edition of the Pocket Guide but we've never seen it. A slightly-altered version of the First Edition should suffice, if anyone means to add it to the Geological Society's library. For added fun, since several libraries and bookstores in my area (I live in the country) have cats, I think it might be fun to include one of the house cats from Oblivion mods as a roaming NPC somewhere around the facility. An Alfiq, one of the varieties of Khajiit we've yet to actually see (save for a description in "Mixed Tactics," we know little about them other than that they apparently look just like domestic cats save for their high degree of intelligence and magical abilities). Resources: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Imperial_Geographical_Society http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Weir_Gate (the Weir Gate, on the Battlespire's side) (at 2:15 it shows the Weir Gate facilities on Cyrodiil's side- the Pillar of Light- and shows the Frostcrag Spire-like appearance of the Battlespire's exterior... it looks sort of like a dragon, actually, which I doubt is unintentional) (shows the destruction of the Battlespire, as well as much of its architecture- note Masser and Secunda in the background)http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Doors_of_Oblivion (mentions that the Pillar of Light itself *may* work but that the Battlespire itself definitely does not). I do not blame Bethesda for forgetting to include these details in Cyrodiil, considering just how much lore they had to keep in mind with each successive game (we'll see if they remember details from the Elder Scrolls mobile games when setting up Dawnstar in the new Skyrim game for instance). Nevertheless, I should like to be able to visit these places at last.
The Khajiit and Argonian races in Oblivion look very little like they should too - unlike Morrowind where they had beast-like proportions to their legs at least. In oblivion they look like cheap "man in a suit" creatures. I'd take that as somewhat imprecise evidence - they wouldn't waste animators' time on one creature for one small quest if they couldn't even get the beast races correct... I'm not disagreeing with you, it's just the evidence has to be filtered through the time spent on some aspects of the game. To be fair, MarkinMKUK, it's speculated that we've seen a different variety of Argonian in just about every Elder Scrolls game thus far (the ones in Arena look grossly different from those in Morrowind, for instance). Like the Khajiit, there are in fact several varieties of Argonian, each variety *probably* influenced by their proximity to the Hist and the extent to which they consume their sap. See the "Tribes" section on this page for more information: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Argonian I admit, it's a bit of a cop-out, but at least there's some sort of explanation for why the Argonians look so much different in one game when compared to another game. The same can be said of Khajiiti appearance throughout the series.