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Posts posted by FlaTacFat

  1. Greetings Fellow modders!! I am Tactical_Fatty.


    This is an Idea I have had for some time and finally with the help of some friends I have mustered up the courage to post this here and ask for help. I am an artist, of sorts, so I can create the images and icons for a mod all day long. But I lack knowledge and know how to actually craft and implement this mod Idea.


    My Mod Idea is that in the world of Witcher 3 (and beyond) there are often many mentions of Master's and Grand Master's Items. Such as swords, armor, and crossbows. Each level depicting a rise in both lore based craftsman skill and game based damage overall. Some even going so far as to add in additional effects such as the Wolf armor from Blood and Wine. (Letting you apply three oils to one blade).


    However, this only seems to stop at weapons or armor. My thoughts are that in the world of The Witcher there are Masters of all kinds of schools of thought and teachings. So why are there no potions, bombs, or oils that reflect this fact? Surely someone somewhere at some point in time would have looked at a Superior Beast Oil and thought to themselves "I can make this better!" This is the Mod Idea that I wish to work with someone to implement.


    Starting off with Oils. I have designed and thought of New levels for the oils, Bombs, and potions to reach. Starting with the Normal Item, Movign to Enhanced, Superior, Master, Grand Master, then Ledendary. The varying recipe's would expand in difficutly to craft, but would be worth it given their substantial effects in time.


    For Example Beast Oils. Pictures as follows.


    Beast Oil http://i.imgur.com/kMf3LlX.png


    Each Oil Is Nearly Identical In look, to the others but as the ranks Increase the bands around each bottle change to depict the level and the numbers such as Damage % / Uses / and of course the crafting recipes Will get far more complex as they increase in level. This Idea sparked another as I learned of an item that was used in The DLC Blood and Wine. The Paint Bomb. A "bomb" that laid down a colored splat upon the surface that it hit. I thought why not do this with Oils as well?


    A bomb type that when thrown explodes out into an area coating the ground in oil. Or if it hits an enemy, it doesn't directly deal damage itself but instead increases the damage slightly from all outward damage sources. So that even a steel sword or a crossbow has an additional bit of damage that can be delivered to Magical enemies.


    Beast Oil Bomb http://i.imgur.com/01Il39e.png


    Same as the oils each bomb looks similar but as the ranks increase the tell changes to depict its level and the effects grow and change as do the complexity of the recipes each Level bomb requiring a respective level oil to craft.


    I did the same too with Potions as well.


    The Whole point of this Mod is to expand further on the Potions and Alchemy items available to us in Game. Giving us a wider range of unique methods and ways to slaughter monsters and prepare ourselves for battle. Including a few new potions and oils, and changes to Potions that I thought would make the game more accepting of harder difficulties, and more realistic gameplay.


    Stout Turtle : Hardens the Skin of the user for a brief time increasing Damage Resistance.


    Dashing Rabbit : Strengthens the leg Muscles of the user for a brief time increasing sprint speed.


    White Honey : Instead of clearing all of the Toxicity it would decrease toxicity by a set amount, the final level even offering a brief time of immunity


    Killer Whale : Instead of simply offering sight underwater and longer breath it would also at higher levels increase damage resist underwater.


    While I haven't made the images yet the additional oils I thought would change the simple way Hanged Man's Oils (I am not calling it Venom, it is an Oil, not a poison) into three distinct categories.


    Burnt Dwarven Oil : Decreases Stamina Of afflicted Targets and slows them briefly (Bombs have equal effect)


    Drowned Elven Oil : Confuses afflicted targets forcing them to attack nearby allies (much like Axii but this allows a strictly Alchemical Build to have the same effect)


    Hanged Man Oil : Afflicted Targets are susceptible to the General damage increase as per the oils original stats but with the added effect of a drop in damage dealt from enemy weapons.


    Long post I know, and I expect that ideas like this may not be generally accepted / wanted but It never hurts to reach out for help or put an idea on a board anyways. Because if there is anyone out there that wishes to help me make this mod a real thing, Please don't hesitate, I TRULY believe that this mod can make witcher 3 far more realistic, and add a wide variety of play styles to the already vast amount that we have.


    Thank you for taking the time to read my post. c: I hope you enjoyed it! (I had to take a lot of images out to make this postable so I shall make a follow-up post that has a few of the sample images for new potions and oils that I have mentioned.)

  2. Looking for a way to do some challenge runs through the witcher 3. One being a Silver sword only run and the other being a steel sword only run. One of the problems im having trouble figuring out, is how do I get it to where the oils can be applied to both the steel and silver swords, much like the beast oils can? I wanna be able to apply the monster oils to the steel swords, as well as being able to apply Hanged man's Venom to the silver sword as well.


    This is purely for my own entertainment but I would very much like to give a steel / silver sword only run a whirl, see if it might ramp up the difficulty to 11.


    Any help in getting this down would be rightly and greatly appreciated.


    Also, it bugs me that hanged mans venom is called a venom, is there a way to change it to hanged mans Oil? I cant be the only one that is bugged by the inconsistency. Thanks much in advance.





    ATTACK : 15

    WEIGHT : 3.5

    BASE VALUE : 95


    It is well known that the Orcs of Skyrim favor combat as much if not more than the Native Nords. And it was without much surprise that a man wishing to be an Orsimer Anthropologist claimed that an orc knocked all of his teeth out with a single blow to the jaw with the Orcish Knuckles. It is merely up to conjecture for the man speaking could barely be understood. Upon hearing this news a Guard in whiterun set out to find one for himself saying "he has a Pretentious Avenicci to sock."






    ATTACK : 15

    WEIGHT : 3.5

    BASE VALUE : 95


    Found on the Island of Solstheim the Native Skaal Metal Shaper was a master at making weapons from the often hard to work with Quicksilver. Upon interview with our inquires he was flabbergasted and upset ranting and raving claiming that the all maker was giving him a hard time. When asked what he was ranting about he furiously produced forth his knuckled craft showing disdain for the curved piece of metal. It was found out that no matter how many countless time he would attempt it the severe coldness of Solstheim would warp and bend the metal into a prominent curve.


    When asked to test them out the Smith found that the curve not only gave the weapon strength but had a comfortable feel in the hand. His anger quickly turned to elation when he realized that so many attempts left him with an Ample supply of knuckles to sell. So elated was he, he gave everyone within the Skaal village one, and even sent a crate to Raven rock. Word is Glover Mallory himself was inspired and began working on his own version of a unique knuckle himself.






    ATTACK : 16

    WEIGHT : 4

    BASE VALUE : 215


    Though simplistic in design the Ebony Knuckles boast some of the most streamlined features or the knuckles set, giving both conceal ability and stealth a boost, while packing a more considerable punch than the simple iron and steel Knuckles. Also adorned in some of the finest ornate workings the Ebony Knuckles have found favor across many of the, Darker sides of Skyrim.


    Skooma house workers and women of the night have been heard saying they wouldn't be caught dead without a pair of these knuckles stashed "Close by". Not to forget mentioning a Particular Ebony warrior also added that he had pondered on the thought of challenging a Dragon with just one of these knuckles and reports, he did indeed succeed in felling the beast.





    ATTACK : 10

    WEIGHT : 2.5

    BASE VALUE : 6


    The Texture of the Iron Knuckles is basically that of the iron armor, it keep with the armor based design theme I have been going for. Cost for creation is 2 Iron Ingots, no leather contrary to what the picture says.


    Pros : Simple easy to make and acquire. Can be remelted into Iron Ingots.

    Cons : Cheaper than daggers, and found everywhere on bandits.


    Found Mostly on Bandits as said already these Iron knuckles also can be found on most stormcloak soldiers given their tendency to carry only iron weapons to begin with. This factors in as well with the lore that the rebellion isn't as well funded as the Empire so their weapons are of a lesser, but more abundant quality.


    Still debating on whether the knuckles should simply disappear as if slipped into a pocket or hang on the side of the armor on a clasp or hook that holds them sheathed.






    ATTACK : 12

    WEIGHT : 3

    BASE VALUE : 35


    The texture of the Steel knuckles is that of the steel armor, again to match and maintain the aspect lore I am going for.

    Given that steel is rather heavy in a solid block such as this, the steel knuckles have been skeletonised, I.E have had sections taken out to reduce weight and materials cost, without deducting from the solid impacting framework of the steel.

    Being made of steel I have been debating with myself whether to have in Lore Regular steel and Plate steel variants, simply because the steel armor has those same variants.


    Of Solid construction, the Guards of Solitude as well as the soldiers have taking a liking to the Steel knuckles. Affectionately attributing the escape from some hairy situations with their use. As well as the ease in subduing a rowdy tavern patron who refused to comply to the Jarls order. The Soldier, as well are often found carrying one of these on their persons, relatively light weight and versatile, one soldier is quoted with saying


    "I caved in a Draugr's head with me Knuckles! Did so while some Milk Drinker was lollygagging with Legate Rikke, looking for some Crown!" And we have been told the soldier lovingly kissed his knuckles after his brief rant.






    ATTACK : 13

    WEIGHT : 4

    BASE VALUE : 55


    Many depictions have been sighted of the Dwemer standing proudly above others, some grand and marvelous. Others vile and repulsive. But one factor has always been constant. The so called "Iron Handed" Dwemer, who would smack down his enemies with his bare hands is seen all over Skyrim. Many believe it is due to their Drawven strength, others believe magic, But in recent times the discovery of an ancient Dwemer armory has revealed the truth behind their handed prowess, Solid bricks of Ornate Dwemer metal adorned the previous Armory owners skeleton his finger slipped into the metal blocks holes. It is now believed that with these Drawven Knuckles the Dwemer were indeed able to secure their reign before vanishing.


    Their design is much like that of the Dwemer, very lavish and wafting of a Person In Management Position status. Much though to the dismay of the bandit whom "Stumbled" Across the armory the knuckles were not solid bricks of gold, But instead Strong, reliable and indeed heavy blunt weapons used by the Dwemer to subjugate their follower's.



  5. Greetings fellow modders and such, I am Florida's Tactical Fatty, or simply Fatty for short. I have an Idea For a rather large mod of DLC Like proportions, But I'm wanting to start small, take chunks of it out of the way and whittle it down bit by bit. But alas Fatty is by no means a modder. And believe me I have tried countless hours with 3D software and rendering and all sorts of mapping and exporting but I simply do not have the talent for it. What I do have however is a particular set of skills that fall under the category of (Amateur) Artist and Author. Which means I am requiring the help of people who know how to bring the ideas in my brain to realization. So My proposition is In Skyrim, is lacking a rather large amount of hand weapons, And I'm Not talking swords and daggers, I'm talking weapons that fit into the hand that are rarely bigger than a short sword and are more suited to the fast paced hand to hand.


    Long story short, In Skyrim many warriors, soldiers, guards, thieves and brigands have their trusty weapons. The ones they rely upon time and time again to get them out of a sticky situation. Often times these weapons are wielded about in a fashion that could be deemed uncaring, and as many accidents do happen.


    So what happens if the adventuring warrior or plundering thief is suddenly impacted by a Draugr's shout, or a mages spell and he finds himself lost of his trusty weapon?! Why he turns to the trusty back up, slipping his hand into his pocket and gripping tight the holes on his knuckles like shiny beat down rings! Then able to turn the tides and beat the enemy whom disarmed them, or merely as a life saver to deal a distracting blow to let their Main weapon be retrieved to continue fighting on fair ground!


    But, why stop there I ask? Think of the common place hold Guard, an unassuming male or female wondering the city at night protecting its citizens as they slumber, is suddenly ambushed, No time to draw their sword before the would be attacker is upon them! Again we see the guard relies upon their trusty back up The knuckles to easily subdue the attacker and haul them off to face their due justice!


    Let it be known that; be you Mage, warrior or thief, You wouldn't be caught dead without your trusty back up weapon! otherwise you may yourself end up dead to boot!



    Knuckles/Dusters : These weapons are highly concealable and factor into the Blunt Weapons category of hand weapons. Easy and cheap to make, no bandit or thief would be caught without a pair of these hidden somewhere on their person when enemies
    come close a calling. That is not to say that Hold Guards and Soldiers would be caught without this trusty backup.


    Katars : These peculiar looking weapons hail from regions far away and were often the go to close quarters weapons when Rajput; In skyrims case the Khajit warriors needed to ensure that a victory over an enemy was both swift and decisive. The Features of the Katar, give it play in both the slashing and piercing category. The latter being the focus here.


    Chakrams : This weapon type is one of if not the strangest weapon known to existence in the realm of hand weapons, for they are both a hand weapon (When the hand is safely protected) But also a throwing weapon if the user is well trained in switching applications on the fly, a feature that is not mandatory but would be cool. The main focus of the chakram would be its immense slicing surface area to render enemies asunder into ribbons.




    Bladed Gauntlets : AKA Arm blades, No not the assassins creed ones. These odd looking and perhaps cumbersome weapons are worn around the wrist or attached to the gauntlet of said warriors. Mostly wielded by archers these weapons ensured a quick back up plan should an enemy cover the distance too quickly and would not leave the archer exposed. Due to their positioning, these weapons could be quite useful while upon horse back, allowing soldiers to attack enemies while maintaining control of said steed.


    Yes, I know I know, My hand drawings are not the best out there, but I think they suffice enough to get my point across. And believe me when I say I am an Amateur, you will see more of that later. While I do wish to go into more detail about each individual weapon type, This particular post is as I said previously; for starting in small steps.


    So step one is specifically focused on the Knuckles / Dusters mentioned above. I Think Skyrim severely needs knuckles, I mean there is even a man in the rat-way who uses enchanted fur gloves to try and punch you to death (More on him later) So I think that given the Nordic bravado of I will beat a bear with my fists being so prominent in Skyrim, that there would be a plethora of people who use this type of weapon.


    Now as I mentioned previously I am not a Modder, But I do have some skills I can bring to the table to help round out other aspects of a team. Here is what I propose specifically for the knuckles category. It is going to be a broad base of knuckles spanning the just as broad realm of materials in Skyrim. I have a list of 18 different types of knuckles (12 are for certain and six are questionable) and they are as follows. IF Their is not an Image with the associated type, I have not drawn up the concept of it and I will get to that As soon as possible.











    Dragon Bone


    Glass / Malachite

    Dragon Scale?

    Leather / Studded?

    Chitin / Falmer?



    Silver? ( These are less questionable than the others simply because they have a lot of roles that they fit into, Dawnguard, silver hand, vigilants. It may be beneficial to use the same model as the Iron as a placeholder, but I will most likely do this as my next concept after the Primary materials are finished.


    Well it came to my attention as I was finishing this post that I used up too many image slots and cannot post what I have, so What I shall do is make some responses, and keep those for use later. Since the total knuckles listed so far equals 18 I shall divide them however I can, to both minimize the strain on eyes from reading, and focus more on the specific details of each one rather than the small tidbits here.


    I Sincerely hope this isn't too long as a start post and I hope that step one of the idea I have (Affectionately referred to by me as Project WeapCom) is something people will be willing to help me accomplish. Any questions please feel free to ask and I will happily reply as soon as I possibly can. Thanks much!! :D

  6. If you play through the Dragon Born DLC Their is an Upgrade option that you obtain (A Power) That prevents y our attacks spells and shouts from hurting allied NPC's, its a cool feature to have if you are follower oriented as I am, but before that I simply gave the best armor and potions I had to my allies, plus you can also use console commands to make the person in question essential, which means they cannot be killed.

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