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Everything posted by KnightofDovah

  1. I find SSE very lacking with mods especially when it comes to textures. but i still need it over oldrim as it performs much better. can someone tell me, what mods i can use with SSE from oldrim site, without severe conversion work? i am ok with using SSE nif optimizer and such though.
  2. I extracted all the textures from the bsa's, and now I want to make armor and weapon and clothing retextures for myself. any advice on what to do? like what programs i should use, to extract in dxt5 or dxt1, etc
  3. I was using outdated version LOL but now when i do it it says unhandled exception and crashes everytime...
  4. thanks for the instructions but i seem to be unable to drag files onto it....
  5. If you are like me and your computer isn't powerful enough to run Fallout 4 at 1080p 60fps, then you will probably be interested in this information. I got Fallout 4, at fullscreen, with 720p, with NO black borders/desktop window form(borderless window works with it) Here's what you do: Change resolution to 1360x768 Go to launcher settings and set it to 1280x720 or just change the INI Play game it will be 720p and fullscreen but with a very small barely noticable cut of the bottom of the screen(at main menu it cuts the bottom of the y off LOL) But this is a nice trick for those with less powerful PC's
  6. some of these I doubt can be made currently until Fallout 4 creation kit but here they are Alternate Start, when game begins a prompt shows up asking if you would like to start in pre-war 2077, or as a wastelander, or if you want to make it extra complex, many options for starting. If you don't start pre war then the main quest is disabled. Restoration of classic gameplay mechanics of past Fallout games, I personally would not get this mod unless it was modular and allowed choosing specific individual choices instead of one complete restoration. But many others would appreciate this since they think F4 is too streamlined Different variants of power armor, you can still use the big fat mecha armor if you like, but there is also now classic inventory power armor as well, if you'd like to be more maneuverable. These can be modified at workbenches Stealth suit mod Laser retexture mod, for those who don't like the current red lasers Changing of the Glowing Sea's radiation mist color, instead of orange some may want the glowing sea to have green mist instead Hardcore Deathclaws, deathclaws cannot be fought at level 5 without power armor anymore, need to be level 50 at least and have all the best weapons and armor. I personally wouldn't like it, but for those who would they'd be happy to have classic hardcore deathclaws Removal of radscorpions, since scorpions are not native to Massachusetts. New endings for the game New factions Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts Enclave remnants in the Commonwealth New DLC sized mod expansions New Player Voice Options and those are all I can currently think of.
  7. I googled about this and got no results, so can someone please help me with this I even uninstalled and reinstalled LOOT and deleted all my load order information it previously had, and deleted the mod that caused it
  8. I created a texture mod for myself and tried to load it in Skyrim but now it won't let me load New Game when it is checked. I turned it off in Load Order, started new game, saved(in Live Another Life prison cell), exited game, then rechecked texture, but I have a feeling it won't work out. Does anyone know what might be wrong with my mod? I made sure it didn't overwrite files from other mods.
  9. I recently got a new gaming PC with the Nvidia GTX 960M card, (the drivers ARE updated), and I thought i'd play Fallout 3 with ENB and mods. Well, that turned out terribly. For one thing with FCO(fallout character overhaul) my character's face is invisible, but so are everyone else's(and with that mod only player gets improved face textures) also sometimes there is water or swamp textures, just a huge 2 dimensional flat huge square of water, In Megaton there was that and in the wasteland there was invisible ground textures at certain angle exposing the flat swamps, I tried to upload screenshots to show it but apparently files are too big. is it because my ENB dll is version 0.267 instead of 0.263 like the mod says it requires(BUT 263 ISNT AVAILABLE ON ENBDEV SITE ANYMORE!) can someone please help me with this enb of the apocalypse is beautiful and I hate to not be able to use it because of these bugs
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