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  1. Really the only reason I made Better Settlers was to be able to put in all the cool outfits people in the community have made and make them show up on my Settlers. Outfit studio is a big driver behind that. Great work and thank you sir.
  2. In response to post #46516345. #46516590, #46517050, #46517285, #46522555 are all replies on the same post. I have to say that the original JSawyer mod is the only one I MUST have in every game. It was the best and most balanced "hardcore" mod out there, and actually made the game challenging. Well worth it.
  3. FYI - I figured this out. As you guys said - it was blocked tags. Thank you for the help! But, I have a suggestion in relation to that: The tags blocking me were "PS4 available" and "XBone Version Available." Both of those were selected as blocked tags. I now recall that mine disappeared the day I uploaded the XBox version to Beth.net and clicked the corresponding radio button here on the Nexus saying that a version was available. HOWEVER - I NEVER selected to block the XBox or PS4 tags - it must have done it automatically when I clicked the radio button? So its default is to block those files. I would respectfully request that the default is to NOT block those files, and make users select it manually. Otherwise people are going to miss out on mods. It had also blocked Azar's Ponytail Hairstyles and one other. I had no desire to block those files and a new player coming here might miss out on a number. Now I have no idea if those tags are only defaulted for for modders that click that radio button, or if it is defaulted for everyone. Regardless I thought it peculiar behavior that was worth pointing out. Let me know if you need any further info. Thanks again.
  4. I see a number of posts related to the lack of email issue. I am having the same problem regarding getting a password reset email. I am neither from Brazil (US) or on a spotty ISP (Comcast). I've been a member here for years and a premium member for a year or so. I receive other emails from the site when I get a PM. There are many other posts related to similar issues. Respectfully, I believe there may be an issue with the validation/password reset email system. It might be worth looking into.
  5. Thank you. Clearing my cache fixed it (also was blocking azars ponytail hairstyles and a few others strangely.). I wasn't blocking any tags that I could see... But now I have a new problem - it wiped my password, and I cant get password reset or account validation emails... No spam or junk or domain blocking issues in my email. Would live some help with that too.
  6. Me too nitesoul. Same issue still.
  7. I am having the exact same issue with this account. I also tried to create a new account and didn't get the registration email either. They are not in spam folders. Cant reset password for this account and cant verify a new one. I'm a premium member and mod author and would like to get this fixed so I can keep mod updated
  8. Rebooted and it still doesnt show up. I wonder if I accidentally banned myself from seeing my own file? I can search for it by name, and navigate directly to it with a bookmark, but it otherwise wont show up. It should be in the NPC catagory and doesnt show, nor does it show in any of the top lists. Craziness. I guess I can wait a few days to see if it fixes itself, but if you have other ideas, Id love to hear them. Thanks again!
  9. strange. It doesnt show up for me, nor when I search the NPC section, etc. I suppose it could be a cache problem with my browser? Doesnt show up on firefox either for me. Strange. Sorry to have bothered you. Ill reboot and see if that fixes it.
  10. Now I notice its like they were removed from the Nexus completely... I can see it, but it doest show up with searches. Im afraid my mod or account got hacked?
  11. My file (Better Settlers) hit an endorsement milestone and I went to check it on FO4 "top" lists. Its typically around #19-22 depending on which one you check. It doesnt show up in any of them anymore. Like it was hidden or something? Not sure what is going on if it was intentional or if it was accidentally hidden or what. Any clue what is going on? If I have done something wrong, Id like to fix it. Thanks in advance.
  12. FYI now a mod out that fixes this. Download the mod "County Crossing Crash Fix". That should do it.
  13. I've never used any of them, but I'm pretty sure it is widely accepted that removing SSEX and/or Homemaker will ruin saves much of the time.
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