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Everything posted by Loveriot

  1. when i subscribe to the mod, and start the launcher I get "failed to extract plugin file from ckm" if I look in the data files it shows the plugin as there but it does not work.
  2. how do you make the objects, in blender? if so does it matter if there solid all the way through?
  3. thanks man I love building cells and scripting just not to motivated to do the tedious furnishing, now i can have my friend do that
  4. it seems to refuse to stay check marked
  5. As you may know from my many question im quite new to the modding world, and now i ask how would you go about having ore than one person working on the same file, right now im build levels/scripts/activators and i have someone else i would like to come in behind me and do the decorationg. s it possable for us to work at the same time then merge together our progress, or can i only map the lvls then send it to my partner and wait for them to do there part and send it back?
  6. im trying to make my radio station only playable through radios
  7. Say I wanted a station to work through radios and not the pip-boy how would I go about it, simply clicking the talk activator and checking non-pip boy in the baseobject didn't do it for me
  8. I solved my issue with this Dll file mod http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34778
  9. the title says it all everywhere i go npcs a floating and not moving there legs, some npcs heads twist when i try to talk to them. plz for the love of god help
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