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About Gisla

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  1. Looked into Cait's outfit and the bandolier is pretty tedious. Retexturing it to any specific color would require singling out each hole in one way or another. The easiest retexture would just be turning the saturation down completely and making it black and white. Outfit is basically just too much work and it wasn't my first choice to begin with. Likely won't touch Cait's outfit until meshes can be edited to remove the boots and buckle. This person did a black and white retexture: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1425/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D1425%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  2. Took a look at Cait's Bandolier with Kellog's outfit, not sure if the male version of the two meshes better but there's some serious clipping issues with the two. I'll keep in touch with you about the retexture I'm doing for the bandolier but I'm going to have to pass on retexturing the bandolier to match Kellog's if they're clipping that badly together.
  3. I'm about to do a texture of her outfit. I'll look into Kellog's outfit colors once I break up all the parts of Cait's gear. Additionally, Cait's bandolier is actually on the same DDS as her outfit, which is why you couldn't find it. I'll see about making a retexture that only changes her bandolier.
  4. So I tried some different settings for the ones above, the AddY setting is the only thing I can find that fixes the drastic zoom in 3rd person that shoves 3rd person in front of the character. The issue is that the camera is now too far back to properly loot anything, especially off the ground. If the AddY setting is any closer than -55, the head starts blocking the view. I really have no idea what to do about this, I tried a bunch of different settings and even messed with with my FOV. Unless there's a specific ini fix to change the zoom-in distance, 3rd person zoom won't work well with an over the head 3rd person centered camera option.
  5. Alright, so on to the next issue. When using the settings Keegars provided, the combat camera sits at the back of the neck and obstructs 3rd person aiming. Additionally, when you zoom in you get shoved into 1st person. Here are my ini setting changes to make the camera how I've had it in most every other Bethesda game. These settings are /rough/ and I'm sure there's a way to just change a few to get the same results but this works for me until a proper mod comes out or something. My FOV setting is also at 90.0000, you can change that using http://www.pcgamer.com/how-to-tweak-fallout-4s-hidden-graphics-options/ I also adjusted CombatPosX=10.0000 to center the camera over the weapon when drawn. The missing lines that were causing the 1st person zoom effect in 3rd person were f3rdPersonAimDist=## f3rdPersonAimFOV=## and I pulled my CombatAddY=-100.0000 to keep the camera from jumping into the head. Like I said, sure there's a more concise way to adjust the camera but this works for me. [Camera]fOverShoulderMeleeCombatAddY=0.0000fOverShoulderMeleeCombatPosZ=25.0000fOverShoulderMeleeCombatPosX=0.0000fOverShoulderCombatAddY=-100.0000fOverShoulderCombatPosZ=25.0000fOverShoulderCombatPosX=10.0000fOverShoulderPosZ=25.0000fOverShoulderPosX=0.0000f3rdPersonAimDist=100.0000f3rdPersonAimFOV=50.0000bApplyCameraNodeAnimations=0 Also, not sure if it matters but I think these settings need to be included in both your Fallout4 and Fallout4Pref ini files. That may be an obvious statement but I'm not a modder, added these settings to both of those ini files and it works.
  6. Indeed, what a breakthrough. Glad someone figured out what tedious setting was screwing everything up. Much appreciated.
  7. Just used the BAE to extract some files for the cameras, looked over the various meshes just to see what kind of wording the game is using. Tried some of the obvious ones like fBasicOverShoulder and fOverShoulderBasic, but no luck. Tried a variety of different lines but none of them did anything. At least we have an extractor, hopefully someone who knows something about modding will tackle this soon.
  8. I messed around with some others like fOvershoulderAddX and fOvershoulderAddZ but they didn't seem to do anything. In Skyrim the fOvershoulderPos... and fOvershoulderCombatPos... lines work on a typical X, Y, Z axis. There's some kind of issue with the game's new wording, the "fOvershoulderPos" and "fOvershoulderCombatPos" lines rotate instead of slide, and fOvershoulderCombatAdd only seems to function with Y. Not sure what the new lines are or if they even exist. This may just be something that has to get modded. I've bit the bullet and have just been playing in 1st person (Thought I hate it), and cherishing the conversations when I get to see myself. I'm sure it has something to do with the game's new use of the camera, I notice that in Power Armor (not sure if it's the same out of power armor) that Deathclaws will grapple with you and makes the 1st person camera tilt and such (not sure with 3rd person when it happens, was too busy not getting killed to check). It could also be something to do with the conversation camera angles, repositioning the camera while talking. I'd imagine there's a line for it like "fOvershoulderIdlePos" or some such, but since all the Bethesda games have been pretty uniform it's something a BSA extractor will need to locate I'd guess.
  9. Ya, with all the new changes to the game's setup I feel like this is a bit of an oversight. Hell, they've /almost/ included Bullet Time into the game now that mobs move during VATS and it costs no AP to just loiter while your percentage creeps up. Seems like they've added some fancy new bells and whistles, just wish they'd considered some options with the camera and keybinds. Also, my poking around with the ini didn't reveal anything else. Neither FO3 or FNV used ini edits for the camera, know we have some skyrim info so I may go mess around with those there to see.
  10. Well the only file that needs to be adjusted is the Fallout 4.ini main file. I messed around with these settings yesterday on Fallout 4 and discovered that they don't slide the camera, they swing it. AddY determines forward and back position in a sliding mannerPosX rotates the camera around the player horizontallyPosZ tilts the camera around the player verticallyThe game may have some new settings that need to be adjusted, if that's the case than it should be a simple ini tweak. Otherwise, it'll have to be modded. I'm going to poke around as much as I can, I'm not really a modder but I'm pretty desperate to get this one.
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