it's very bethesda. quests forced upon you just for being within loud sigh distance wanting to sell the stuff overflowing your pockets is hampered by the vendor delivering their thesis on the city's socio economic problems the ONE vendor that actually wanted to buy/sell was hampered by my own character demanding more options as 200 weight units of garbage fell from my pockets the trade authority, an authority on trade, has 11,000 credits of money on hand....a single spacesuit is worth about 9-11,000 credits. the trade authority needs at least one extra zero in it's branch accounts i got abducted for the high crime of possessing two units of a narcotic by the system authorities whereupon they demanded i go undercover as a space pirate to destroy the space pirates from within. i sensibly refused went to prison for a week and was branded an enemy of the authorities who abducted me and had the quest to join the space pirates forced onto me. i got the drugs by hunting down pirates. my concern was that i'd rather shoot the pirates in the face than the back. typical bethesda "choice" of join the crimson fleet OR join the crimson fleet. obviously i reloaded and ejected the drugs into space so i could hunt the crimson fleet for fun their writing staff continue to not understand how humans work. in most conversations i'm presented with 3-5 conversation options that have absolutely no appeal to my character at all. what's worse is that in many of those cases only one of the options actually moves the conversation forwards with you being forced to use more than one of them to achieve that goal. more often than not you have to say 2-4 of the zero options you wanted to select from to make any further progress in the conversation. not even leaving the conversation works. lastly this game is fallout:starfield, it has the same writing, the same comic supervillain megacorporations, the same combat feel, the same companion AI, the same legendary weapon perks, a new lockpick and hacking game. you could argue that there's space now, fallout 3 had space too, space is just a slightly animated fast travel system