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About tansyuduri

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  1. Ok, but what about in combat. I need that bad.
  2. Sigh It has about half the stuff I need. I should just ask the maker of that mod how the heck he did what he did
  3. I'm working on a project. I can't tell the details at the moment but there are several items (weapons, wearables, and placeables) That I need to be able to use in Origins. Just getting them to the toolset would be fine. Anyone who makes any of these will receive credit! Desdemona's Blade/Raider Sword Arlathan Replica Bow The Magister's Scythe Vestments of the Mystic Cap of the Antivan King Sandals of the Mystic The Ponderer Robes of the Pretender Arm of Adruil Blade of Mercy (Fenris) Fade's Fury Undeclared Orlesian Longbow Apostate's Courage http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130330232111/dragonage/images/5/59/Apostate%27s_Courage1.png The Archmage's Conduit Freedom's Promise http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130225231015/dragonage/images/1/12/Freedom%27s_Promise.png The Staff of Parthalan http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120820053234/dragonage/images/thumb/f/fc/DA2_Staff_of_Parthalan_%28unlockable_fire_staff%29.jpg/270px-DA2_Staff_of_Parthalan_%28unlockable_fire_staff%29.jpg Raiments of the Dalish Pariah http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110318014309/dragonage/images/thumb/0/07/DAMerrilarmor.jpg/250px-DAMerrilarmor.jpg Brink-Boaster http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120911061228/dragonage/images/thumb/9/94/DA2_Brink-Boaster_-_metal_shield_-_act_2.jpg/270px-DA2_Brink-Boaster_-_metal_shield_-_act_2.jpg Courage http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120707210751/dragonage/images/thumb/6/6a/Courage_%28Dragon_Age_II%29.jpg/270px-Courage_%28Dragon_Age_II%29.jpg Warstopper http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111024104630/dragonage/images/thumb/3/35/Warstopper.jpg/270px-Warstopper.jpg Quickflight http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130314202639/dragonage/images/c/ca/Quickflight.png Free-Sign Hood The Black Sheep's Visor Cap of Kings I'll edit tommaroiw
  4. I can write, I'd like to know a bit more about what you have in mind however.
  5. I'm getting peeved. I instaled the 3-max extention and it it so freaking complex that I can't even figure out how to instal it. So then I go to the blender plug-in and since I have 2.5 of python it won't work. the work around won't tell me how to load it's files, oh and guess what It can't work with DAII. There has to be a program that works! I've seen evidence of it! It just seems everyone who has done this type of work has vanished.... URGH!
  6. SO I started modding but whenever I go to create something new that needs to be viewed the screen is so dark I can barely see what I am doing. With level designing I can not see what I am doing at all! There has to be a way to light things up because I cannot believe people designed the game in pitch blackness. The question is... what is it?
  7. A playable Golden Saint and Dark Seducer race mod is something I very much need for a character story I'm working on. One thing though, I need a mod that is as lore loyal as possible. I also understand that it might be a rather complex mod to make so I did a lot of thinking about ways to make it easier. Additionally I did some calculations about ways to make the races work in the Skyrim system while keeping true to what they where in Oblivion. Study the Saints and Seducers face shapes in Oblivion - If they seem to be close to one race in particular make sure that is the case when transferring them to Skyrim And if they have certain face proportions unique to their race that's a tool you can use when making them for Skyrim. There is nothing that says you have to do everything anew - if you can you could even use the same textures and for weapons and armor meshes to some degree. If not directly you could mimic them. Let the weapons and armor level up - This was done in Oblivion to assure that the Saints and Seducers always had viable weapons and armor compared to the player. Even if a Saint or Seducer dropped their weapon it would be at the player’s level. I remember a lovely mod for Oblivion that dealt with it by having a chest with the Armor and Weapons that you could take them from, when the player leveled up enough for the next quality level the chest would add another full set to itself this time set to the new level. I've been doing some research myself There are voice files of Golden Saints and Dark Seducers in combat for the grunting and other sounds the player character makes in Skyrim. For the shouts I could see two possibilities, either use the shouting files from a race already in Skyrim, Or paste a link to the voice files of actual Saints and Seducers talking for people to hear, see if there is someone with a similar voice willing to record for the mod. Sheezy Art has a voice acting group I'm sure Deviant Art does too. Who knows there could be sites out there for people willing to do free voice acting for mods. The racial abilities and skills would need a bit of tweaking due to some magic effects and skills being removed for Skyrim. Here are my Suggestions: Golden Saints Racial Abilities In Oblivion one of their racial abilities is constant Spell Reflection 15%. In Skyrim Spell reflection is no longer used by the game. Instead I'd Suggest 15% Spell Absorption or Magic Resistance (magic resistance is weaker then spell reflection but spell absorption is the dark seducers racial ability) They also have a 50% weakness to poison, but seeing how all races in Skyrim lost the weaknesses they had from previous games it’d probably be better to leave that out or make it a much smaller amount Racial Power In Oblivion Saints had a racial power to disintegrate a weapon 100 pts. This effect no longer exists in Skyrim. But if you look at what it was intended to do, give the saint an advantage in combat and the enemy a weakness, and also take note that is would have no effect on a mage, a way to replicate that quite well works within Skyrim’s magic system. Absorb Stamina 100pts. The use of power attacks in Skyrim has made stamina a big deal so the effect this replacement has in battle mimics the original. Starting Skills If it is impossible to actually set the default disposition to -1 while all other races have it at 0 subtracting 10 from speech would be a good way to mimic the low personality of Saints in Oblivion +10 to blade and heavy armor would translate to +10 to one handed and heavy armor. Keep the +5 to alternation destruction and block. Then replace the +5 to athletics and blunt with +5 to two handed and restoration (the restoration comes from the fact that both golden saint classes from Oblivion had this as a major skill) Starting Spells Healing and Sparks Dark Seducers Racial Abilities Dark seducers have a 15% constant spell absorption in Oblivion, well no biggy there keep it as their racial ability. Like saints had a 50% weakness to poison seducers have a 50% weakness to frost, as with the saints I’d advise ditching or lowering that. Racial Power The seducer’s power is a lesser power: absorb health 1pt for 60 seconds on touch. This could easily be transferred to Skyrim. Starting Skills Do the same thing with disposition or speech done with the saints The +10 to light armor and marksmen can be kept, as can the +5 to alteration block and sneak. The +5 to blunt can be translated to +5 to one handed (as all the blunt weapons used by the seducers are one handed) once again a +5 to restoration can replace the +5 to athletics for the same reason it does with the saints. Starting spells Healing and Oakflesh I'm going to be doing some research into names for the different quality gear. One last thing... Um if you do use my ideas and calculations is it too much to ask if I could be credited? I'm not sure how that sort of thing works here but I really put a good deal of thought and time into this.
  8. I was just about to propose this actually. A playable Golden Saint and Dark Seducer race mod is something I very much need for a character story I'm working on. One thing though, I need a mod that is as lore loyal as possible and for that I have a few suggestions. Study the Saints and Seducers face shapes in Oblivion - If they seem to be close to one race in particular make sure that is the case when transferring them to Skyrim And if they have certain face proportions unique to their races thats a tool you can use when making them for Skyrim There is nothing that says you have to do everything anew - if you can you could even use the same textures and for weapons and armor meshes to some degree. If not directly to mimic. Make their Stats as close to those in oblivion as possible - Alright so we lost attributes but the skills are still there to get a bonus! Let the weapons and armor level up - This was done in oblivion to assure that the Saints and Seducers always had viable weapons and armor compared to the player. Even if a Saint or Seducer dropped their weapon it would be at the players level. I remember a lovely mod for Oblivion that dealt with it by having a chest with the Armor and weapons that you could take them from, when the player leveled up enough for the next quality level the chest would add another full set to itself this time set to the new level.
  9. can we have them be seperate catagories?
  10. A character pose resource would be interesting Also Threki the Innocent from the Riften jail should be marriageable
  11. have you tried a diferant play style?
  12. Yeah that would be pretty cool! Although it would suck for Mustang if it ever rains lol.
  13. I always wanted to make a FMA/Elder scrolls cross over

    "Who are you calling so small he doesn't even have to use and invisabilty spell when sneaking on Red Mountin because he's so tiny he falls into the cracks in the dried lava flows and nobody can see him!!!"

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