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  1. Can confirm that DEF_UI was the culprit with me aswell. I uninstalled that mod and now everything is fine.
  2. So I got this strange issue now. I have a lot of different mods. All of them has been working nicely together before, but now the game wont load any mods? I tried to load my savefile but it says that the savefile relies on files that are no longer there etc. So I load it up anyway. No mods there. I've double checked the .ini files to see if the correct settings are there, and yes they are, but they still wont load. Tried loading a different savefile, but still nothing. The things I did before this happened: I updated to the newest version of F4SE and the newest version of the Fallout 4 Configuration Tool. I don't see how this will break it though. Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks! EDIT: So after some testing, I tried reinstalling the hair mod I was using through nexus mod manager, and it popped back up in game. The strange thing is though that the files were already there before I did the reinstall, so I have no idea what this actually did. So to fix this I probably have to go through and reinstall ALL my mods again manually, which is gonna take a lot of time.... EDIT 2: Can a mod remove this post? I figured out the problem. The plugins had been disabled. I had to reenable them through nexus mod manager and now it all works!
  3. No mods are loading for me after the update... I have double checked that my fallout4custom.ini and fallout4prefs.ini is setup correctly, and it is. Still no mods.
  4. Redownloaded and reinstalled. Fixed the issue. Thanks for the help bojanni :)
  5. I have version 2.0 installed, which I believe is the latest one. I've tried to clean the dirty edits on ELFX with TES5Edit, but it won't save the cleaned version for some reason.
  6. Hello. I stumbled upon a pretty weird CTD in my most recent playthrough of Skyrim. Basically, my game CTD whenever I enter Bleak Falls Temple. I've confirmed that it's just Bleak Falls Temple by teleporting to Bleak Falls Sanctum with help from some console magic. There was no CTD when I did that, but when I went through the door from sanctum to temple it crashed. I've been trying to figure out if it is a mod that does it, but I'm pretty sure it's not. I've been disabling mods one at a time in order to check each one, but it still happens. Only thing that I think of now is that because I use Live Another Life mod, and did the college of winterhold questline first. Maybe that caused some conflicts between ingame scripts or something? I'm using Mod Organizer for all mods, and I've been optimizing the load order with the help from the tools that program provides us with. Thanks for any feedback! Here's my mod esm/esp list; taken from the last LOOT optimization.
  7. BUMP Fixed it. Went into the "Overwrite" folder in Mod Organizer and deleted all femalehead textures, and reinstalled the mods. So if anyone gets this problem in the future, you know what to do!
  8. Hi everyone. So I downloaded the Better Females by Bella Natural Edition mod earlier today to go with the CBBE body. Everything was nice and all apart from the visible neck seam. So I decided to download TexBlend in order to remove the neck seam. I install all my mods through Mod Organizer, and I also installed TexBlend through the program and made TexBlend an executable from the "data" tab in Mod Organizer. I know why the dark head issue came to be, and that's because the program couldn't load up a source texture etc, and I pressed blend textures like an idiot. To try and fix this issue I reinstalled Better Females by Bella Natural Edition so that I would get some new face textures to replace the broken ones, but no luck. I tried disabling it completely, but no luck. I reinstalled both Better Females and CBBE, still no luck. I guess I could fix this issue by completely reinstalling the game, but before I do that I wonder if there is any other things I could try? I also tried to install a different face texture pack. Pretty Face to be exact. And the dark head issue was still there. Here's a link to a screenshot of the issue: Thanks for any help!
  9. For some reason my game instantly crashes the moment I open it. If I remove d3d9.dll it doesn't crash. I've been using Project ENB for a long time and I've never had this issue. It started happening after I installed borderless windowed mode. I disabled that mod, and it still happens. The interior lighting is also very weird.
  10. I started a new character and came across a very annoying CTD. The Alternate Start - Live Another Life mod I have installed gives me this quest where I'm supposed to go to Darkwater Crossing and talk to some people regarding Helgen. But, the thing is, whenever I get close to Darkwater Crossing my game crashes. I don't know if this is a problem with that mod, but I have no idea what else may be causing it. If I run away from Darkwater Crossing, it doesn't crash. I am using a custom race. The Ningheim. I'm using Project ENB (Realistic). I'm not using any world texture mods at the moment. Here's a list of all my active mods:
  11. Yesterday I made a post about CTD's on the loading screen: Here. I sort of fixed this, but now, whenever I enter Whiterun my game crashes. I'm in Breezehome atm, so I really can't get anywhere without going out into Whiterun. All I've done is changing character meshes, textures and armor meshes. I've runned FNIS and Reproccer (and BOSS since it's included in the Reproccer process) several times. I've also verified the game cache through steam. Nothing works. I'm also getting random 15-20 second game freezes every 2-3 minutes. That is new aswell. Any help is appriciated. Active Mod Files: BOSS log
  12. After doing what you told me to do and a bit more, it seems to be working. Thanks.
  13. I shall give it a go and see if it works. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I do have FNIS, and yes I have forgotten to run it.. Silly me. I also have a running animation mod, and a idle mod. I do not use a custom race, but as far as I know I think my custom follower Aurora uses a custom body. As for SkyRe, can I just reinstall it and everything on that part will be as normal? I have not gotten ingame yet after I uninstalled SkyRe.
  15. Hello there. I'm worried that I may have ruined my game. Yesterday I decided to change body mod and armors. I had CBBE and wanted to change to SevenBase. I uninstalled CBBE and the Killer Keos Skimpy Armor replacer by using nexus mod manager, and installed SevenBase and the Sexy Vanilla Female Armor for UNP and SevenBase mod. I also installed XP32 skeleton for the BBP physics. The texture I used was UNP Creamy. So I installed that after all the other things was installed. I also ran BOSS and ReProccer just to be sure. I had SkyRe installed aswell. So. After all this was done I went to open my savegame and at the first loading screen, about 30 seconds in, there was this white flash and then the client crashed to desktop. I retried many times, but no luck. I went ahead and opened Wrye Bash to see if there was any errors, and I updated my Bashed Patch, 0. I ran TES5Edit aswell since Wrye Bash recommended it for me. I also uninstalled SkyRe. Then I ran BOSS again, and tried to open the game. This time the main menu and the title screen was VERY laggy. I pressed continue and the loading screen popped up, however about 5 seconds in it froze and stopped loading. It didn't crash or anything, just froze. I have also tried opening previous saves, but with no luck. All of them are the same. And for what it's worth. Yes, I do have an ENB installed. It's Sharpshooter. Any help is appriciated. I have no idea what's left to do now. Here's my active mod files list:
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