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Posts posted by shomwow

  1. Did you modify 'uGridsToLoad=' in skyrim.ini? If so make sure to modify the line 'uExterior Cell Buffer=' as well. The value for uExterior Cell Buffer should be your grids to load plus one and taken the second power. For example:








    Therefore uExterior Cell Buffer=64.


    BTW ugridstoload above seven is not recommended, if you haven't heard already.


    Ostensibly the engine performs this operation on the fly, however it seems that when loading exterior cells after exiting interiors, the game reverts so to speak to the default exterior cell buffer, 36.


    I was having the same issue as you describe, so I decided to experiment with the uExterior Cell Buffer= line. I had read a recently posted stability guide on Nexus stating that modifying the value for uExterior Cell Buffer= was unnecessary. Looking at the charts on MSI Afterburner I could see that at the times my frame rate dropped most dramatically, the GPU usage and temp dropped to web browsing levels. So it seemed to me that somewhere after loading back in to an exterior the game wasnt telling my GPU that it had work to do, and therefore the frames dropped. After adjusting uExterior Cell Buffer= it seemed to be working properly again. I'll update this post if these results turned out to be erroneous.


    Hope this helps,



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