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Everything posted by xXSilentRevolutionXx

  1. [sOLVED] Hi. Recently I've had a problem with my Skyrim. After a bit of playing my game ends up somewhere between a glitch and freezing. The game does NOT crash to the desktop, but the screen freezes in a way. When this happens I can still hear the regular audio and conversations between NPC's, so it's not completely frozen. When this glitch happens it's like the screen is switching between two frames and can't get unstuck. Whenever I try to open the journal the flickering between the frames becomes more rapid. I can record this glitch if need be, but in the meantime does anyone know how to fix it? EDIT: It turns out I didn't have enough VRAM. Shortly after starting this forum, a lot of my textures were turning black (which means that you're using too many textures.) So after uninstalling a couple texture mods and playing around on a test character everything seems fine.
  2. I have a BSA unpacker, so I'll get around to it. If that doesn't work I'll definitely try the editor's ini file. The thing is that she built the actual individual custom storages (like chests hidden on the other sides of walls, with the scripts and everything, but forgot to link an activator to it.) After all the work I've put in to trying to fix this house, I probably won't play the game without it. I managed to add the activator to the CK, but because I'm a noob and can't see pass the errors I can't figure out how to "shrink" or lessen the radius of the activators. I tried getting in touch with the original author via FB but no dice. I don't know if I'm the only one having this storage problem, and I can't really ask people who have the mod since she locked the comments years ago. If I manage to fix this though, I'll try and get in contact with Elianora and have her upload my fixed version of the house. EDIT: I fixed the Baking Storage Container, it took about 10-15 minutes because I have zero knowledge on how to work CK. So I'm gonna list the steps I took to fix it. 1. Watch Elianora's mini mod tutorial on Custom Storage. 2. Add the .bsa in the SkyrimEditor. 3. Start up CK and load all the needed masters and house mod. 4. Follow her steps in creating a trigger/storage. 5. Resize the trigger as needed. 6. Test the storage in game. 7. Remove the .bsa from the SkyrimEditor.
  3. Yeah, I got the CK to work (forgot to add the Hearthfire.bsa) but after that, I checked the mods files and it seemed like she just uploaded a half finished house (which sucks, cause of her reputation for awesome houses). She had built like 6+ containers that had no activators at all (3 wardrobe containers, poison&potions baskets, and the baking basket) I have slight ocd when it comes to sorting items, so this is a personal problem. I now know how to fix it but when I open the house in CK it says there's missing textures and there's big red exclamation marks everywhere so I can't see anything. I even tried contacting Elianora about it but her FB gave some automated message about how she won't respond due to too many messages. Honestly the only reason I keep updating this forum is in case anyone else has this problem with house mods, or downloaded Pinegrove Lodge and is wondering why they can't access certain containers.
  4. Wanted to know if anyone knows if any of the Civil War cleanup mods will work on the JK Whiterun, Solitude, etc. I know there are a few whiterun ones, but don't know if they'll work with JK Skyrim.
  5. Sort your load order first thing, and reference one of the several reddit lists of "CTD prone mods" (mods like Warzones, Locational Damage, for example will cause a lot of crashing if you don't have a higher end PC)
  6. I have a medium end/slightly higher quality PC, and one of the mods that caused me to crash without fail was the Immersive College of Winterhold. It adds a lot to the game, and unless you have a beefy PC it may wreck your save game. That being said, I don't know if that's the case for sure. Delete the mod entirely, start a new character for testing, and run around a little bit to see if you experience any crashes. Dance of Death is another CTD heavy mod. Footprints has a lot of scripts. Try and get rid of your more script heavy mods first and see if that's the problem.
  7. Any idea on how to do that? The only thing I've used CK for is to make followers. :sad: EDIT: Ended up finding Elianora's "Custom Containers" CK tutorial on youtube, I'm gonna give it a go. Edit #2: Tried loading in the House in CK and it kept crashing, though this is probably just a CK issue.
  8. Hi, I recently downloaded a home mod from Elianora (Pinegrove Lodge to be exact,) and found that I couldn't activate a couple of the storage containers. The activation popup wouldn't show up/glitched out. This has happened on at least 3 of the Elianora mods I have used in the past, but it usually popped up after a bit of "searching" for the activation. Any ideas on how I can fix this in CK or otherwise? The specific container I'm having trouble with is in the kitchen, the baking supplies container. If anyone can help me, I'll be eternally grateful cause I love this mod but the storage container glitch is annoying. :)
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