I have a BSA unpacker, so I'll get around to it. If that doesn't work I'll definitely try the editor's ini file. The thing is that she built the actual individual custom storages (like chests hidden on the other sides of walls, with the scripts and everything, but forgot to link an activator to it.) After all the work I've put in to trying to fix this house, I probably won't play the game without it. I managed to add the activator to the CK, but because I'm a noob and can't see pass the errors I can't figure out how to "shrink" or lessen the radius of the activators. I tried getting in touch with the original author via FB but no dice. I don't know if I'm the only one having this storage problem, and I can't really ask people who have the mod since she locked the comments years ago. If I manage to fix this though, I'll try and get in contact with Elianora and have her upload my fixed version of the house. EDIT: I fixed the Baking Storage Container, it took about 10-15 minutes because I have zero knowledge on how to work CK. So I'm gonna list the steps I took to fix it. 1. Watch Elianora's mini mod tutorial on Custom Storage. 2. Add the .bsa in the SkyrimEditor. 3. Start up CK and load all the needed masters and house mod. 4. Follow her steps in creating a trigger/storage. 5. Resize the trigger as needed. 6. Test the storage in game. 7. Remove the .bsa from the SkyrimEditor.