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Everything posted by d4em

  1. You need to use archive invalidation to get skyrim to recognize overwrites. MO2 has an option to do it for you, make sure it's on. There is never a reason not to use MO2 (you really really should use MO2,) but here is an old nexus article on archive invalidation
  2. Check your ini settings, it should have one for quest markers
  3. Nvm, I figured it out. The light needs to be omnidirectional, apparently lights with shadow don't work in exterior cells.
  4. I added light markers (DefaultCandleLight01, shadow omnidirectional) to an exterior cell. In the editor, they show up fine, but ingame they don't render. What am I doing wrong?
  5. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32057/? This might be what you're looking for.
  6. So, I did the Hermaeus Mora quest and ran past the Elder Scroll (I was in a hurry okay). When I returned to it later, the scroll was still there but when I activated it it didn't show up in my inventory. I deactivated all my mods, the problem was still there. I couldn't find out anything about this online either. I suppose I'm the first person to run past an Elder Scroll. Hmm. So, I tried to make a quick fix myself and added another Elder Scroll to the room. It's there, I can read it (that's not supposed to be possible right?), but when I add it to my inventory nothing happens. That's sadly where my modding knowledge for Skyrim ends. Does anyone have any idea on how I can fix this bug or what causes it? (Possibly relevant: I was trying to get the Elder Scroll for the Dawnguard questline. I have all the DLC, although the texture pack is not installed.)
  7. Ladez covered the programs you'll need pretty thoroughly, the only one he didn't mention is http://www.gimp.org/ which I personally use for texturing. It's free and versatile. If you chose gimp, you'll need the dds plugin for it, from http://registry.gimp.org/node/70 Texturing is far easier than modelling, and you'll learn a lot about models in general if you start with texturing. Start with some remakes of vanilla models (or those of other modders). Don't get too ambitious at first, keep your projects small and focus on making them good. If you want to get a head-start, youtube for some texturing tutorials. I know there are some out there, just not which are the good ones. Use stock images, brushes, ect. You can hand-paint stuff but if you have no experience with that using stock is better. Google is your bestest friend forever. It sounds like all you really want to do is items so you won't need to do a lot of stuff in the geck. You'll have to know your way around objects - how to edit their stats, ect - some basic word stuff, like editing merchants and placing items in the world, all easy. This page is about items: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Category:Items Bethesda's tutorial is really all you'll need: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Category:Getting_Started Modelling is hard to learn, and you might want to wait 2~3 months untill you're comfortable with the format. Regardless of when you start modelling, I personally recommend blender (you'll need version 2.49b, with PYFFI and nifscripts, see bottom of this post). There's a very steep learning curve but it's powerful. There's tons of excellent tutorials online, just google for them. Good luck learning to mod, it's awesome. Blender 2.49b: https://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.49b/ PYFFI: http://pyffi.sourceforge.net/ nifscripts: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Blender
  8. This is reaaaaally easy with the geck, and I don't want to upload another author's files. First, download the mod for FO3. Place the meshes and textures folders in your FNV data folder, and take note of the path to the models. Start up geck. In the panel on the left, go to items > armor. Find a hat with suitable stats in the list (you can also edit the stats later, that's up to you). Double-click it to bring up the detail window where you can change the name, protection, ect. On the right you'll see two columns named male and female. These point to the models. The biped model is the model for the hood when it's being worn. Click edit and select the meshes in your data folder. Do this for both genders (if meshes are gender-specific they'll usually be suffixed F or M). Rename the ID, name if you please, and make sure the head and hair slots are occupied. Save the new object. You just made a hood. Place it in the world by selecting a location you visit often from the cell browser at the bottom of your screen. Drag the hood from the object window to the render window, the click f to get it to fall to the ground and drag it around with the mouse for better placement if you want to. Save the mod. You're done!
  9. I could supply hand drawn pics for a few plants...
  10. An unable to compile script error means you typed something wrong :) Just make sure you follow the exact syntax described in the previous post and type everything without errors
  11. You'd have to edit the mesh... There are plenty of tutorials if you google,
  12. You can type help "flawless shappire" into the the console and then player.additem >itemcode< >amount< without the >< to get one... or 2... or 8000 and build yourself a house out of flawless shappires and make all NPCs your slaves, muhahahahah
  13. I actually had a full jack mod - Armor, tattoos, I was even trying to get some sound files for personal use, but then the armor got lighting issues and I rage-deleted :) Might remake it once I figure out how to get around those issues tho, as for the request I love mass effect, totally supported
  14. ... Try typing camp into the search box, and not lying about having searched :)
  15. If I wasnt clear in my previous post... Get me specifics and I can overhaul a vanilla companion for you, but I'd rather you try yourself Seen as you did that, well.. I can do it for you.
  16. ... Start a new game, and this time don't marry her. Stay happy and engaged, maybe she won't hate you :) Does it happen when you tell her to live in other locations? Is there any form of combat in her cell?
  17. Steam vs nexus: Steam - No support for different or older versions, Nexus - Has Support Steam - All files are automatically installed, which means that irregular mods are impossible to upload, Nexus - All types of installation are available Steam - Very limited mod troubleshooting and ordering utitlities, Nexus - You download it, and use whatever utilities you please, not some force-fed automatic installer Steam - Very limited file search system, Nexus - Search system has been in development for years and is very capable Steam - No nudity allowed, Nexus - Nudity allowed (I'm not exactly pro nudity, but I do not see the point of banning it when players get to choose wether it is in their game or not. The game has a bloody M rating ffs) Steam - Most users do not comprehend mods, because steam does everything for them, which is likely to results in bugs, which will be blamed on the modder, Nexus - users require some understanding of what mods are and how they work This has nothing to do with loyalty to me, it's just that the nexus is far better for handeling mods, downloads, ect. Also, I really really hate it when things get forcefed down my throat, not just as in utilities, but also the fact that there is no such thing as a simple popup box asking wether I want to check for updates or not. Imo, steam really focusses on newbie players, who want a simple one-click install and then never worry about the mod again, but that's simply not how mods work. If they work on improving the system, yeah, I'll gladly use the workshop, but now it's jsut not capable.
  18. You might find this interesting Blender's not very easy to learn though, there is a full wiki book on it, if you google blender noob to pro. Many people prefer blender as their 3d modelling program, because it's very advanced, has all the options of paid software while being free... And i've gotten somewhat of an emotional bond to it after using it for 2 years in TES modding :)
  19. I totally agree, being female myself, but 90% of this community is male, and then there is the small part of teenage boys who only play and mod skyrim to get their jollies. If you really want a guy that's completely to your tastes, you'd best just turn on the ck and alter the appearance of an excisting NPC - there are a lot of good tutorials if you google for them :) If you're unable to get the ck, you might wanna be more specific... Race, hair, eye color, maybe pictures, class, ect... Some women find men with scars atractive. Mind you, most of those women are krogan. - Garrus, Mass Effect 2 :)
  20. Can you take a picture of your branches in nifskope (expanded)?
  21. There are a lot of invisible markers, I believe they are under world objects > furniture > furniture > markers And they're all vanilla, you don't require mods to use them, just place them where you need them like you'd do with any other object
  22. So ,, i did get it working: http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/FakePersonality/Smithing.png http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/FakePersonality/Inventory.png http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/FakePersonality/Held.png If the OP is happy, just gimme the word and I upload
  23. The model is still crashing, I'm at the end of my wits, so imma upload the current nif here for anyone who wants to take a look at it. Going to try re-exporting from blender and pray that it works this time. 4shader download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/Wpw_orf9/OutlanderSword.html
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