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Everything posted by d4em

  1. Ah! So, would a package like that used by traders to ask them to repair things work or do I need something else? That is actually done by scripted dialogue - using the showbartermenu to be exact Thinking of it, i think you have to do dialogue to - damn i cant renember and the wiki doesnt seem to know either Sorry ;l if its any help, here is a link to the geck wiki http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/AI_Data_Tab
  2. 1 - run BOSS - it sorts your load order automatically 2 - create a merged patch 3 - test ingame if the problem is still there, then uninstall your mods one by one when you find the culprit, either uninstall it or update it to it's latest version as the issue might have been fixed good luck ;]
  3. Neither ;] You need to slect the training options in the AI data tab of the NPC, then make sure he is running a package that offers services... and bingo!
  4. NMC Texture Pack Retextured Workbench Fellout Energy Visuals Enhanced Type 3 Female Body Not safe for work Breezes fo3 Males Not safe for work Darnified UI Install these with Fomm Then toggle archive invalidation in fomm Good luck ;]
  5. Reasons you've not gotten many replies 1- don't start big, make some player houses first, a couple of dungeons, know your way around the geck before you actually start doing somthing big 2- the storyline is to vague, and not many people are going to join if they don't know what they'r joining 3- a team needs an experienced leader, and youre nor very experienced. and teams without a leader mostly just fail, even teams with leaders fail work on these 3 ;p
  6. Not a mod, this car is vanilla fo3, its just barely used ;p You can add it to any loaction using the geck
  7. From what I see, it looks good, but you should run BOSS - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10193 and then create a merged patch with fo3edit - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 the bashed patch makes me think you're an oblivion player - wrye flash isn't as much used as fo3edit for those functions [i still use wrye tho, just besides edit] how to create a merged patch : 1 - launch fo3edit with all your mods 2 - wait till its loaded 3 - Rightclick in the mod list > create merged patch 4 - profit Make sure that merged patch is loaded last , i dont know about bashed patch merged patch compability tho
  8. i think you're trying to ask how to put it ingame, correct? 1 - Download and install the geck 2 - Open it up and load the fallout3.esm [files > data in the toolbar] 3 - Wait till it is loaded, if it seems to crash that's normal 4 - In the object bar, go to items > weapons and pick one that's like your weapon [double-click it and the edit window opens] 5 - In the edit window of the new weapon, first change the editor ID and the name [ex. if you're editing sniper rifle, change SniperRifle to >Your Initials< >weapon name < and the name just to the name of the weapon 6 - Then change the nif file path to the location of your weapon nif [it has to be in your data folder, just click the button with the file path for this] 7 - You can now edit some stats if you want, not neccesary but recommended 8 - Time to place it ingame, in the cell window pick an interior of your liking, and drag the new weapon you just made into the render window 8 - You can also add it to a merchant by adding it to their merchant chest, these are found under world objects > container and usually start with vend in the ID 9 - Save your file and go test your weapon 10 - Crazy happy bubble fun time! Hope i helped ;]
  9. It would definitly help if you uploaded pictures - modelling, specially creatures, is though and takes a long time, and most modellers won't model something if they aren't sure it is exactly what you want
  10. [X] KarmaThreshold1010.esp [X] KarmaNormal1010.esp Are you sure these don't conflict? I don't know half the mods in your LO [ I rarely download mods... sorta working on my own total overhaul, not gonna release it, but still] but maybe you should check for compability on the mods homepages. If all else fails, turn off your mods one by one untill you find the bad mod [this kind of problem is usually caused by only one mod] then you can remove it / find patches updates fixes ect... Good luck ;]
  11. you need a texture artist, not a modeler ;p gimme 10 minutes edit - I was wrong, you need an animator, and unfortunatly that the only thing im still learning. sorry, i guess ;/
  12. first of all, I don't think yu mean fo3 as much as fo3edit (fo3 is simply fallout 3 the game ;D ) second of all, if you try that method the new weapons will not be used. I suggest you download the geck and add the weapons to the esm using that. However, why would you want to add them to the .esm? If you want the enclave to use them, just load both files and add the weapons to the leveled lists used by the esm for the NPCs in the geck, which is mostly drag and drop work
  13. download the fwe - wmk patches here, then instal, then rebuild your merged patch and try again ;] edit - forgot the url. need more coffee http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4968
  14. This happens in geck when it cant find a texture or the texture is in bad format... if you have gimp+dds plugin, try opening the texture & resaving it, uncompressed with generate minimaps checked If you dont have that, try setting your texture size to large in the options menu, see if that fixes it. If so, the texture doesn't have minimaps, which means the game is basically loading an empty file. If this doesnt work i dunno either ;] good luck!
  15. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4968 - first see if you need any of these, then run http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10193 which will sort your LO automatically ;] then delete that merged patch and regenerate it, also start a completely new save. Thats what I do when I f**k up my install, anyway, I didn't see any out of the ordinary things in your LO or compability, but BOSS has a nice warning function, and you should read through it's report. Also make sure you are using the latest versions of your mods, it can solve a lot of problems ;] Hope I helped
  16. You'd have to make a new race in the geck, which is pretty easy http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Race - explains what all the tabs in the race thingy in geck do now, to make a custom race 1 - download and install geck (and its update) 2 - run geck, and go to files > data in the toolbar 3 - check the fallout 3 .esm and click load (it's normal if it seems to crash... just be patient and come up with good ways to deflect your anger ;D ) 4 - once its loaded, go to character > race, and rightclick on one of them (don't use the child or old races, those are only ment for NPCs) then select duplicate 5 - select your race and go to face data, then click the edit button next to head texture, then browse to your face texture (which you need to place in your data folder first) - check that the "playable" checkbox is checked under the general data tab, and rename your race to something unique 6 - close the race window and save your mod 7 - go test ingame! Hope I helped ;]
  17. I'll see what I can do Edit - the advanced riot gear is vanilla fnv, and can't be ported. You'll have to learn to make mods yourself if you want it in fo3. The permissions on the scarf aren't free, but I can just make the esp and not include the resources, which means you have to download the original mod
  18. If you're using vista/7, you should reinstall the game to outside the program folders. Also, you could try running the geck as admin (rightclick, runa s admin). From what I renember from oblivion, this had something to do with UAC.
  19. Yes, they are even suggested to be used together ;p
  20. Hi to all :) I'm trying to set up a complete new pre-war worldspace where you experience the WW2 in holland, germany, france... ect. Because I'm planning to make the entrance to this world somewhat like anchorage, I need the player to be able to configure a completely new character (looks, special, skills, everything) I was wondering if anyone knew of a (Fose) function to either set the player to a new cs NPC, while keeping the old version in a holding cell for switching back OR if creating an actor copy and then modifying the original character, and then copy actor values from the copy back to the player blah blah blah would work Also, any links to any pre-war texture resources ect would be appreciated ;D Thanks for reading this post, I know it's sorta long, sorry ^^
  21. I'll see what I can do if you send me the files (upload them to 4shared or something and link to them here)
  22. He redid them from scratch... ;p good luck!
  23. My gf might be interested, she's still my gf though, so it depends on the lines she needs to say... ;]
  24. About the "new container method" - make sure you are testing on a clean save. If you enter a cell, all items will stay the same due to save data. So, deactivate your mod, go kill some muties, reactivate mod (with changes), see if that works. Also, make sure the container is set to respawn, has money in it, is set as the merchant container... So yeah, hope I helped, good luck with ur mod :)
  25. My fav race mods: Blood Elves Vampire Race Face texture replacer: Natural Faces
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