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yeah, i know, i'm trying to get OBSE to work, but i don't know what to do, i see the unofficial patch will help it work, but i see 5 files of the unofficial patch, can someone tell me which one to click on of the 5 files? And can someone give me the best OBSE version that will work for this mod, Thieves Arsenal, and The Curse of Hircine mods? EDIT: YES! Darkedge gave me the link to both, and OBSE is working now! now i'm going to test the mod to make sure it works before i say nevermind about this, though
you choose what city you're in, you're character, and you choose your actions, you can run from the zombies, run at the city where the horde is at.... stand your ground, or even try to stop the apocolypse, this is based off of the 28days and a bit 3 zombies mod, and i will give updates on the horde, and i also have a special dungeon, which is where you find the ring, that is when the Dread Lord Campaign begins, there is one Dread Prince in every city, and the one who found the ring is the one who shall defeat the zombies and save Cyrodill, but you must go to the right dungeon for the ring, i will give you a hint, it's south of Bruma. You live for (5) posts as a normal human, but around post 4 or 5, you hear about the zombie apocolypse, and that is where you make your decision, whether you pack up and leave, stand ground, or run straight into the horde The horde starts with one infectee, in The Imperial City, and if you choose Imperial City as your starting point, you meet the zombies sooner that others, in the second post. After the Dread Lord is defeated, it starts all over again, with different characters, and i have a new dungeon where the ring is, and you do it again, just in a different way, and different things that happen, at the end of every part, i choose the new Quickstart, so next time i might say Dawn of the Dead, or The Hive, stuff like that. Q: are we invincible? A: Heck no! you can die during this, so be careful Q: what happens when we die? A: you become a zombie, and no, you do not turn back into a human Q: when we become a zombie, do we make a new character, or just quit? A: no, you control your zombie until that round is over, and the Dread Lord is Defeated Q: Can we just let ourselves die, just to play as a zombie? A: If you really want to, but i warn you, you cannot turn back, and your character is lost forever Player Layout: (The Parenthesis is where you will put your stuff) Name: (Exiler) Age: (23) Race: (Imperial City: (Imperial City) Class: (Knight) Personality: (will fight) Weapons (Silver Claymore, Silver Bow and Silver Arrows, Silver Shortsword) Spells: (all turn Undead and Healing Spells) OK, it begins..... now! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I wake up, get dressed, go outside, time to go visit Evreat 5 minutes later I knock on the door, a man, comes out, a healer by the looks of it "Sorry sir, Evreat has been very ill of late, please come again later, when he has been cured" he said "What is he ill with?" i said "We do not know, but it isn't getting any better, i'm not sure if he will live tomorrow...." he said "Let me see him" I said "No sir, no one is allowed in here but ser Exiler" he said "I am Exiler" i said, i took off my helmet "Oh, quite sorry, sir!" he said "come right in!" "Exiileerrrr?????" said Evreat "Heeeeellllppp meeeeee" I tried all i could, none of my healing spells worked "I'm afraid there is nothing i can do for you, Evreat" "Then please go," Said Evreat "I don't want you catching what i have" i go out and go to the Fighters Guild, time for work.......
Dang, this would be an awesome idea, if i knew how to make mods, i'd make this in a heatrbeat. What i'd do, is like how in Midas Magic mod, you need resources to make spells, there should be something like that, in every buyable home you can make a spell, that you go out to an open area, and cast, it will make one room, and you can also type in the name of your faction, and the type of faction it is, Stealth, Magic, Fighting, and then you can choose what kind of things happen with it, so say you make it a magic faction, you can choose what type of quests will be offered, what spells the people there use/sell (should be great with magic mods, like necromancy) if a warrior, what type of armor, weapons, and quests they offer, and for Stealth, whether it's assassinations, spying, or thievery, and the tyupe of quests offered, and if your faction is Evil, good, let's people visit, only let's members visit, stuff like that, and it would be a great way to make a new arena, then you can choose what you fight at what level, so say it's an arena like the colloseum in ancient rome, there's a couple men, and a lot of animals to fight, or, it's one on one, and you can view fights, but you choose what fights what, so if you wanted it man, vs man, or beast vs. beast, or man vs beast, you could do that. hope any of this made sense to you guys, i tend to ramble a little, lol
um..... this is the only mod i have even ever downloaded, there can't be any mods conflicting, but what i meant is that in the scenario editor, i went to the add/remove zombies page, i didn't add or remove any, i just looked at all the cities on it to see what city had the zombies, which was bruma (50 zombies) and i went to Bruma, no zombies, i'm not sure why zombies appear in the Prison but not in the cities, that is what i'm really freaked out about, and i'm wondering why zombies even appeard in the first place, i'm not using OBSE, i just saved the files into my Oblivion folders, and i never even added any zombies anywhere, if someone can tell me why this ever happened, i'd be grateful to you And if you can also tell me how to get the zombies to appear in the cities like i want them to, i'd like that too
(no, i won't use all characters in a roleplay, unless it's a team roleplay type) Team Type: Adaptable Favorite Building: The Tavern Team Description: The Ifraans team, they will take on any mission given, they will always finish what they started, and best of all, they're unbelievably strong when they're all together, they are not only one type of class, there's 2 magic types, 2 stealth types, and 2 warrior types for each squad, they all have learned how to adapt, and can blend in with the civilians very easily, they all banded together to be rich, and famous, but over the years by, they were getting harassed by another team, who eventually became so powerful and dangerous, that the world was afraid of them, so the Ifraans made it their goal to defeat the other team, who's leader was a demon. Every 15 years, they take all their members to try and kill the demon, but always end up failing, they lose a lot of numbers, and they start recruiting, get up their strength, and try again, but one time, only 6 of them survived the trap that was laid out for them, now they just live trying to get money, and trying to get more people to join, but the people refused, and Ifraans team's name was forgotten, so now they take any job possible, and try to get money, at the moment they're trying to get money to go out of the country, heard there was some gold mines out and were going to be rich, but right now, they need 500 gold to get out of there, they're going to need a miracle for that. Members: Squad 1-256 :empty: Squad 257: Merdvah (female): Necromancer/Frost Mage, Gregory(male): Shapeshifter/Healer, Barendroo(male):Vampire/Gambler, Renloff(male): Assassin/Archer, Argonar(male):Knight/Guard, Hervenlaa(female):Gladiator/Mercenary: Squad 258-2000 :empty:
(I just want someone to tell me what the solution to this problem is, and btw, i didn't use OBSE, still isn't working) OK, i stared to play Oblivion, i started a new character, a nord, in the spot where Glenory said "hold up, let me take a look" there were a lot of zombies or "Infected" and i mean a LOT, i died 3 times, and just had to use the console (I never even added any zombies when the scenario automatically came up, i just clicked exit, and played the original game), and then it happened again when i used Baurus' key he gave me, there were zombies there too, then i went outside, clicked the "It began with one" and then i checked all cities in the scenario editor in the add/remove zombies part, and it said Bruma had 50 zombies, so i go to Bruma, but there's no zombies there, i was just wondering if anyone could tell me if i did something wrong, to make this happen, so if someone can tell me, it'd be great
Did i download a corrupted File of OBSE?
Shadowdemon81 replied to Shadowdemon81's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
OK, i have installed disk 2, right after i installed disk 1, then about 2 months later i got bored and wanted to get some mods, so i got OBSE but it's just messing up, i think i'll just do what Razorpony told me to, he's been trying to help me -
I thought it might be cool if someone made an Alternate Endings mod, some other things that can happen in the end depending on what choices you've made during the game, instead of just Martin defeating Mehrunes Dagon by killing himself, maybe there could be an ending where daedra take over and start to rule, and become the new guards, and destroy all the Chapels and the Temple District, or one where Akatosh comes himself in the Market District and there's a huge fight that leads to the Temple District, maybe Martin gets poisoned in the fight, but Mehrunes Dagon never came, then you have to find a cure, and Mehrunes Dagon comes in there, and the antidote never gets to martin, and Sheogorath, or another Daedric Prince/god kills Dagon, something like one of these I've been tired of the same ending every time i beat the game, and i just beat it another time so i thought maybe it would be awesome if we had any different endings, so i came up with this idea, hope you guys might like this idea
Did i download a corrupted File of OBSE?
Shadowdemon81 replied to Shadowdemon81's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I installed disk 2 right after i installed disk 1, i'll check the article, if it doesn't help, then i might just reinstall the whole game but i'll get the patch before installing disk 2, hopefully this will make it work but i don't think any mods could conflict anything, the only 4 i got was version 1 of 28days later, then i got OBSE, which didn't work, i got OBMM, which did start up, but didn't do crap with 28days except let me use the scenario and give orders, then i got version 3 of 28days, and i did it without OBSE OR OBMM, a youtube video taught me, it worked better, the buildings actually got damage, and spooky weather came, some zombies came for awhile, i think it was 3 waves, but then they just stopped coming, i added more zombies, none came, so i think maybe i should just re download OBSE? i don't know if that's what's wrong, but i'll try that for the third thing -
(OK for the worst enemy, best friend, favorite food, and Greatest Want, you'll have to watch something on youtube to get the joke, it's called Chuck Norris in Oblivion) Name: Chuck Norris :thumbsup: Gender: Male Race: Breton Starsign: The Warrior Class: Custom Homes: wherever he wants Favorite Lands: The Arena Best Friend: Paul Hogan Worst Enemy: Sean Connery Combat Preference: Kick, Punch, roundhouse kick, DESTROY Combat Style: No Weapons, just his fists and feet Greatest Fear: forgetting how to kick Greatest Want: To kick Sean Connery so hard into the realm of Oblivion! Physique: Tough Level: Infinite Joined Guilds/Factions:Arena Enemy guilds/factions:all of the others Childhood: Spent kicking butt Teenage: look above Prefered Food: people Disliked Food: notin Favorite Arrow Type: Arrows are for sissies Favorite Blade Type: Blades are for sissies Spells: Fireball Friendly Races: none Neutral Races: all of them Hostile Races: none favorite City/town: Arena District Least favorite city: Skingrad (filled with too many wimps who don't fight back) Favorite Daedra: Daedra suck Least Favorite Daedra: all of the idiots Favorite Divine: whoever gave him his awesome fists and feet Least Favorite Divine: all of the others Main Weakness: none Main Strength: everything Goal in Life: Look at Greatest want Why he was sent to jail: someone told him that Sean Connery was in there Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.freewebs.com/chucknorrisinoblivion/CHARACTERSChuck.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.freewebs.com/chucknorrisinoblivion/characters.htm&usg=__KcBQIiQtlcsSDj8Ja6ZCEf_riUI=&h=417&w=346&sz=29&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=xXv_dhN31gb-fM:&tbnh=147&tbnw=123&ei=9QuaTYDBFZP0swO0tfWGAw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DChuck%2BNorris%2Bin%2BOblivion%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D618%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=128&vpy=264&dur=8835&hovh=247&hovw=204&tx=134&ty=127&oei=9QuaTYDBFZP0swO0tfWGAw&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0 and http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.freewebs.com/chucknorrisinoblivion/ChuckHoganPunchGuards.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.freewebs.com/chucknorrisinoblivion/&usg=__kAF_bVQFuAfLygEY6Fcd5lNWk4I=&h=600&w=800&sz=391&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=mdm0x1hNgpP2wM:&tbnh=147&tbnw=196&ei=9QuaTYDBFZP0swO0tfWGAw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DChuck%2BNorris%2Bin%2BOblivion%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D618%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=405&vpy=317&dur=437&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=114&ty=100&oei=9QuaTYDBFZP0swO0tfWGAw&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0
Name: Drackel Gender: male Race: Dark Elf "Dunmer" Starsign: The Mage Class: Necromancer Homes: wherever he dang well pleases Favourite land: Morrowind Best Friend: Dead people Worst Enemy: Arch-mage Traven Combat Preference: Magic Combat Style: Conjuration Greatest Fear: For Mankar Camoran to die Greatest want: have Necromancy un-banned Physique: weak Level: 52 Joined guilds/factions: Arena Dark Brotherhood Enemy guilds/factions: Mages Guild Imperial Guards Childhood: spent time practicing necromancy on the bully in his class Teenage: same as Childhood Prefered food: Mort Flesh Disliked food: Soup Favourite Arrow Type: Death Arrow (I enchanted them and named them that it kills instantly) Favourite Blade: Umbra Spells (all 832) Friendly Races: Skeletons Zombies Neutral Races:Dremora Elves Orcs Hostile Races: ones not listed above Favourite city/town: Moriacis (necromancy city mod) Least Favorite city/town: Arcane University Favourite Daedra: Dark Seducers Least favorite Daedra: Golden Saint Favourite Divine: Sithis Least Favorite Divine: all but Sithis Main Weakness: being Paralyzed Main Strength: conjuring undead Goal in life: to defeat Traven and un-ban Necromancy Why he was sent to jail? for being an epic necromancer Drackel at the F2 screen
i never said anything about 28days later i meant it as in you're a man of power (depending on the scenario you pick) and the type of creatures attack in waves it's like a Tower Defense basically you CAN do zombies and make it like 28 days later if you're too lazy to actually GET 28 days later and for Blight scenario it's basically like Dragon Age but the fact that they come from kvatch and they're daedra
no i got the game legally at wal-mart and it's the game of the year edition this is really making me mad because i have a mod i really want (28 days and a bit version 3.0) and OBSE is being crappy and i'm just ready to smash my computer because of it
hey, i've seen something called Kudos on this site, and i've been meaning to ask.... what the heck are they?