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  1. I'll never use NMM if it doesn't match or beat the modularity and cleanliness of MO. Having mod managers just shove files into the Data directory willy-nilly is not a sustainable approach when people have 100 mods that interact with each-other. People say NMM uses some kind of virtualization. Looks more like symlinks. NMM is fine if you just want whats essentially a downloader + unpacker and just download 5 mods and never touch it again. MO is the top when you want to actually tweak files, create overrides, update mods without having to reinstall everything, try out mods without tainting your Data folder, debug problems, since it's so easy to disable a mod and know exactly what is overriding what. Tannin says "we won't be missing MO for long", but has he seen NMM? At least he doesn't have to work with NMM, since they're starting from scratch, but he has to do everything and work with the people who did NMM. Not going to be easy. Anyway, grats on Tannin on getting a job to work on a mod manager. He did good work on MO and it's nice to see someone be able to make a job out of it. And I hope the people that worked on NMM are ready to move onto the next level.
  2. I see it, thanks. I think scripts are only accessible (or at least recompiled?) via the CK, so it's not something that can be modded right now. Companions so far do use "better" weapons. Such as when I tell Cait to pick up a Laser Rifle, she'll use it until she runs out of ammo. Also I can make her equip weapons. Actually I'll try that right now, giving her a pipe gun and some .38, she how she behaves. My only issue is that I have to feed her ammo.
  3. Isn't this the modding section of Fallout 4 ? It's either this (Talk), Support (help with other mods) or Requests. At least thats what I see under the Fallout 4 section.
  4. If you have a Fallout4.ini file in your Data folder (steamapps/Fallout 4/Data/Fallout4.ini), it's overshadowing your Fallout4.ini file in your Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Fallout4.ini Rename/remove the one in your Data directory. I had this issue.
  5. Preface: I want to change what weapon Cait uses. Shes awful with the shotgun, her AI makes her try to snipe with it. I'dd like to either make her use whatever weapon she has in her inventory w/o having to worry about ammo or change her companion weapon to Piper's 10mm. I'm not too sure how FO4 determines which weapon companions use "by default". I'm looking at Cait in TES5Edit with Fallout4.esm loaded, and she doesn't have any reference to her weapon, CompCaitShotgun (or something alike). Piper has her CompPiper10mm in her inventory/items, while Cait only has her baseball bat (that she never uses, due to her combat style being skewed for ranged 10 to 1). Also I didn't see anything special about the CompPiper10mm and CompCaitShotgun that flagged it as requiring no ammo, though this might be a record that TES5Edit can't read yet. So, I didn't really mod FONV or FO3, but how are companion weapons usually handled ? Is it loaded up in the companionactorscript, or is it defined in the NPC record, or is there an other section that binds companions/npcs to equipement ?
  6. I found out the issue. I had a Fallout4.ini in my Data folder and Fallout 4 was using it instead of the one in my Documents.
  7. Yea that's what I'm editing. C:\Users\Admin\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4.ini
  8. Same here, FO4 is not loading textures My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4.ini has sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\ Path is: SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Textures Didn't have any problems installing mods with previous Bethesda games.
  9. I'm making a SkyProc jar and it works well, except when Validating Record Lengths, it says "There was an error exporting the custom patch. (Record lengths are off.)" The thing is I can open the tmp.esp in TES5Edit and it loads fine. My runChangesToPatch is... @Override public void runChangesToPatch() throws Exception { Mod patch = SPGlobal.getGlobalPatch(); Mod merger = new Mod(getName() + "Merger", false); merger.addAsOverrides(SPGlobal.getDB()); // Write your changes to the patch here. TakeInSettings(); for(NPC_ npc : merger.getNPCs()) { npc.setShortName("Shorty"); //finalized patch.addRecord(npc); } }
  10. I have a GTX 760 2GB, using maxed settings, Skyrim HD Lite, RealVision Full, SMIM and some HD armor textures and it`s 60 FPS indoors and 40ish outside.
  11. Dang, voted in this 10 months ago, and unsurprisingly the votes are actually 50/50 http://puu.sh/6j5Xa.png Even I am on the fence ATM over using CBBE or UNP. Both of them have a good library of mods.
  12. Try Force Patch on Exit You can check out Data\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux Patch\SkyProcDebug\Get Active Mod List.txt for the list of active plugins it detects. Try getting the latest version of Dual Sheath Redux (current is 1.6b) I'm using it and it doesn't behave strangely.
  13. Run BOSS : Skyrim.esm followed by Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp, same pattern for the DLCS (DLC.esm followed by it's DLC Unofficial Patch.es, see picture below) This is fine, although this behavior is new, but when I run T3nd0_ReProccer jar, it creates ReProccer.esp with a masterlist that isn't like what BOSS ordered my loadorder (BOSS always runs before the process). The patch expects all the .esm to load first, then the Unofficial Patches .esp LO after Boss : http://puu.sh/6hKgw.png ReProccer.esp Masters : http://puu.sh/6hKok.png These rules are from the BOSS masterlist. I'm using Wryte Bash 304.3, but TES5Edit confirms that the Masters in the header for ReProccer.esp are in the displayed order. Any help would be appreciated :D
  14. You just put the d3d9.dll in your Skyrim folder (same folder as TESV.exe, along with the enbseries.ini and .fxh files) and you're done. The other method is that you have to run an application before running Skyrim.
  15. They are compatible with SKSE if you use the d3d9.dll method. I don't know about injectors. (The usually all come with the d3d9.dll method, or both). I didn't use Realistic Lighting and ENB shaders at the same time (ENB sorta plays the same role as Realistic Lighting), but I currently am using ENB 0.113 and WATER and it works perfectly. My favorite was http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1752 but I decided to port the settings to the latest enbseries (0.113) and realized that preset was a too dark, and got used to the enb defaults while tweaking them >_>. Currently I'm using the Pure ENB's "[ENVIRONMENT]" settings with the default 0.113 enbseries.ini settings from the enb site, with DOF disabled (can't run it well) and no effects. It's all really a matter of preference. You either find a pre-set that works, or you make your own. I would try out the ENB preset that has the most downloads / endorsements (the most favorite) and tweak it to your liking. If it's really off, then go for the 2nd fav.
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