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  1. Does anyone know who made the Skyrim version of this mod? I'm wondering how hard it would be for them to adapt it to MELE?
  2. I talked with my friend, and this is what he had to say. 1. The priority would just to be able to play as one of the squadmates while on the missions. 2. Being able to see the cutscenes/dialogue is not the priority, but would be cool if possible. He notes that the host can just stream their game on Discord, so anyone playing along can see these things that way. 3. Being able to walk around on the ship between missions as for instance Wrex would be cool, but not required. Again, those playing along can just watch the stream on Discord. Is this even possible? It was done for Skyrim, but can it be done for Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
  3. They did this for Skyrim, and have it working well, but that mod allows quite a few people to play along. This game wouldn't need more than two people, honestly, and could be made such that the other two people play as one of the squadmates. The issue is how to allow those two people to see all of the conversation cutscenes? I love this game, but always wished it was co-op. I have a friend who said that if it ever gets made, he would play this game with me all the time.
  4. What does it need? How about the ability to use your scanner, etc., from the back of your mount. It also needs the talents of those modders that made things like the Castles, Keeps, and Fortifications mod in ARK. This game has no triangle foundations, or ceilings/floors. It needs the S+ type mod, as in building pieces with electircal and plumbing already in them, and the ability to make existing electrical/plumbing networks be invisible, except when you have the installation tool active. Since concrete is the only thing that can't be damaged by storms, all other textures need to added to concrete pieces, for artistic purposes when building. It needs a flying mount. It needs way smarter AI animals. Presently, they just aggro to you, and run straight at you. No zig zagging, no flanking, no hiding and then pouncing on you as you ride by, etc... You can also, often walk right up to them from behind and they don't see or hear you. Anyway, this is just my thoughts. The game has potential, but I think they have a small Dev team. They are very dedicated, however, as they release new things/bug fixes, every single week, by what I can see. It's been a long time since I've played a game that could use mod support as much as this game does.
  5. This CTD is in that same spot, just as the tram comes into view in the tunnel, in the cut scene/loading scene. This is right after becoming the Pathfinder. You, Cora and Liam get on a tram. It cuts to that tunnel the tram goes through, and just as the tram comes into view, it crashes. So this could be any number of things...but it is in the process of loading that other area in...thus the scene of the tram...to give time for that other area to load in. Not sure which mod would cause that, however. I am also using all of the mods that eliminate the useless, repetitive comments. Like Shut Up Sam, etc.. Maybe one of those is causing it. I have a great computer with a 2080ti...but maybe the ultra settings is the cause. Came played flawlessly...not even a stutter, up to that point. I may try to just turn all mods off, launch it, get through that scene, save, and then reload with the mods. See if that helps. Might just be that point in the game that's a problem.
  6. OK, I actually played the first mission...where Dad gets killed, and you end up becoming the Pathfinder. So then I am supposed to get on a tram with Cora and Liam. I do that. It cuts to a cutscene and just as the tram comes into view, I get an instant CTD. I assume it's one of the many mods, since most of them did give me the warning they were created for a previous update. I really hate that games keep getting updates long after the modders lose interest in keeping their mod up. Never fails...every time I do this...it happens. Anyway, onto more constructive thoughts...anyone know if there is a mod known to cause that crash? Would save me time. Also, is it normal in this game, for a CTD to be caused by mod at just one point in the game...such that you can just shut the mods off...get past that point, save, restart with mods, and then be good, at least for a long while? I mean, up until that point, the game played flawlessly. No bugs, no crashes. I was actually enjoying myself somewhat, muddling about trying to get used to the new aspects. I don't get the impression that it will top the OT in my mind, but I was having fun...in large part due to the awesome mods I loaded up. Any help will be appreciated.
  7. I get that it may be more difficult, but not having a tool kit for the modders, just makes it even harder. If Frostbite is now going to be the future, for a while, they should develop a toolkit. And let's be honest...a toolkit is already there...they use it themselves. They just need to go through it and decide what they don't want to give the modders. Maybe give it a friendlier UI. Then package that up, and put it out there for the modders to download. While it may still be more difficult than modding skyrim, it would be miles easier than now...and even without it, modders have done a pretty decent job of making some good mods. So what could they do with a proper tool kit? I'm willing to bet it would take them longer to decide what parts of their tool kit they want to share, and write instructions for it, than it would to actually package it up for download.
  8. Ah...well, I would think that the real issue is having a proper toolkit. Without that, the modders will be severely handicapped. If they did that, more modders would show an interest, and like it or not, many players go where the modders are. The more great mods there are, the more fun to be had. And, TES has proven that it doesn't make players not want to buy the new games. They don't say, "Why buy Skyrim when I am still having fun in Oblivion?" No, they buy Skyrim BECAUSE they are having fun in Oblivion, and or Morrorwind. They at least suspect that they will have just as much fun in Skyrim, so they buy it.
  9. A mod that simply goes into the game code, and swaps Suvi and Cora around, so Cora becomes Suvi, and Suvi becomes Cora...thus Scott Ryder can have a proper romance with a character that looks like Suvi. Bonus if the mod would keep their armors and casual outfits for the proper person. In other words, the "new Cora" using the Suvi face/head/body would still use Cora items, such as armor, causal outfits, weapons, etc... Honestly, I would assume that this would be a really easy mod, for those who know how to mod. You would likely be simply renaming the character models, to swap them. But what do I know?
  10. So I looked at the Romance All mod, but that just isn't going to work. Not the Mod author's fault. There just aren't any Scott dialogue options for romance with her. Well, most guys I know, think she would be the best romance option of all the females available, she's the only one that's truly attractive. So isn't there a way to make a simple mod that swaps to NPC's names/code-identification, such that Suvi and Cora trade places? Thus, you would romance Cora, who would have the face and body of Suvi, and Suvi would now have the face and body of Cora. Would actually make more sense, as Cora looks more like she prefers women, than men. As it is, I never played this game, and wasn't going to, but for $5, I will give it one play through. But as it stands, I think I'm going to just do it without any romance. Don't see the point. It rips me out of my immersion to romance people I wouldn't find appealing IRL. It's why I couldn't immerse with FemShep...so I stopped doing any romance options with her. Only did one FemShep play through. Did Romance Traynor though, and got the show and hot tub scenes. Liara I couldn't do it...she's my BroShep favorite...just seemed wrong. Since all dialogue is actually just a pathway to romance, unless mission related, not pursuing romance will allow me to get through the game faster. I won't need to go talk to everybody, and explore dialogue options. Now all I need to do is get those mods in that drastically reduce the grind. I hope to finish this game in about a week, then get back to ME:LE. Already did a Vanguard...want to do Infiltrator next.
  11. The Problem is that Bioware/Ea, isn't very friendly to modders. Unlike the people who make The Elder Scrolls games, who go way out of their way to make very powerful tool kits, for the modders to use. If Bioware would be like Bethesda, they would find more modders making mods, and thus many more people playing their games.
  12. Why can't we just add the mods to the game files, like you can do with most games? Why do you have to use a mod manager? I can understand that a mod manager can be a safer, and easier way to mod the game...keeping them separate...which allows you to easily remove broken mods, and not have to delete and relaod your game...but once you know a mod works, why can't you instead, just make it part of the game file, like you do with the OT?
  13. but in Skyrim, there were many total overhauls of the NPC faces, especially the women. Anyone who played Skyrim, knows the people were horrible looking, especially the females. But, the modders somehow had the ability to quickly and easily replace those faces with absolutely stunning faces. Anyone who saw Bijin Wives, or Bijin Warmaidens, etc...knows what I'm talking about. You can find those on this site under Skyrim mods. So my question is simply, did Andromeda simply not attract the modders with the skill to do that? Or is it simply that Skyrim's Mod Creation Kit, had tools built into it that made it easy to do those faces? One reason I ask that is because I can't help but assume that a person with the right skill set, would be able to take the character creation mechanics, already a part of the game for the Ryders, and use that...turn it into a mod, that allows them to make all new NPC faces/heads for the NPCs, especially the females. I've seen the mods for the females, and they are just texture mods, which do help just a tiny bit, but for some, like Lexi and PeeBee, the effect isn't very drastic, because it's the shape and contours of the head and face that need to be reworked. But I do not have that skill set, and it appears anyone who does, has simply not done it. This leads me to assume that Skyrim simply had that as part of it's tool set for modders. Way too many people made very beautiful faces for females in that game. I do believe that the character creation mechanics COULD be ripped out of the game, to create heads and or faces, that could then be turned into mods for the NPCs, but I also assume that this would not be a quick, and easy job, and at this stage...4 years later, you aren't likely to find a modder interested in doing it, even if they have the skill to do it. So this makes me wish for Bioware to add this to a mod toolkit for the next game, so modders can make better looking NPCs, for those who want them.
  14. Is there a mod to have better music in the Captain's Cabin? Have to admit, those music choices are on the level of elevator music. Would be cool if we could add our own MP3s, like 2SH, or ME soundtrack music, etc...
  15. ME2LE One Probe All Resourceshttps://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/149 But this mod is for probe ... I need the mod to auto win the minigames (Bypass and hacking) I don't think anyone made that mod for ME:LE. I personally dislike the scanning, mostly because there are just too many locations to probe. I would be OK with finding just one spot for each resource, with a faster scanning movement. I'm OK with the One Probe gets everything. However, the bypass and hacking are fun. I don't mind them. Also, if you are going for the Insanity Achievement, you shouldn't use mods that make the game easier. If you do, you didn't EARN the achievement. The achievement is there just for you. Nobody else cares if you have it. It's just there for you to see, to remind you that you beat the game on the hardest difficulty. Just saying.
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