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About thunderlord2200

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    FALLOUT NV, Skyrim, few games for the ps3 and Assassion creed 3 (360)
  • Favourite Game
    Final Fantasy 7, Resident evil 2 and 4, Soul Cal. 2 (GC) Fallout 3 (and a lot more i cant think of sadly)

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  1. hey im trying to find out what you use to make these .pak files so i can open a few up and edited them
  2. i am asking because to me it seems dead sadly and the mod auther stopped all forms of comments and also no longer updated the mod. i have yet to find anymore info to find out if this AI program is still good or if im better off trying to find a newer AI MOD for skyrim. i heard from someone this mod could break things and or quest. just asking for some info. if u know any other good working AI mods move NPCs please met me know. and off sub still on sub worried about still working follower mods for the same reason.
  3. Disenchant Everything and not destroy/ dechant said item since alot of items are one of a kind (sadly with the same base sword tho like the fire sword u unlock in a quest) i found 1 mod that claims it does this but from all the post i read it dont work..
  4. is there anyway to make the mines in skyrim far larger then what they are and far more to explore then what we have now and also anyway to make that mine thats on the other-side of the skyrim map (its the mine u find the dead body in it and a note about someone i never could ever find) far larger then it is, and make it so u OWN it and or make a player home/ mine there (and or make is so u can hire miners to mine that mine and have it also in-cress in size from what was modded size.
  5. Deleted if theres a mod out there please deleted this thread. i did not realize how badly i per-edited this. -_- (honestly forgotten all about this thread)
  6. are there any mods to fix the horrad drop ration since this patch? i am finding NOT fun trying to find guns that work and orange. my play style requires element weapons. (ice/ radioactive build (with acid) and i have gotten zero since the patch, and its been 12+ hrs i played as of no, i basically dropped the game because of this. only orange items i gotten where just stat mods ofr other chs. very useless to me. i been forced to use the save editor to keep the weapons i have right now up to my level just so u can play (how fun is that? ) i loved the heavy drop rate it was going but no beating a guardian i gotten nothing but trash mosty white useless weapons ZERO good.. when it came to drops. nothing good. its one thing if u can find blues and purples almost as good as better then oranges like in BL2, but BL3 no so luck...
  7. Im looking for really good settlement building mods thats up to date (working), and or working while not needing to many other mods to make it work. (if u know know what i mean) i know theres alot of building mods, what what 1s still work (and together) i noticed alot of mods are dead now when it comes to lighting mods what 1s are the best over mods to fix all the lighting in the game, counting the settlement/ workshop lights that need fixes and or brighten up?
  8. yes at 1st i was getting a error code S:0000065432 then i reset my computer (after trying to update any video driver or something (more like forced a reinstall of said driver) it worked but now the crashing.. =s i might have to do it again Steam Verify better then nothing. =3
  9. this is a fresh install of the game on a new system and i dont know whats going on here. it crashed when i finally gotten out of the house and it was lagging with the NPCs close to me then it crashed then, 2nd after i reloaded from the save of u leaving house and crashed on the mini bridge u have to pass... so im scratching my bald head not noing what i have to do to fix this. i remind you this is 100% mod free. im only doing this in hope to get all of my folders i am missing in my folders, and to have a clean start to slowly add mods in to make sure things work with out the start W/O need to restart the game from scratch every-time.. @_@ computer specs. windows 10 32GB 3200 ram 2070 super ultra M.2 SSD 2 TB EVO plus OS on m.2 500 WD black.
  10. in all honesty "Old-rim" i still played with tell the day i unloaded it to try new games. (it was taking will over 100gb++ i think because all the must have mods i had for it.) and i needed the space to play newer games.. but in all honesty i think new-rim was mostly a update for the consoles and so they could try to open the doors to paid modding. *cough cough* i mean more user made DLC (mods) so they could do a back door as u will to get full money instead os shareing it with steam with old rim with mods u could still make the game looking just as good or better then New-rim. new rim is mostly mods they made or stole to make the game look lil better but in truth u still need the same texture mods and everything else to make the game look as good as Old rim.. and with old rim u will not have to worry about updating all the time everytime they add more paid mods and preload them onto ur system taking more room.. or did they fix this issue?.. (i dono ) if u have a fully working old rim i would just "STAY" with Old rim.
  11. more or less in the same boat as you sadly, but in my case i would be homeless if i was not staying with my dad. and mently among other things i cant handle jobs because i cant handle them/ no way to get they even if i could work/ and easily would brake.. and yes i do have many disorder i was borin with..
  12. what i would normal do is send the unwanted settler away is just send them to a settlement i rarly use and just allow attacks to it and never save it, or i my self just do some "testing" over there and because no one has weapons or armor there i play with them freely from afar... this way i dont agroo my good settlements.. the 2nd option is to use them as slaves in my farming Fields. :pirate: :devil:
  13. i really really was bothered by the auto gun turrets that was in game, i never once thought it really fit the game. i felt having MANNED gun turrets would of felt better, while i always felt the ones you gotten in the game should of been harder to make at best, like you have to scrap and research already made gun turrets you would find out in the wastes and you would have to find a undamaged part (from not shooting it) and use that to make your gun turret. while. (having someway to loot the hole turret to your base would also be a good option thought there should of been manned gun turrets an ones on trucks and dugouts/ gun pits.
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