are there any mods to fix the horrad drop ration since this patch? i am finding NOT fun trying to find guns that work and orange. my play style requires element weapons. (ice/ radioactive build (with acid) and i have gotten zero since the patch, and its been 12+ hrs i played as of no, i basically dropped the game because of this. only orange items i gotten where just stat mods ofr other chs. very useless to me. i been forced to use the save editor to keep the weapons i have right now up to my level just so u can play (how fun is that? ) i loved the heavy drop rate it was going but no beating a guardian i gotten nothing but trash mosty white useless weapons ZERO good.. when it came to drops. nothing good. its one thing if u can find blues and purples almost as good as better then oranges like in BL2, but BL3 no so luck...