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About Amras0808

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    TES 5: Skyrim

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  1. Most of the shouts dont have to cause damage, some are just plain awesome (Calling a dragon is epic no matter how long the countdown). The disarm spell actually does disarm, get all three shout before judging it (i constantly use it and laugh at their pitiful attempts to kill me) . Unrelenting force is simply the best, its better than all the rest. Fire breath and ice breath arent great. Ice form has so many advantages if you have any creativity ( if your on a hill and freeze a dude, he tumbles all the way down and dies ) animal allegiance is useful to collect pelts (kill them when they are under your power). Throw voice is an essential when your a rogue (great for making hard to shoot at enemies appear in your line of sight ) storm call makes you look badass. they are only underpowered if you think this game is supposed to be like COD, it doesnt have to do lots of damage, its their ability to do many different effects and change the tide of battle in unsuspected ways that make them awesome!
  2. Dude. I hope you get banned, that's two disgusting comments from you out of your three total comments here. You have nothing good to offer, please leave. :wallbash: Porn and masturbation are somehow disgusting and offensive to you. Albeit, your disgusting and offensive signature describing murder that comes along with ALL of YOUR posts? :wallbash: Let's not forget where we are, the internet. And more importantly, a forum about a game that involves quite a lot of killing, blood, gore, etc. And don't forget to shove your hypocritical self-righteousness right up your ass. ahaha, well said :P
  3. you said you played in third person view, did you perhaps use a bow while doing so? if so how was it like (crosshair and stuff)
  4. its actually confirmed, werewolfs are in
  5. since i really have nothing to do, ill translate XD (summarized translation tho ) In a recent interview with todd howard, we discorvered some new info about skyrim, the developping temas decided to make a more organic scenery, he describes different types of cave such as moss filled caves( i think its moss in english, its the green stuff on trees) , while others will be icy caverns, there will even be one of these icy caverns situated in an imperial fort. there will be 5- 6 different climate, or scenery( like volcanic tundra, glacier fall forest etc) and within these catagories of scenery will also be many variations. (in other words i take it as the scnerey will be far less generic than in oblivion) todd then explains the loot we will get . They varie it, on some occations, specific items the devs chose will be at certain places, while at other occations ull get random drops depending on the sector wich u are in like fallout 3 (i guesss it goes also with the difficulty of the dungeon.) we will have 3 perk trees to chose from, (magic stealth and warrior based trees i presume) its a classical perk tree, to get a higher perk you will need to aquired preliminary perks in order to unlock the acces to the stronger one. the analog sticks will be used to direct the slice of your weapons (which is amazing) this will also allow you to rain combos down on ur foes, we will also cross many boats on our path, but we wont be abul to direct it with our player. (probrably a carriage system thing) , they then explain how we wont be abul to ride dragons on release, but that a dlc containing this aspect is highly probably ! thats pretty much it, hope i was better than google XD
  6. some new info http://www.play3-live.com/news-ps3-tesv-skyrim-se-livre-encore-un-peu-plus-31014.html
  7. http://www.play3-live.com/news-ps3-quelques-deetails-de-plus-pour-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-30990.html Im not sure if thats the original source, but i often take info there and all of it is legit cuz its also written on this thread :P
  8. Fishing and hunting is confirmed :)
  9. Yeah but the public doesn't care about that, they'll probably give it the highest rating possible if it doesn't become banned. You remember how Morrowind, or Oblivion (can't remember which, I think it was Oblivion) got a higher rating because some modder took the clothes off the female model? Well i didnt pay much attention to the ratings of oblivion, and i never played morrowind, (may be missing out ) so i guess your right Hey and what exactly and when is this e3 thing?
  10. I dont think its that big a deal (the child violence) if people decide to go on rampage, killing everything, well they wont feel offended by hurting a child because, not only is it a video game, but its also thier goal if thier plan was to kill everything in the first place. if people dont like the idea, well simply dont kill entire towns XD
  11. Welcome to the nexus. Thanks for looking into my profile too. See you around.
  12. Im from canada, and , the healthcare is great, except were lacking doctors lately since they get higher salaries in the states XD
  13. I agrre , if we base ourselves off oblivion its the most likely option
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