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About nikaro23

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  1. yes actually. After trying your suggestion via google, all I got were a bunch of Fallout New Vegas mods, and one that is just the in game assets and not a working mod. In regards to mutant hounds I have come across many supposed screen shots from the forums of people saying that they are working on a mod, but nothing ever comes of it.
  2. So what I am really hoping for is a mod that either makes Dogmeat into a mutant hound, or adds a Mutant hound as an additional companion that can be used instead of Dogmeat. Yes I know there are multiple "tame the wildlife" mods such as beast master, but those are somewhat hard to use at least for me, and I do not need all the additional creatures they include. The other mod i would love to see is a working Kel-Tec shotgun mod. Someone posted the assets for it what seems like ages ago, but no one has done anything with them since then. If anyone has the skills needed to bring these two mods to life it would make me very happy, and I would finally be able to have the full experience I have wanted since launch. Thank you
  3. Had the same issue. it was because I was wearing a dragon priest mask. Otar soecifically
  4. My issue isn't that they are asking me to subscribe, or donate, my issue is the amount they have switched to doing so. They went from not doing at at all, to it being completely obtrusive. I understand that they need the money to keep going, but as it stands being forced to click "No sorry I cannot afford to sub right now" every single time I want to download something is in my opinion rather excessive. It's like they went from one extreme to the other, which neither was good in my opinion. I'll admit during my initial post it may have come off a bit over the top, but I am still of the mind set that they are being far to excessive with the amount they are asking me to subscribe.
  5. So I noticed the website now won't let me download anything without first hounding me to subscribe. I am not a fan of this, I mean I get it I really do. You would like to pay your mod makers, but I am not okay with now every time I download something I am guilt tripped into making me pay a monthly fee. I mean isn't that why I paid like 5 bucks WAY back in the day in order to not deal with add,s and this other BS? Sorry. I am just not happy with this right now.
  6. Og god I would pay money to see that happen if that were possible. Lol Been Looking for a Mutant Hound Dogmeat replacer for a LONG time.
  7. Hey all. So could anyone do a mod that replaces the standard dog meat model, for one that makes him look like a mutant hound? If anyone could do that that would be awesome. Thanks for reading.
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