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About koukouroukou1

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  1. Its too shame that we are thinking the same and i do understand what youre saying but i dont get a result like you from blender...I dont know what it happens with 3ds max but i do what you or everyone would do in any 3d program like moving the parts in edit mode but when i export and try to paste over the same thing happens like if i had moved the parts in object mode... Wanna take a look,here is some screenshots from another discuss forum Exported from max in edit mode with all vertices selected and moved to the correct place And after the paste over, it again lookes like i just copied and pasted over mine magazine on the vanilla magazine...
  2. Yeah, but im not so sure that moving the magazine on custom weapons in edit mode by selecting all vertices will make it better since this happened to me,i do moved the magazine NiTriStrips in edit mode in 3ds max and then tooked that exported mesh and pasted over my custom weapon magazine NiTriStripsData and didnt make it better neither worked as it should...i don't think that is necessary to moving animation nodes at all since there is no point at it
  3. As the tittle says has anyone else out there have came across with this bug for the sniper rifle magazine misaligned position after reloading...its very clearly on custom weapons since vanila sniper rifle magazine is too small and cant be noticed if you dont look carefully, that the magazine tend to move a little closer to the grip (-x axis)...anyways does any one have ever noticed that problem(s)?
  4. you have to convert those weapons meshes(amr,service rifle) as armor meshes and then rig it to the game at the place you want the process involve some scripting knowledge also after all
  5. Wish you the same!!!Hope everything goes just like you want

    bla blu bye bye ;p

  6. happy new year mate!

    hope u are fine and everything runs smooth :)

  7. Hi there...I have joined the addicted to Skyrim people.. it is amazingly good :)
  8. Hey m8...i'm doing well thanks,thinking on going back to stalker cop,no more new vegas for me...
  9. hey m8,NV forum become boring...its so silent there since skyrim xD

    just hope you doing well :)

  10. Or open up the FOMM go to Tools>Save Games>click on your save and see the poping up window the mods that you were running this period
  11. I haven't experienced the problem myself but way too many peoples has this problem so I cannot personally vouch for the solution, but this is supposed to fix it: Beatrix Bug Script Removed UPDATED.it will should do the trick... But from me is that.Beware.I wouldn't use that "bug fix" until the author fixes or update his own file. It contains all vanilla scripts,so watch where you put it in your load order because it will be confilict with all the other mods that change the vanilla scripts....
  12. For the Magazine you have to set up a NiNode with a NiTransformController in NifSkope you want help with that i can help you?
  13. Put Meshes,Textures,Sound Folders and esp or esm file into your (install folder)\Fallout New Vegas\Data
  14. I don't think so that there is a mod like thishttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gifsorry Use "ctrl" button to toggle sneak
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