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  1. I switched to the beta 2 days ago when the button appeared & was very hesitant (considering the previous swap of profile pages came with a lot of issues & things not working), but i have to admit so far everything is working fine, like the show of "downloaded/update available" on mods i downloaded, new/updated tabs etc.., everything else seems to work fine too on mod pages, the only issues i have with the new "theme" is it's a bit big... previous classic was nice flat & smaller (not too small you couldn't see or read stuff, but small enough that it didn't make you feel like 1 thing is taking the whole screen over which this new theme feels like), i hope we get an option for a theme in the future or at least a default & smaller size to pick from. as for you, what you mean you can't view mods images without navigating to the mods page? if you mean the thumbnail it works fine, if you mean screenshots posted by author & other users for a specific mod then as far as i know you always had to go to the said mods page to view those...
  2. My prayers were answered & unbreakable structures mod was made, tyvm ^^ (if mod reads this, this topic can be closed)
  3. Hi Been playing since release & used to use this 2 mods from another user, however they're deleted/outdated & i believe won't be making their way back at least not for a very long time, that's why if anyone is capable & willing to make a UE4SS version mods with this option that'd be great For the Food Spoilage timer, either a no timer version or a customizable version where we can either choose to have no timer or set a custom timer in the config file. For unbreakable build objects, pretty straight forward, simply a mod that makes all the objects you can build with build menu unbreakable (i'm getting tired of my pals wiping out half of my base by accident sometimes due to fighting enemies...) the reason i'm asking for a UE4SS version is, because it seems they're far more future proof then simple .pak version where they break almost with every update p.s this is my 1st mod request & i'm unsure if i'm posting this correctly, if i'm not please do correct me & don't hammer on me to harshly ^^
  4. Tyvm for the reply (i can't find that link anywhere ever since i have premium status)
  5. Hi, i tried looking in FAQ for both of the questions i'm gonna list below but i couldn't find answers (also if this is a wrong place to ask i'm sorry, been away from the forums for a while & this seemed to be the only logical place to post this) What are exactly the benefits of premium? i can't access that page showing it anymore since i'm a premium now (this is also directly connected to my 2nd question) I think i remember seeing tracking/download history being unlimited or very large comparing to a free user sometime long ago in the past, so i'm curious what's the exact tracking slot limit per game for a premium user? Ty in advance for any answers.
  6. So far i'm lovin the new design, personally i find it way better in all aspects then the old one, i hope you keep it even though all the ppl complaining about it, i'd hate to have to use the old one after getting a taste of this one now :)
  7. I tried converting an armor mod for my personal use (i only used meshes & texture files, i made my own esp to make it clean) & it all works except like the title for his problem says when i equip the armor it has blue color instead of textures, i did And still it shows models dark blue ingame instead of textures on them, but i can see the textures completely fine in the nifskope (i'm using pre-alpha 6 which is currently the latest nifskope) also textures are .dds extension. If anyone found a fix for this texture issue please let me know.
  8. few days have passed... & doesn't this go under technical issue? if not my bad. Also ty for reporting it to the staff.
  9. Snezko

    log in

    I'm pretty sure anyone else would say this, you'll need to post more information on the issue itself, like what does it tell you when you try to log in etc... just saying you can't login makes it nearly impossible for anyone to know how to help without having more information.
  10. Tried looking everywhere and i'm either blind or i simply can't find any topics on my issue, now onward to the actual issue. So my problem with favorite games list issue is that it's not updating, i had 6 or 7 games set to favorite on the list for a good year or so but i recently wanted to update it and when i did it just emptied it & didn't actually save my setting i tried this multiple times, re-login, different browser, i tried it all i could think off but the damn thing just simply wont save it -.- it's always empty no matter what i try and how many times i try & yes i keep it under 8 so i'm not even hitting the 8 limit so that's 100% not the issue. some picks just to show it even says it's saved/updated & that i have selected less then 8 games yet it doesn't work :( http://i.imgur.com/KRKTOAw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/y6FMsgS.jpg As you can see only 6 games selected, it says my changes were updated aka saved & yet on the next picture you can see the only 3 options as if i don't have any game on my favorite list... If anyone has a clue what's causing this issue please share the solution (i'm assuming this is a special case since i didn't find anyone else with the same problem :/)
  11. Now it shows grey, thanks a lot =) my eyes no longer scream in pain :D
  12. So there's no other way to fix this issue on chrome other then removing site skin?
  13. praised be, scrolling is smooth and picture opening is almost completely smooth too, but there's no background anymore just a killer white for my eyes xD
  14. i ran JRT it deleted like 30 files mostly just temporarly windows & some unused stuff but it didnt change/fix/improve my problem, it still lags when i'm browsing nexus site. (no lags on forums though just on the site for mods and still only on chrome, works completely fine on my firefox)
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