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Everything posted by DEEMAN021

  1. Hey guys, Was playing today and the thought crossed my mind. I do not personally possess the knowledge to do this, however, for immersive players I feel they would really benefit from this mod idea, so I'm just throwing it out there. Ever thought of creating a player held compass, like a compass you actually have to look at and charter your path to your destination. It would be a very immersive compass, especially for those that enjoy disabling the UI for a more immersive experience. I have a general idea of how this kind of compass could fit into the game, just absolutely no way of implementing it at present, let me know if you're interested. DEEMAN
  2. I've tried and tried to get this mod to work, and I no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get it to function properly. Here is a link: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/15294//? So, I have installed obse, the most recent version and pluggy as well, and whenever I run the game, the journal mod says that it has been installed correctly, but when I try opening a journal I get this messagebox saying that "The XML files have not been installed correctly, and to check the read me for further instructions." I have gone over the read me a dozen times and done exactly as instructed and I cannot seem to get the XML files to work properly, can someone please assist me. This mod is driving me insane.
  3. I think it'd be a good idea to build a large scale quest revolving around the player being forced into fighting similar to a gladiator. It could give the player a different kind of taste to the game. Emphasizing prison life. I haven't seen anyone do it. I have my own ideas for storyline I just don't have the creation kit knowledge to make it happen. Message me if you think it's a good idea or are interested in helping me.
  4. I'm fairly good at level design and interior design, as well as the basic quest creation and dialogue creation. However, my issue lies with scripting. Scripting has A LOT of importance in designing quests for Skyrim and I am just far from familiar with Papyrus. My problem is basically that a lot of the quest type I want to build can be progressed with dialogue and such however it will require some core scripting in order to advance the quest at times and I just don't have the knowledge in Papyrus to make that happen. That's why I'm looking for a talented scripter to work with on this project, I'd design the quest (with input of course) the interiors, the plot, everything that's needed but I may need help when it comes to certain aspects of scripting the quest. I could also use any mesh remodelers out there that want to work on some unique armor pieces. If you are interested send me a message. Thanks! :)
  5. The mod is very simple, just adds a player animation in game when they sit down in a certain area, I just cant manage to get it to work. Can someone please give me a hand with this?
  6. I recently came up with an idea for skyrim while playing and it involves animation and/or meshes. If you want to learn more about it send me an email on the forums and we can talk about it.
  7. I'm trying to build a mod that would involve combining to plugins. An obmm plugin and a normal CS plugin. However, I know it can't be done on the construction set. Does anyone know of a construction set or mod loader that can combine these plugins?
  8. I think it's the wheel it must be broken. When I changed it to left mouse button it went back to first person :D
  9. It didn't work. The camera seems to be focused around a point in the middle of the players body. And just rotates around the player. If I scroll it just zooms in on the point.
  10. Insanity, do you have any idea how to fix this problem
  11. Everytime I load a game in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, even if I'm in first person mode, the game automatically puts me in a third person view. I can still move forward, back, left and right. However when I turn with the mouse it only turns the camera and gives me a different view of my character. So I can't change direction, I always face the same direction. I really need help with this I can't do anything :/
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