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Posts posted by XxTaLoNxX

  1. You're late to the party...very late, everybody already knows about this and most idiots do this...i personally never did because it's stupid and makes the game more boring, hell i'm already bored of the game, played too much and nothing to keep me going ><


    Wow, your Douchebaggery skill is maxed out. Obviously he isn't late because, NO, there are still tons of people who didn't know about this, some in this thread. Not all of us spend time every day to check out the current (new) glitches and exploits when we enjoy just playing the game as is. And for someone who is in the know about ALL of the cheats apparently, who are you to judge how someone plays a SINGLE PLAYER GAME?

  2. What?


    OP: My other characters are too powerful, I heard the Mage class is gimped. I want challenge, but I want to know if Mages have it too hard and I would be doomed to a challenge.




    Your post consists of saying other classes are too easy and you want challenge yet in the same post you are worried that playing a mage may be hard....

    I don't even know how to answer this...

    Try playing on Master? Because I can guarantee that none of your characters are supremely powerful on that difficulty setting. And yeah, play a mage if you want too.

  3. Wow, I can't believe you guys are having so few. Every time I go to The Sleeping Giant Inn or The College of Winterhold I run into a dragon and there is a caldera landscape north of Riften that has a lot of dragon spawns. I think I have killed close to 50 Dragons.
  4. Problem with Levitation is that it can easily ruin the game. Remember Morrowind with Levitation and overpowered potions ?


    Also, from the designer point of view, it is almost impossible to mix levitation with the closed cities.


    Not really, it would just require more creative city building and limited levitation abusability.

  5. I agree. There is too much hate rolling on the forums now. People feel they need to throw out opinions left and right, which then gets bashed. It is a hate-hate relationship going on, which ruins a sweet mod community.


    A modder leaving this community is a sad moment. I'd rather lose 500 whiners, who never plan to mod, rather than 1 modder who wants to improve and grow in skill. It's not like we got too many decent modders.







  6. While playing today I was climbing a mountain when suddenly I found myself missing a certain spell that was useful in soooo many ways... Levitate. And then a sudden realization occurred to me! In the MOST mountain climbing (haha that's laughable in the game) oriented game done by Bethesda there is no levitate.... what? How can this be? And then another thought occurred to me, in the MOST vertically oriented game by Bethesda THERE IS NO ATHLETICS! Remember the skill that improved jumping and led to some awesome "trick shots" and assassination tech? Remember the skill that lessened the falling damages?


    Yeah! What the HECK? Why does this game not have some very essential mechanics that were present in past games that make MORE sense in THIS game as opposed to the other games?

  7. Strange,.... Shadowmere must have a ton of life.... I jump off mountains with this horse all the time and he never dies.


    Have had him tank Dragons for me and everything. Watched him solo giants.


    I think my Shadowmere is immune to dmg because I never seea health bar for him unless I SHOOT HIM and even then his life doesnt go down.


    I am level 40 with 100 destro magic btw so I hit for a ton.


    It's possible to have him die, but it takes a lot. Like a lot, a lot.

  8. hi guys/gals


    Ive never had a problem i couldn't fix with skyrim, but i have right now.

    if youd be so kind..........


    i cannot enchant item. i know how, but it simply will not let me enchant a drain sword or w.e

    i have multiple filled soul gems as well. it is very frustrating. its like the T button doesn't work even when i try to reset it.


    i have the following mods install

    -fxaa injector

    -enhanced sky/galaxy

    -lockpick pro

    -faster enchanting mod<i think its the problem but it was working b4 so........:-(


    any ideas would be much appreciated


    Sounds like a mod problem. In that case you should try to contact the mod publisher of the suspected mod that is causing the problem and see if they can help you, or you could try to uninstall the suspected mod.

  9. Bah whatever, people have their opinions and they have the right to express them just like you did there, just like the "I love Skyrim"/"I hate Skyrim" people did, so again, whatever, if you wanna quit go ahead, no one will miss you, bye bye :thumbsup:


    It's exactly people like you who ruin good forums. Not an insult just a fact. You basically just told him to bug off because nobody cares. But what your ignorant mind has yet to comprehend is this is a MODDING COMMUNITY. When we lose modders then the community suffers because of this. For all you know the OP could be planning a really awesome overhaul for the game that could be a top mod and you want to be a jerk and run him off.


    Shame on you.

  10. And then there's the fact, they published the fallout series, although they didn't develop it. I didn't even like the setting of the series, but trying it out I was amazed on how dynamic the world reacted to my decisions and actions.


    Actually they developed FO3 and published FONV.

  11. Simple, setup the offline mode with Steam. The set your firewall (I recommend ZoneAlarm) to prevent Steam from sending OR receiving any information to and from your computer. That's what I did and I am still running Skyrim 1.0.


    He said he wants to be able to log in and download the steam server updates when required. If he blocks steam completely he won't be able to download the steam updates, and if he unblocked it he would have the same problem.


    I don't know of a way to be able to fully choose what updates you want, and while using steam in offline mode it may still download the update =/.


    Actually with certain firewalls like mine you can have a vast number of settings and can therefore customize the way you want to handle Steam. I have mine on a permission only setting which means I can say Allow or Deny when information is requested and in my other settings I have the firewall set to not bother me when I have programs X Y Z running. Super customizable advanced firewalls ftw bro.

  12. If you are going to be a stealth assassin then I would presume you would specialize in light armors so as high as you need to go in smithing is glass armors unless you mod heavy and light armors for all types (ie light dragon armor).
  13. ^ I wish I'd known that trick when I first bought Skyrim.


    Please don't take this as an insult to your intelligence. But if you had any experience with Steam then that is kinda basic knowledge. In fact I recommend you get ZoneAlarm and prevent any and all information transfers except when you authorize them. This will save you many headaches and improve your privacy forcefully since everyone else wants to secretly access your computer without your knowledge.

  14. A few things I would like to see in Skyrim DLC besides more content.


    1) Shouts getting their own skill tree.

    2) Unique/Rare/Named Bows.

    3) More weapon and armor variants.


    Places I would like to see.

    1) Morrowind

    2) Tamriel

    3) Shivering Isles

    4) Hircines Hunting Grounds

    5) Sovengaard

  15. But the oddest is the dragon that fell from the sky..literally, and hit the ground dead. I didn't do it, and no one else was around. Never did figure that one out. No noise, just saw this dragon fall out of the sky, that was it. No dragon soul on that one and nothing on him either. Came back later and he was gone. Go figure.


    I guess that is one thing I am really starting to enjoy about this game is I never know what to expect, some things just happen.


    I guess that was the dragon who joined the mile high giant club...phhhfffttt hahahahah

  16. Dude... Giants kill Dragons in real game play if you let them hash it out. In fact that is the quickest way to kill a dragon... let a Giant 1-2-3 them in the jaw.

    Which brings me to a balancing issue... dragons are supposed to be the apex creatures besides the legendary Dragonborns, why is a Giant so damn powerful? In fact Giants are just plain OP. Stupid.

  17. People pirate for a lot of reasons and some of those people would've bought the game if they didn't have the option to steal.


    The problem with DRM is that there hasn't been a single DRM method that wasn't cracked 2 days after release. So it really is primarily a burden on paying customers while being zero-hindrance to pirates. Portal 2 was available hours after release and if any game should have been protected by Steam's DRM system it should have been the latest Valve game.


    The big thing DRM schemes like Origin and Steam prevent is resale of used games. I can't offload my copy of FO3 now because it's tied to my account and steam transfers games rarely and never for resale.



    I think companies see how little pirating there is of console games and think PCs should have the same kinds of numbers but it's ridiculous. Consoles are extremely limited while PCs are virtually unlimited. Trying to get pirating of singleplayer games on PC down to console levels will never happen. Nature of the beast. A PC gamer can always find a way to fool any DRM scheme. So again, all these DRM methods do is hurt PC game sales as many people with both a PC and a console decide it isn't worth the bulls*** and buy the console version.


    That said, I buy my games and I buy them on PC (because of modding).


    Still, **** steam for downloading the 1.2 patch against my wishes. **** ****ity **** them.


    I agree completely. In fact this is exactly what DRMs do...


    1. Cause additional pirating because certain individuals will NOT allow a program as shady as Steam to even EXIST on their PCs.

    2. Cause additional pirating because certain individuals will NOT deal with the hoops they have to constantly jump through to play legitimately.

    3. Cause certain individuals to avoid purchasing the game purely on principle.

    4. Cause other individuals to buy it on console and then resell the game through GameStop OR cause them to rent the game from GameFly.


    DRMs don't do anything positive because THEY DO NOT WORK. All they do is create problems for legitimate users.

  18. I just want to clear up any confusion, this isn't a rant thread, a venting thread or a hate thread. This is actually a thread about legitimate issues, shortcomings and minor things that would have made Skyrim a better experience. For me I find it nearly baffling that they didn't make the new combat mechanic an actual skill so that it retains it's usefulness throughout the game, Shouts could have easily had a skill tree to itself. Instead most are situational at best and at it's worst the damage shouts are so underpowered in damage and with completely unreasonable cooldown timers. This could have been fixed with a simple implementation of a Shout skill tree.


    My MAJOR complaint is that Bethesda chose to use Steam client as a means of software piracy protection knowing full well that Steam does nothing to prevent piracy and now thousands of Skyrim PC players are having to suffer because of this. Steam is a spyware company that knowingly ignores users privacy by bypassing offline settings and secretly installing files onto user's computers without permission or their knowledge, Steam also tracks information that is sent to and from a users computer and sends that information back to Steam client servers for analysis.


    If there was ever a violation of a user's privacy Steam would be the worst offender.

  19. what would be awesome is if someone (with permission ) could make a mod and add it to the list of songs for the musicians in game to preform.


    That has already been done. The mod adds it to Lisette at the Winking Skeever.


    Give me the link NAOW!

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