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About Kamila11101

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  1. Hello , Through the years I had many weird crashes but my game is quite stable. The only crash I am getting ,non regularly is a mystery to me. NetScriptFramework always tells in relevant objects it is related to npc(or sometimes also player) , and in probable callstack I always get almost same stuff: "Probable callstack { [0] 0x7FF62A44607B (SkyrimSE.exe+10C607B) unk_10C5F40+13B [1] 0x7FF62A49259A (SkyrimSE.exe+111259A) IMovementPathManagerAgent::Func2_1112510+8A [2] 0x7FF62A441EC3 (SkyrimSE.exe+10C1EC3) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C1DC0+103 [3] 0x7FF62A441CD5 (SkyrimSE.exe+10C1CD5) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C1C30+A5 [4] 0x7FF62A47ECED (SkyrimSE.exe+10FECED) MovementControllerAI::Func7_10FEC60+8D [5] 0x7FF629958A4C (SkyrimSE.exe+5D8A4C) PlayerCharacter::unk_5D87F0+25C [6] 0x7FF629958265 (SkyrimSE.exe+5D8265) PlayerCharacter::unk_5D8170+F5 [7] 0x7FF629FB2A81 (SkyrimSE.exe+C32A81) JobList::Process_C329B0+D1 [8] 0x7FF629FB4C48 (SkyrimSE.exe+C34C48) BSJobs::JobThread::Func1_C34930+318 [9] 0x7FF629F8D6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D [10] 0x7FFB9C027034 (KERNEL32.DLL+17034) [11] 0x7FFB9C162651 (ntdll.dll+52651) } " as far as I seen npcs from vanilla game and mods are doing that equally. My only idea is navmesh issue? but I don't know. Thanks in advance for any tip/help. EDIT: As I started to test I noticed that disabling Immersive Citizens- AI Overhaul and al lthe aptches for it is getting rid of crashing.. Tho I need more tests to see
  2. Hello, Recently I started modding SSE after being tired with memory crashes from LE. Everything would be nice but I noticed weird random CTD. Of course I started looking at Net Script Framework logs but I still don't know what the log is telling me. I tried to remove all animation related mods > new game > tests = CTD from the same reason. removed Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul and anything that touches navmesh >new game > tests = CTD. my test at first was just : Launch game> load save in riverwood > coc whiterun > walk around that area>if no CTD close game and repeat. because it was random I was doing this like 10 times in a row so I started to think it's related to NPC encounters on road. My new test was : Launch game>load save in riverwood>player.setav speedmult 600 and tgm> run to whiterun gate ,then to rorikstead ,then to valtheim towers,riverwood ,repeat until game crashed. I have no idea what can cause this issue at this point :/ Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF780FB607B (SkyrimSE.exe+10C607B) on thread 29064! FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework FrameworkVersion: 15 FrameworkArchitecture: x64 GameLibrary: SkyrimSE GameLibraryVersion: 18 ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe ApplicationVersion: VersionInfo: Successfully loaded Time: 18 Apr 2023 00:13:12.680 Possible relevant objects (5) { [ 89] TESNPC(Name: `Stormcloak Soldier`, FormId: FF001C08) [ 89] Character(FormId: FF001C06, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Stormcloak Soldier`, FormId: FF001C08)) [ 99] BGSAction(Name: ActionIdleStopInstant, FormId: 0007F8E3, File: `Skyrim.esm`) [ 132] TESNPC(Name: `Imperial Soldier`, FormId: FF001C0B) [ 132] Character(FormId: FF001C09, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Imperial Soldier`, FormId: FF001C0B)) } Probable callstack { [0] 0x7FF780FB607B (SkyrimSE.exe+10C607B) unk_10C5F40+13B [1] 0x7FF78100259A (SkyrimSE.exe+111259A) IMovementPathManagerAgent::Func2_1112510+8A [2] 0x7FF780FB1EC3 (SkyrimSE.exe+10C1EC3) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C1DC0+103 [3] 0x7FF780FB1CD5 (SkyrimSE.exe+10C1CD5) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C1C30+A5 [4] 0x7FF780FEECED (SkyrimSE.exe+10FECED) MovementControllerAI::Func7_10FEC60+8D [5] 0x7FF7804C8A4C (SkyrimSE.exe+5D8A4C) PlayerCharacter::unk_5D87F0+25C [6] 0x7FF7804C8265 (SkyrimSE.exe+5D8265) PlayerCharacter::unk_5D8170+F5 [7] 0x7FF780B22A81 (SkyrimSE.exe+C32A81) JobList::Process_C329B0+D1 [8] 0x7FF780B24C48 (SkyrimSE.exe+C34C48) BSJobs::JobThread::Func1_C34930+318 [9] 0x7FF780AFD6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D [10] 0x7FFC16647034 (KERNEL32.DLL+17034) [11] 0x7FFC16782651 (ntdll.dll+52651) } Registers { AX: 0x36489AAE0 (void*) BX: 0x0 (NULL) CX: 0x36489AAC0 (void*) DX: 0x36489A040 (void*) SI: 0x30CC3F1C0 (void*) DI: 0x7FF78150E778 (SkyrimSE.exe+161E778) (void*) BP: 0x5C02F849 (void*) SP: 0x5C02F770 (PathingCell**) -> (Cell: null) IP: 0x7FF780FB607B (SkyrimSE.exe+10C607B) (void*) R8: 0x5C02F908 (void*) R9: 0x5C02F980 (void*) R10: 0x5C02F788 (BSTArrayAllocatorFunctor<BSTArrayHeapAllocator>*) R11: 0x5C02F7B0 (void*) R12: 0x1 (u8):[1] R13: 0xFFFFFFFF (void*) R14: 0x0 (NULL) R15: 0x30 (u8):[48] Flags: 0x10206 XMM0: (double)1.05685337195934E-314 / (float)3.402823E+38 XMM1: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM2: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM3: (double)4.97959989837522E-315 / (float)0.008975983 XMM4: (double)4.97860828886139E-315 / (float)0.008789063 XMM5: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM6: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM7: (double)1.05685337195934E-314 / (float)3.402823E+38 XMM8: (double)1.05685337195934E-314 / (float)3.402823E+38 XMM9: (double)5.02161462825616E-315 / (float)0.01816667 XMM10: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM11: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM12: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM13: (double)0 / (float)0 XMM14: (double)5.30860141842695E-315 / (float)2.174299 XMM15: (double)5.35730121222339E-315 / (float)5.048758 } or this: Possible relevant objects (4) { [ 132] TESNPC(Name: `Imperial Soldier`, FormId: FF001121) [ 132] Character(FormId: FF00111F, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Imperial Soldier`, FormId: FF001121)) [ 161] TESNPC(Name: `Imperial Soldier`, FormId: FF00111E) [ 161] Character(FormId: FF00111C, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Imperial Soldier`, FormId: FF00111E)) } Probable callstack { [0] 0x7FF780FB607B (SkyrimSE.exe+10C607B) unk_10C5F40+13B [1] 0x7FF78100259A (SkyrimSE.exe+111259A) IMovementPathManagerAgent::Func2_1112510+8A [2] 0x7FF780FB1EC3 (SkyrimSE.exe+10C1EC3) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C1DC0+103 [3] 0x7FF780FB1CD5 (SkyrimSE.exe+10C1CD5) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C1C30+A5 [4] 0x7FF780FEECED (SkyrimSE.exe+10FECED) MovementControllerAI::Func7_10FEC60+8D [5] 0x7FF7804C8A4C (SkyrimSE.exe+5D8A4C) PlayerCharacter::unk_5D87F0+25C [6] 0x7FF7804C8265 (SkyrimSE.exe+5D8265) PlayerCharacter::unk_5D8170+F5 [7] 0x7FF780B22A81 (SkyrimSE.exe+C32A81) JobList::Process_C329B0+D1 [8] 0x7FF780B24C48 (SkyrimSE.exe+C34C48) BSJobs::JobThread::Func1_C34930+318 [9] 0x7FF780AFD6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D [10] 0x7FFC16647034 (KERNEL32.DLL+17034) [11] 0x7FFC16782651 (ntdll.dll+52651) }
  3. Hello, recently I started modding SSE and I added few flora mods: -Grass on steroids -Folkvangr -Nature of the Wild Lands And I wanted to make grass look better in distance (like that I couldn't see clearly where it ends) so I installed No Grass In Objects ,generated grass cache , installed DynDOLOD to generate grass LOD and... without ENB it look okay (I don't see where normal grass ends and where LOD grass starts) but I want to use my ENB. I tried to change R G B balance in DynDOLOD grass setting and generate grass again but it didn't help. Is there anything I can do do have ENB and grass LOD ? EDIT: After few tries I managed to fix that issue. I went to TexGen ,change ambient light for grass to 0 and direct light to 87 ,builded textures. Then in DynDOLOD i builded LOD ,loaded game and it looks much better:
  4. Hi ,I was recently wondering about skyrim magic system. Why after we learn spell throught a spell book we are already able to use spell at his full potential? What if: we would start with 10% spell potential and 100% experience from sing that spell at this point and if we practise more (or simply go to specific school teacher to learn "how to use that spell better") we would end up with 100% spell potential but from there we would only get a very small % of experience from using that spell from now. Thanks to that spamming one spell to level up quickly would be pointless , trainers would be more usefull and player could fell that his character is actually learning new things.
  5. Hi, recently I downloaded texture for whiterun walls to make it looks better. Everything would be great if not this: https://imgur.com/10Qdxre The only wayI found out to get that wall to have "full texture" was increasing uGridsToLoad to 7 or 9. But I heard that even value of 7 could be bad for skyrim stability in long run. So then I wanted to try dyndolod..but unfortunately it don't want to even start. I'm running out of ideas and this is really bothering me. ANy suggestions?
  6. Hi, My problem is that race that I currently use have head that doesn't fit to most of hairs ,every helmets and circlets. I don't know how to change it and I don't have any experience in things like that. I'm talking about Anime Race I like this race but playing without any hat ,helmet or even circlet and also very limited choice of hair is hard to withstand.
  7. Hi, recently I downloaded The Useless Shop and Interior Overhaul which contained Scotish Bannered Mare. I installed this mod after I done "In time of need" quest where I helped Kematu. After installaion ,when I went to Bannered Mare I can meet Kematu (in middle of inn ) and paralysed aggressive Saadia (she is near Hulda and causes everyone to run from her). I was wondering if it would be safe to disable via console Kematu and Saadia. What you guys think? PS: I'm also curious why Kematu is even there- he is somehow bound to saadia ?
  8. Hi, Two days ago I downloaded PermaZones to make my skyrim experience a little bit harder. But it doesn't look like this mod works at all. From what I read on modpage even if I have lvl 1 I should encounter enemies on "zone minimum lvl" .But after starting new game ,going straight to bleak falls barrow I can find only enemies on lvl 1-2. Revenge of the enemies - priority 18 Rebalanced Encounter Zones - 19 Swim and follow after me - 58 PermaZones - 200 I don't know what to do to get this working :/
  9. Hi, Recently I found good armor for my character but I don't like few parts of this armor. So I tried to remove them but: 1 My first attempt end like this: 2)Another end like this: 3)and on the last I get CTD. So I want to ask if somebody could remove those parts. Crimson Twlight Armor CBBE Crimson Twilight Armor CBBE HDT Bodyslide ( I overwrite main armor with this and then builded an armor)
  10. Hi, So recently I decided to try Anime Race( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98320) .Everything was good besides hair.I mean I found good hair ,and they have HDT but when I sneak hairs are clipping throught the body I tried to search in google how to fix that but I doesn't found fix that I can apply. Any suggestions?
  11. Hi, So I tried to find any solution for this problem in internet but what I found was that nobody write about it. So exaxt problem is: -when exploring i see for example mammoth far away from me .Andwhen I get closer I found that mammoth breathing sound is in the same place when I first saw it but mammoth is in completely other place.(only killing mammoth solve this is issue)- problem exist with other animals from time to time. -when in combat:I see that mage that is far away from me (but spotted me and is preparing to fight) is casting some cloak spell or alteration armor spell. The problem starts when I kill that npc (his magic spells ,cloack is still making sound) or sometimes he's cloack is completely silent but sound of the cloak stayed in the place where mage casted his cloak spell. And if anybody was interested: - I doesn't use mods that change spell sound -problem exist with vanilla spells only (when npc use spell from mods like Apocalypse problem doesn't occur) - I doesn't use mods that change animals sound For the moment I even consindered that True 3d Sound for Headphones could cause audio problems(but I doesn't see any difference with this mod and without -audio bug is still present) If anybody heard about some ways to fix problems like I would be very grateful if you wrote down or link this fixes.
  12. I find what caused "bare tree effect" . It was More Accurate Collison . I get rid of landscape/tree folder from this mod data folder and now trees look normal. I also deleted from Skyrim.ini this line " bEnableTreeAnimations=0 " because one person in this post wrote that this line often cause this problem. This problem wasn't related to uGridsToLoad!
  13. Hello, So my problem is that I was using uGridsToLoad = 7 from the beginning. Everything worked great , no crashes (even with heavy moded game). But then I decided to turn on grass (thanks to Grass on Steroid it was pretty smooth) but I thought that I need more fps (only when I'm looking at ground I get smooth gameplay). So I decided to lower my uGridsToLoad to 5 (I loaded game on uGridsToLoad =7 setting ,changed in notepad uGridsToLoad to 5 ,saved ,and do the "refreshini" command) and on the first glance everything was good. But as I travelled to other skyrim regions I started to see trees that don't render (it look like few sticks , without leaves). Some trees was still fully rendered but others don't. Even if disable and enable this "stick" trees it doesn't want to render. But if I switch my uGridsToLoad to 7 again , every tree is rendered correctly. I don't know what is causing this problem. Any suggestions?
  14. Hello , So my problem is that TK Dodge don't work properly. I mean : I can dodge in third person without any problems ,but in first person I can't. I have inslaled Immersive First person View (and I configured it to work only when I don't have weapons /spells in hands ). So if I take sword and spell in other hand or two spells or 2h weapons , My character can only dodge forward. Trying to dodge backward ,to left ,to right only uses my stamina , animation try to start and character don't move from place. I use Mod Organizer ( 1 ) and TK Dodge is on the last position to load in mod order and isn't overwritten by any other modification. I use Nemesis (alternative to FNIS) but I had this problem even with FNIS. I tried to find solution in internet but I don't found anything that could help. Any Idea what is causing this problem?
  15. I find what caused the problem. It was Ultimate Dragons. It's probably due to merging with other mods. But anyway after removing UD from my mod list ,dragons finally do some damage to my player.
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