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  1. well, after several experiments i came to the conclusion that it is indeed the game itself that causes game save bloat (in this case the population of the settlements). Why did bethesda not give a warning or a fix for this? Furthermore there is no proper automatic cleaning of dead/killed corpses/items in the commonwealth or in the dlc's. The only thing left to do is trying to sandman kill most of the settlers.......and hoping it helps.... Greetz Nope, sandman kill turns into a real bloodbath, so no can do.....
  2. Experimented a little bit more wih fallrim revealed that this is indeed a memory and/or resource issue by the game itself, because when i was able to disconnect my ownership of the workshops through fallrim (i'm not going in details here) i was able to load a new save, in every settlement i connected the workshops again through console command and when the last one was done the problem returned (being disconnected from the wokshops did my gamesave decrease with around 5 mgb, disconection of my mods only 0.5 mgb), for the record: the settlements are not pushed to the limit of building, so i think it's not a question of corrupted saves and/or mods, maybe it's just the game's engine that can not handle the size of information.... GRTZ
  3. Allright, so i did put everything back in game, left some of the mods out (no longer needed , not relevant anymore ) and so everything is back as it was, a pleasant world to travel in... without saving.... Maybe in the near future it will be possible to reset the timestamp and/or clear the memory cache (bat fiie, tweak fix, patch.....) , so i keep my fingers crossed, what i learned : fallrim tools is maybe complicated to use but if you want to force the game to rewrite the scripts, you can easily delete all scripts and script instances, save as, and reload that save, it takes a little while but all the scripts return...... Signing off Greetz from Ninove, Belgium
  4. ok, so i cleaned my save from all he mods ( scripted and non-scripted) and all the overhauls (meshes, textures), none of them seem to be corrupted and left no scripts behind, but still no luck in making a new save and loading that new save.... I did a leap of faith and started to delete everything possible with fallrim, result: returning to the save, but with timestamp 0d 0h 0m (of course with the loss of the achievements) and every save i made did load, so somewhere in all those scripts there is one that can alter the timesetting, big question is wich one...... Or there must be a file that is giving the trouble, again big question wich one.... Greetz
  5. Did cleaning trough fallrimtools, one scripted mod at the time (scripts/changeforms), all the scripted mods seem harmless......I continue with all the non-scripted mods/esp's and post the result.... Is it possible that the issue is mesh and/or texture file related ? GRTZ Nevermind, no textures and/or meshes problems, so far so good
  6. So i opened a gamesave with fallrimtools, compared with a new game without mods ( 0 unattached instances) and the trouble save with mods (88 unattached instances). I noticed that some refid's have an * prefix and some not, wich ones are safe to delete without causing problems because most part is saying : missing object...... GRTZ
  7. hello batllebrother 13, my load order: *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp*ArmorKeywords.esm*SpringCleaning.esm*SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp*Repaired Roofs.esp*RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_Coastal.esp*Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp*vault_door_fixed.esp*cartman1975_concrete-glass.esp*Binoculars.esp*DoorsNotWalls.esp*WET.esp*SettlementAttacksBeyond.esp*Modified_Vault_111_Jumpsuit.esp*DX_Black_Widow.esp*DustX Revolver.esp*SkipHSH.esp*Femsheppings Autumn Fashion.esp*Cammy Tactical Suit.esp*PoliceGlassesStandalone.esp*MiscHairstyle.esp*Motoko Hair.esp*GasMaskAutoEquipUnequip.esp*Silence Brahmin.esp*Hamed Taneh-e-Derakht Wall.esp*AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp*Combat_Helmet_Illumination 1.2.esp*CBBE Furry Undergarments Fix.esp*CBBEneckfix.esp*CBBE.esp*HN66-SiriusArmor.esp*Ada2Human.esp*LovingCurie_1.0.3b.esp*Diane.esp*companion_FHSM.esp*llamaCompanionHeather.esp*DimmerCigaretteLight.esp*Armorsmith Extended.esp*Crimsomrider's Amazonian Princess.esp*llamaCompanionHeather-AE Patch.esp*Sinking Bodies.esp*Live Action Handy Pre-War.esp*Molotov Behavior With Crippling.esp*SprintStutterRemover4Percent.esp*def_inv_scrap_en.esp*stfu.esp*EFF.esp I have falrimtools, all the mods are up to date (follow them in tracking centre).I tried allready with falrimtools to clean saves but it is just not clear wich unattached scripts to delete, also the author of falrimtools suggested not to delete anything because he himself has to sort out wich unattached files are gamerelated and wich are not, shame that i can not use the savetool from Skyrim because that one is so easy to use....The time triggering through a mod/script was something that crossed my mind also, but i'm playing allready for so long time with them that it is hard to say wich one..... THX anyway for the response and maybe something good can come out GRTZ
  8. so, as a last resort i tried to restart from earlier saves (again) and moved the scenery to nuka world, same story again: i could save/load all the saves till i reached the famous 49 days timestamp issue, so no matter where i play , mods or not, it's always the same story...... I give up until Bethesda or someone can find a solution for this frustrating situation... in the meantime greetz from Ninove, Belgium
  9. GOOD NEWS for the people who having ctd when going near, or fast travel to nuka world..... Someone (i forgot the name) mentioned to disable compass in FO4 prefs.ini (under [ interface]) and IT WORKED..... What the hell is Bethesda doing ? Anyway if this is helpfull to anyone i'm happy, i take no credit for this, but sadly i did not noted the person's name...... To be able to use compass again i installed DEF_UI and re-enabled compass in ini file and all is going well with nuka world.....Now only left with that timestamp issue....Reading in the forums has revealed that a lot of people suffering with the same problem even after less days of playing (only one had a gameplay with 78 days), so i'm not a standalone in this....hopefully there is a fix somewhere out there (sigh)...... Tried every tip like the light bug idea someone mentioned, scrapped as many lights i could in game in all of the setllements, but no change..... Greetz
  10. Hello here again, So, i reverted back to a save before i started to build vault 88 (few days ingame). I started with visiting as many places as i could and made as many saves possible ( to be sure it's not save number related) , could even do some quests for the railroad, defending checkpoints, defending setllements, you name it......And left the game at a regular base to take out mods (1 at the time) and to be sure every single save loaded..... Everything worked fine till i reached save 417 (did put them in a backupfolder, always leaving 2) with timestamp 48d 23h 56m. And yes: every save above that timestamp refused to load again.......i noticed that starting the game with those saves in the folder did something weird to my screen (sometimes stripes, sometimes only one colour) And another thing: i can no longer walk near- or fast travel to- Nuka World. When i come in the near or fast travel : instant CTD. I have no mods that alter water, no texture overhauls, tried already the suggestion with the stringsfix, disabled ufo4 patch, disabled armorsmith extended, left my followers behind.....Nuka World became unreachable... I noticed on the forums that a lot of people have this problem, is there any fix ? Someone mentioned the installation of DEF_UI but is this good advise? Anyway THX in advance for (maybe) a possible solution.... GRTZ
  11. So i tried the wait suggestion and loaded a save with timestamp 49d 2h 57m (loaded within 2m without problems) and did nothing (did grab a bite to eat meanwhile), after that i saved and quit to main menu, tried to load the new save with timestamp 49d 3h 4m and again normal loading screen but to no aveil, no loading of the game.....When i put my save with timestamp 49d 3h 0m back again in savefolder it loads.... This is the strangest thing i ever experienced with a game, and i have played a lot of them (i'm 60 and playing since 1999) Greetz again.... BTW: i don't think it's rigrelated since everything (with the game turned on) is consuming only 49% GPU and around 70% CPU, the memory around 50%.( custom settings on medium and high).....
  12. Hello.So i'm back again, after some playing around with the saves i found this out: returning to older saves did let me save again with loadeble saves, and what struck me (after trying over and over again) was that the last save that i could make (that was loading) always had the date notification " 49d 3h 0m" playtime, every next save ( with later gameplay time notification like " 49d 3h 2m f.e.) refused to load , it' s almost like there is a timelimit to the game... Is this possible or is this caused by dirty scripts? Greetz
  13. THX for the help and your time, gonna give it a try with tools that are able to clean, i now they exist for skyrim because for that game i use it all the time when needed and it works great and userfriendly, the one for fallout 4 is complicated, not easy to use..... Greetz and maybe next time with better news.....
  14. allright wasteland assassin, started a new game, the only things i had to disable first was the sanctuaryrelated mod to pass the intromovie (with the vault-tec guy) ,but once out of the vault i loaded everything, in the good load order as you mentioned, everything is working fine.....did the red rocket thing and could recruit 2 followers and dogmeat, every save is loading, so i guess the mods are allright, it has to be gamesave related, but how can i clean my gamesaves from corruption and how did they get corrupted in the first place after so long playing with these mods ? Strange ....... Greetz
  15. That's right, wasteland assassin, with the last save that can be loaded i can do everything i want ingame, fast travel everywhere, shoot enemy's, visit setllements, etc, etc... The game works as it should, makes autosaves, quicksaves, exitsave, manual save but not single one of these new saves is able to load.... So everytime i want to enter the game i have to refer to that one save (or the earlier ones) that loads, losing all progress.... And yes: no gamesave bloat, all the new saves stay around 38 mgb (give or take a minor kb difference).... These mods are ingame for quite a time, the only one i used recently was CWSS as discribed in earlier post, but i did not have to do a savecleaning because i did put my backup saves in the folder again after deleting these with CWSS active, maybe it is not an gamesave thing, maybe something did change the game behavior , but that is only a speculation because i did a complete reinstall (with updated version) of the game... Could it maybe register setting related? Grtz
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