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About Garathos

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  1. Yes I would love to see something like this. Possible make it so the PC is the one that ends up being escorted to a faction prison (like the npcs you see being escorted around). There could be scripted events where people slip you weapons, and/or untie you. Maybe some kind of minigame where you struggle and loosen the ropes, allowing you to break free and run away (or beat the guards into a bloody pulp with your bare hands :P ) On the other side if the PC can take prisoners, then there could be scripted events where you run into enemy soldier ambushes. You would have to fight them off to prevent them rescuing their comrade. Or other such events.
  2. So, I've been reading that many people come home from adventuring to find there families and such killed. So I was looking to make a mod to make key people like housecarl's, stewards, and wives / husbands unkillable by anyone but the player. But a couple of questions arise from the tags you can choose. Namely: 1. Essential - does this make them go down to their knees when low health? Are they unkillable by anyone including npcs monsters players? 2. Protected - Does this make them go down to there knees when low health? Are they killable if the player deals the deathblow but otherwise unkillable by npcs/ monsters? Oh and would a aoe from a npc / monster kill them (like a dragon breath for example)? Ultimately I want make a mod that prevents random events from killing them if I am not there to protect them, and also prevents them from dying if I am their and simply can't kill everyone in time to save them. Of course idealy I want it so theres a chance my own attacks can kill them. Just as incentive to be careful while protecting them. Or if you just want to be a prick and kill them for the sake of killing them lol. If there is already a mod out there that does this could someone point me in the right direction as I have not found it as of yet if it does exist. In the meantime Im going to keep going through my list and making sure they are marked protected until someone can answer my question. Cheers :smile:
  3. Simply put im brand new to the CK, so this may be a stupid question. I want to create a stand alone Nightingale Dagger. The easiest way I can see to do this for now since I lack modding knowledge to make custom models, would be to find a existing model I like the look of then "duplicate" it and tweak things on it including names and id's etc. This would mean I have to select less boxes and animations and stuff I would assume which in turn makes it less overwhelming for me. In this case im duplicating Mehunes Razor. So I have the duplicate done but for the sake of making it easy to find again if I want to play with it more I wanted to move the duplicated weapon to where all the Nightingale weapons are kept. But I don't know how to move it assuming its even possible. I can not copy and paste and can't drag and drop, did not see anyway to move it which seems kind of silly you would think such a simple thing would be possible. Any advice on this? Or is it possible to give it its own directory so to speak? Edit: This is all while im in the CK object window by the way nothing to do with the final saved file location.
  4. Any word back on how this mod is progressing throttlekitty. Im simply dying to see what your creating for male hairstyles. Anyone come across male haircut mods ? I find it most sad that while im searching for new male haircuts, i find mods for male pubic hair but absolutely nothing for normal hair thats situated on the head lol.
  5. Awsome job, I found myself in the same situation I had made a great looking male Nord. But could not for the life of me duplicate the feat. This should go a long way to helping me out. Just some clarifications that i think will make it a bit easier for people that have no clue about the CK or console to work out some steps in you instructions. 4.Type spf <filename you want> and press enter. This can be any name you want, to keep it simple I use spf 14 so it makes a file called 14.npc in your Skyrim directory. - To clarify what was already said in Step 4. When you attempt to use this command do not include the < > in the command. 5.Load up the creation kit and choose any one of the character presets that matches your original saves race and gender under actors. For example, I chose OrcMalePreset05. - Here you want to go to File / Data - Then select skyrim.esm master file ( you will know when its selected due to a X being marked next to the file name. -Press OK (PLEASE NOTE: At this point a bunch of files will start loading which may take a few minutes. During this time you will get warnings/ error boxes come up just basicaly ok through them till its done) 6.Open up the properties window for that charactor (Just double click the actor in the list) - Here you want to Navigate to the following place in the left hand side of the object window: Actors/ Actor / Preset - In the right hand side you should see a bunch of files named something like NordMalePreset002 etc. One of these is what you want to double click. 11.Save the plugin as any name you want, for example Character Preset. Using my example, I now have a plugin called Character Preset.esp. - To do this click File/ Save - A standard save as window will appear. This is there you save your plugin as whatever you want to call it. Just like step 11 says. Then continue following the rest of the OP'ers steps. I hope this post has been of some additional help to the readers of this topic. If you feel I have missed steps that need more detail or posted inccorect information by all means please correct me. All info I have posted is what I have collected from CK guides and my own poking and proding of the CK. GOOD LUCK!!!
  6. Hmm all I can say is I would totaly agree with your style of body shape for males. I find the bulky default bodies (slightly modified via the current body meshes you see on nexus) of skyrim work out good for sword and board kind of char. But for a archer or assasin type of char I would prefer to use ssomething a little more slim and athletic. Unfortunatly I don't believe adjusting the body weight slider realy achieves this effect enough to satisfy my image of what my char should look like. All it realy does is make the same body look more and more starved and scrawny. A completly new body shape would be the best bet for achieving my perfect assasin :P Sadly I have not come across any new body mesh's to alter the body shape of skyrim men at least not in a way that would let you describe them as trim and athletic. All I have found are the standard huge bodybuilder looking meshes. So I would like to second the OP'ers mod request :). In the mean time even if im no good at moding, I guess I will try to learn whats involved in modifying a existing body mesh and take a whack at this myself a few times. I always seem to run into trouble saving my volume maps for some reason and as such they never work. Edit: That and hair for some bizare reason I have not found any new male hairstyle mods out there. Dont spose anyone has found hair mods out there featuring some nice short and simple hair for skyrim guys floating round in cyberspace?
  7. I have been playing round in the CK and have made a new preset face to add to my selection at the start of the game when creating the char. The question is this. How can I add said new preset into the game? As it currently stands it looks like I would have to publish it in the steam workshop or something. But since I dont even know if it works, surely there is a way for me to test this preset out in game without publishing it. Heck since its not even something I deem worthy of uploading to the workshop as its just a experiment, is there any way to avoid publishing it altogether?
  8. Apologies, I truly did not mean to offend anyone by my comments merely that those certain styles that have mods so far simply do not appeal to me. I do not persume to judge others for their own tastes. Nor do I go around abusing or riduculing those that download and post comments on how much they like a mod that I do not. From what I posted I simply don't see what would be disparaging to others. Was it the emo / anime bit? as like I say its from my point of veiw and well to be honest I do not even know what possesed me to put emo in there so I cheerfuly retract that part.(edit: actualy now i recall where i got that term from it was from the OP'er) As for the rest of it, truthfully animae haircuts to me look closer to a female haircut, to others they do not but to me they do. I see on your info your listed as staff, so when i say this I say it with all due respect. Anyone can take offense at the smallest and most inconsequential thing. I myself could take offense to what seems to be you making a disparging remark about my prefered style of haircut. But I do not. I relise that being staff here you have to at least try and maintain order and some sembelence of common manners. To which I applaud you and the other staff and owners of this website, as since joining I have felt it to be a rather nice enviroment and quite welcolming. *sigh* Sadly this type of misinterpretation does happen now and then as text often fails to convey the tone behind what was written. I shall of course take your comment under consideration when posting in future, I also appologise in advance if something does come out as disparaging in the future, as it truly is not meant that way. I usualy only post in spots that i agree with or like. All I mean by my post is simply put I would love to see this mod with the Male Haircuts, as there don't seem to be any out at this point and the extra variety would be a boon to the community. I have offered my suggestions and requests I would offer my help in this endeavor to but sadly I lack the skill at this sort of stuff and would only be a hinderance. Regardless if my requests are picked up or not by the author im sure once its done there will be many choices that will look awsome. I look foward to keeping track of this mod. Hopefully you, and others that share your veiw of my earlier post can forgive me Myrmaad as i was only intending to express my own personal style of haircut. I wish you all well with the creation of your "ideal" char and hope this mod in the works brings you one step closer to achieving it. Just like I hope it does for me. Cheers :) Edit: Dont mind me just polishing off my post so I hopefully dont offend anyone again.
  9. I made another topic asking for some male haircuts then i found this post today... Well yes please the men need better haircuts for sure, all the hair mods ive found are emo/ animae hair or else female (not like theres much difference to my way of looking at them) So yes MALE haircuts would be very appreiciated. These would be some of my favorites from DA2 (well minus the cowlick in the second pic hehe). They are short length haircuts and even better they are simple but nice looking. If you could add some of these DA2 haircuts into the mod your working on that would be great. If not well i still look foward to having some more manly hair to choose from lol. Oh and just a note only had the hair set to white so stands out from the dark background better :P
  10. Deleted Post Found another post that requesting the same thing as this one. Just unsure how to delete the actual topic off the board altogether.
  11. Oh thats good to hear, last I heard the creation kit was coming out January, anyone know of any updates to the CK release?
  12. I agree with this idea 100%. Since i cant make a char that does not look stupidly ugly ( hate the presets to, they just dont look right to me) I would dearly love the ability to cut and paste a npc head over one of the presets. Mind you if they added more sliders for more features on the face like say from DA2 I could of eventualy made my own. But I find the options for the sliders rather limited and often they donl';t seem to make any kind of a impact on the face what so ever. Already have a new npc face lined up. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2833 Clean Vilkas looks pretty nice for the role i want to make him, i think he would make a nice looking warrior or possibly archer. The face just seems very " Heroish" Heres hoping the toolset comes out soon :)
  13. So we all know about the mods that give the chars a more muscular look for example theseus underwear in realistic bodies right. Well theres also another nice mod that turns your underwear into trousers and boots called "underwear pants" which is on the bioware social network webpage. I personaly would like to see someone combine these two mods together so you get the muscular theseus torso but at the same time wearing pants and boots (just think running around in a thong is a wee bit too silly looking hehe) I know nothing of mods especialy retexturing but ive been poking around in these files trying to combine them (not much sucess i might add). If no one wants to make a mod to do this does anyone have some good tutorials on the subject of retexturing the underwear files. Perhaps something entitiled rextexturing for dummies haha. Basicaly anything i can pull apart and try on these two texture files i have Anyways heres hoping for a response :)
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