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Everything posted by mxSora

  1. Grimy (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5910982/?). He won the first modding contest held by /r/skyrimmods with his brilliant GUISE (aka Grimy Skill Expansions) yet all his mods, with exception of SkyTweak and Utilities, are unbelievably underrated. I believe showcasing his mods would be a nice idea.
  2. There's plenty of similar mods by elysees. His/her mods are quite flashy, isn't it? Anyway this "Eo Geom Summon Swords" looks quite good, not the most immersive mesh though ( I was expecting something like conjured sword). Thank you for your information. Edit: For anyone interested, I also been told that Forgotten Magic Redone have this "Blessed Axe" spell that summons a single spectral axe to fight with you. I won't start my new game until Perkus Maximus is out but this seems like exactly what I wanted.
  3. Is there a mod that lets you summon spectral/ghost/dancing swords, pretty much like the Ghost Sword spell from Fable TLC? I know that there's a perk on SPERG that let's you do it but I wanted something 'lighter', a spell or power, to go with Perkus Maximus (hypetrain!). I've been trying to look for it myself but I've got only things like summoning ghost characters, dancing mods and thing like that...
  4. Whats the average FPS one can expect playing skyrim with ENB on HD 5770? I get very low fps, around 15-20, but this guy was able to get a very high fps even on outside area. My spec: Win 7 64bit Intel i5 2500 (3.3GHz) 2x4GB Corsair Sapphire Vapor X HD 5770 1GB 250GB HD (I know its small, Ill buy 1TB next week) Power supply... not sure, bought it long time ago, I guess at least 500w. I play on Ultra as the launcher configured (AA disabled) and I do use some HD texture recommended by STEP. Edit: Anti Aliasing reduce my FPS drastically too but it seems alright, at least STEP says so. Edit: Did some test with Vanilla Skyrim with Seasons of Skyrim ENB. Without: ~60fps outside, With: 20-25 (SSAO+DOF enabled) or 30-35(SSAO+DOF disabled) outside. It is playable but there seems a way to making it better.
  5. I'm having CTD whenever getting near to some spots at the area west to Dragon Bridge, more specifically right next to Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp and northeast of Cliffside Retreat. Funny thing is, it's not (apparently) problem with mods, this CTD only happens to my character A but not to B and C and also because the only mod I have that changes the area is 'Fight the Thalmor IV'. This is my mods and its load order: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/77685587/LoadOrder_Skyrim_2013-03-23T21-03-16.txt And this is my Papyrus.0.log: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/77685587/Papyrus.0.log It's pretty messy because of some leftover scripts... I think it's time to start the character D, haha. PS: Forgot to mention it on the main text but I can shoot arrows and hit normally anything on the area without problems. Also, I don't get CTD when I go into the area with 'tfc' console command. PPS: Another thing I forgot to say. I already did some research about this issue and found a pal who got similar problem caused by W.A.T.E.R mod but as I said, it doesn't seem to be causing any problem to me.
  6. Five Star Stories and Tsukihime(or general Type Moon universe). Fighting monster with unique skills using my mastery on blades and smashing dragons with Mortar Headds would be a very pleasant experience. PS: It just came into my mind FSS Dragons are pretty deadly even when you're equipped with overpowered mechas.
  7. When I equip any plasma related weapon it gets buggy, for example Plasma Pistol doesn't shoot but consumes ammo and Plasma Defender doesn't even show up and instead the big red triangle of bug appears around me. Probably it's a bug due to incompatibility between the mods I'm using so I uploaded the screenshot of my mod list from NMM. IMO it's between PN, WMX or EVE but I'm not specialist so I'm not sure, can someone help me with it?
  8. I know this is old topic but it's the only one with the same problem of mine. I got the same problem of Ledomier: I'm not regenerating health even in human form also I don't regenerate health by waiting(T) too. I got this problem after trying Better Werewolf Mod, it was supposed to let me regenerate health while in beast form, not stopping it at all... I uninstalled the mod, visited a shrine, used "player.getav healrate" to check then "player.setav healrate" trying to fix and the "player.resethealth" as rickerhk said but none worked.
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