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  1. Sorry I've been offline guys, IRL issues have been keeping me really busy for a while. I will try to roll a new version of the Mac installer this afternoon, which will hopefully alleviate the issues with trying to get the Linux one working on OS/X.
  2. I have installed Yosemite on a machine, but haven't had time to check out the installer on it yet (I will hopefully have time this weekend). Are you getting an error? (The installer is written in standard python, and the version of python included in OS/X hasn't changed too much from Mavericks to Yosemite, so I'm hoping it will still work correctly.)
  3. Yeah, without finding any UPKs in there, or other similar files, I'm kind of flummoxed. Just to double-check, are you running this as root? (Wondering about the "invalid user access" bits at the end there.) If not, try running your dtrace command again with "sudo" in front of it and enter your machine password at the prompt. Otherwise I'm stumped. You're kind to ask for a way to thank me, but unless you have a way to make my computer print beer, there's no need. ;) Sorry I couldn't actually fix anything.
  4. Uh, you might as well, yeah, and then put the output on pastebin and post a link. Maybe try starting a new game this time, and then quit from there. I suppose it's possible that the app store version of the game has buried the UPK files and so forth in all those Mac plist files and frameworks somewhere, or exploded them onto the filesystem or something, in which case installing the mod is probably going to be very difficult.
  5. Hmm, the weird thing is that I don't see any .upk files in there (which are some of the game files that need to get modified in order to apply the patch). Did you actually launch the game and get to the main XCom menu, or did you quit from the little launcher application? Also, if you go to pastebin.com you can upload a big blob of text there and then just post a link to it back here (you don't need to create an account or anything). We wouldn't want the forums to run out of electrons!
  6. Oh, that's awesome. Thanks so much.
  7. Interesting. I haven't read anything about the GamersGate distribution of the game. Chances are pretty good that the existing mac installer could be made to work with it just by tweaking some of the paths in the script, but it would probably take a little hacking. I don't have time to look at it at the moment, but when I get a little time the thing that would be most helpful would be dtrace output showing what specific files the program opens when it launches - eg via opensnoop, producing output similar to this.
  8. Thanks dubiousintent. I updated the install instructions to make this a little more clear.
  9. Sure, first you need to open the Terminal application, which should be in the "Utilities" folder of your Applications. You can also just hit command-space, and then type in the word "terminal" in the little search box in order to open it. You'll wind up with a small white window, this is the command line and it's where you need to type in the commands to launch the installer. The first thing you'll want to do is type "cd /Volumes/Long-War-Mac-Installer/" to get to the disk image that you just mounted. After that, follow the install instructions from this page.
  10. Ah. Sadly, the installer doesn't currently work with non-Steam installs of the game, but I would like to get it working for them. (I personally only own it on Steam, which is why it only supports that right now.) Do you have the Apple app store version of the game? In principle there shouldn't be any reason the app store version would not work, but the directories the game is installed in would be different and that's probably why it refuses to install itself. I also have no idea what the phone home situation is like for the app store version of the game. I would be somewhat surprised if the same hosts weren't used there, but Apple does love its walled garden ecosystem, so maybe everything is routed through the app store? About the Enemy Within DLC, currently the mod files that are bundled with the installer are only applicable for Enemy Within (to be precise, with the Steam version of Enemy Within, but again there's no reason they couldn't work with a different distribution of the base game, as far as I know). Also, the installer installs the game in folder which are specific to Enemy Within, distinct from the vanilla game. If I hear enough public outcry for an Enemy Unknown installer I'll look into adapting it, but so far nobody has told me they want it.
  11. Same problem here, CTD whenever selecting an ability... Hi, just curious, did you guys select the "second wave" option "training roulette" when you started the game? (Some people have reported issues with that.) Also, did you disable phoning home?
  12. That's odd. You can use the --install flag to tell the script where to find the installation file (that would be the .zip file which at the top level of the disk image): ./LongWarInstaller.py --install /Volumes/Long-War-Mac-Installer/Long_War_3_Beta_13-88-3-0b13-OSX.zip Version 1.1.1 of the script is a little better at handling pathnames and stuff (at least I thought it was), so if you downloaded it more than a few weeks back, you might want to make sure you've got the latest version.
  13. Hey, I would have posted this in the main Long War forum but I guess I don't have enough posts to start a topic there yet. I've heard a bug reported from three different people now who are running the Long War b13 mod for OS/X. When they have training roulette enabled, and they try to upgrade a soldier, they see blank spaces in the skill tree for the soldiers. gewone1 helpfully made a youtube video of this: http://youtu.be/ZBIQayfBUPU?t=1m8s I have a few questions: * Does anyone have an idea of which mod files might cause this problem? I'm trying to determine whether the installer itself has a bug in it which might have caused this. * Can anyone running Long War on Linux reproduce this behavior? I think all you'd need to do is enable training roulette and then level up a soldier. * Anyone seen anything similar on Windows? Thanks!
  14. On OS/X modifying the binary is not required, and from what I've seen is actually the thing that produces the weird screen-ghosting thing you're seeing. If you want to install it manually, these instructions are probably the most comprehensive. (I keep meaning to throw them up on the wiki, but I haven't got around to it yet.) However, also note that there is now an official Long War distribution for OS/X, which comes with a little python script to install or uninstall the mod. You can download it from the main Long War page, the file is called "Long War 3 Beta 13 for Mac OSX".
  15. Hi! I wrote a little script to install the XCom: Enemy Unknown mod Long War on the OS/X version of XCom, and with it I created a little Mac-specific distribution of Long War. I've emailed it to the mod maintainers (johhnylump, in particular) and they've uploaded the file to the files section. The only hiccup is that the distribution I created is originally as a .dmg file, but I guess the site will only accept .zip files for uploads. For now johhnylump has just zipped the .dmg file and uploaded it, which is fine, but it would be nice if the site would just accept .dmg files for upload directly, since that's the format most Mac users are used to getting software in. For non-Mac users, dmg is short for "disk image", and when you open one on a Mac it creates a little virtual disk image with your installation software on it. It's basically just a bunch of binary data, and it can be compressed much like a rar or zip file is. Again, it's not a big deal, Mac users can just decompress the .zip file and open the .dmg file inside it, or if need be I can repackage the distribution as a .zip file instead, but since it seems like this wouldn't be too hard to change, I thought I'd ask whether someone can just enable uploading .dmg files directly to the site. Thanks!
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