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  1. I reinstalled skyrim and this is my favorite ENB but now I can't download it as it has been hidden for a while now.
  2. So whenever I browse for new mods I keep seeing these close up screenshots of very good looking face or body textures like this one: http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/24828-1-1357853610.jpg And I wonder how in the hell I can get a face like this? I tried several different face textures aswell as the HD normal maps but when I zoom in ingame like this the face doesn't look as detailed at all. The skyrim settings are maxed, too..
  3. This can only work if the body your follower is using is compatible with the unpb texture or whatever texture you want it to use. You have to find the location of the follower texture which I guess you already did as you said you removed the texture and you will have to place your desired texture into there and name it exactly like the texture you removed was called
  4. I can't exactly tell when it started sadly but any boots that I equip are way too big. Im using a rather slim body to be fair but all other armor parts fit nicely. Only the boots are huge. I tried on several different armors from different mods and all had the same result. Normal armor with huge boots. I can see a gap between the leg and the opening of the boot in most cases. Does anyone have an idea what to do?
  5. I want to convert some armor to another body type and for that I import the armor I want to change and then the body that I want to fit it to. After doing this the armor piece is already where it is supposed to be obviously and I would only have to do some slight editing to make it fit. But when I select the editable mesh modifier or send the file into another 3d program the armor gets moved for some reason and this makes fitting the mesh impossible when I dont have the body as reference at the proper place. It looks like it moves the armor piece towards the center of the scene. My guess is that its related to the bones Is there some way to line the body and the armor up perfectly so I can do my editing? The other available program is mudbox but when I select the body+armor and send it to mudbox the armor also loses its position and no longer lines up with the body
  6. No I wouldn`t even know how to if I wanted to :s. I get the same error if I try it with a completely new quest. From the troubleshooting faq: "This error appears when the game tries to load a requested script, but the file for it cannot be found. Double-check that the pex file is in the appropriate folder (Data/Scripts)." I checked my Data/Scripts directory and the script with the weird name mentioned before is infact not there. So I'm wondering if the users have to create the files themselves? Doesn't make any sense to me why the CK won't create it but whatever... Edit: I figured out while looking through the FAQ. The script is not created because it can't be compiled without properties and I can't add properties before the script is saved. You have to enter any other valid function or make it create a blank script by adding ;comment or something similar. Then you can compile it and it will be created in your data/scripts directory and you can add properties after you save the quest and reopen it.
  7. Now when I click properties I get a warning saying: SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "QF_questname_ and some random numbers", missing file?
  8. Alright this part is working now but when I click the properties button under the text box nothing happens. And I cant compile it either without doing the property first.
  9. Well, where am I supposed to add it? The Papyrus Fragment box is greyed out in the Quest stage tab. So I tried going over to the Script tab.
  10. Thanks for the tip. In the Quest window I went to the script tab and added a new script with a property linking to the spell. For example I called the property SpellTest and it links to the spell with the ID _SpellTest now I have this line in the script : SPELL Property SpellTest Auto Now when I add the line you recommended like this: SpellTest.Cast(Game.GetPlayer()) I get this error when trying to save : "no viable alternative at input '.'" And in the Quest Stage tab the Papyrus Fragment tab is greyed out even when I have a stage selected.
  11. Edit: The title is supposed to say "at end of dialogue line". I'm new to modding skyrim and papyrus but what I want to do seems very simple yet I can't get it to work. I have a new quest with some dialogue and at the end of one of the responses from the NPC I want a script to cast a custom spell (which only opens a message box) on myself. Because I want it to cast the spell as the npc finishes talking I tried to write the script into the middle box at the bottom of the topic info window with the title "End:". spell.cast(ObjectReference akSource, ObjectReference akTarget) What do I have to fill into the collums if I want myself to cast the spell either without target or on myself? And I think replacing "spell" with the spell ID isnt enough right? Do I have to create a property or variable or anything?
  12. So yea I'm trying to do EVERY quest with my current character what is nearly impossible without cheating reputation using the console because some factions will dislike and attack you if you help other factions that they dont like. In my case I did some Legion quests and now RNC calls me a soft-hearted devil (dont know if thats the exact name Im just translating from german). I have to get into the Camp of the crimson caravan (I think they belong to RNC, right?) but they immediately attack me when I enter. I used the console to change the way they think about me and to keep them from attacking me so I can complete quests. I used 1. "setreputation 000f43de 0 0" what should set my infamy to 0. 2. "setreputation 000f43de 1 15" what should set my fame to 15. It does show a positive status now in the pip-boy but for some reason they still attack me... I also tried the same thing with the Poweder Gangers but they attack me independent of the reputation I set with the console... What should I do?
  13. I just found this so if no one can figure out whats wrong with the save im gonna use the console to complete the quests i already did and add 5 lvls to my character
  14. If validating means to check if some files are broken/missing its unneccesary cause the dialogues still work on the older save
  15. hope it helps. And yea I used some mods. That could be what caused the problems Uploaded to mediafire since the file is too big to be attached afaik. http://www.mediafire.com/?2dz3c8uhp6bup09
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