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About Duchess1

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Thanks for the info. I have looked over the interface files with JPEXS and I am familiar with ActionScript, but it's been a long time since I used it to make flash games when I was a teenager :laugh: the interfacing with the game's executable and actual hard coding is where I am completely lost. As convenient as it would be, I think it would be a waste of my time to pursue this - I just don't think I'm qualified in the relevant areas. I was intending to create a companion mod to my Scrap (Not Quite) Everything mod, that prohibits scrapping of various objects that might be accidentally scrapped (such as the roads in Sanctuary) - I thought a single-key 'quick scrap' function (possibly an MCM toggle) would compliment this quite nicely. Anyway, thank you for the info. I'll stick to adding accessories to the game instead :happy:
  2. Hello, I am currently floating an idea for a simple (maybe?) QoL mod, but I am curious about several things and attempting to get a foothold on the specifics to see if I am able to handle it, or if it's beyond my capabilities. I would like to ask the following: When scrapping an item in the settlement workshop menu, I am assuming the game pauses on that specific frame and calls the ExamineConfirmMenu in order for the player to confirm their decision to scrap the item highlighted - I am curious, however, precisely HOW the game scraps individual workshop items after the confirmation dialog. For example, I am familiar with the console command 'scrapall' but there is no individual equivalent - so I am curious in what manner, or at what 'level' the game's scrapping function operates and, more importantly, how I might call that function in a manner that bypasses the confirmation dialog. Any insight at all into this function would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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