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Everything posted by Draveziovas

  1. So, I'm taking my first foray into the wonderful world of Oblivion scripting, and I've run into a minor problem. What I'm trying to do is make a spell that: A)Checks if the player has any of a specific Mod arrow B) If not Add 6 Mod arrows to the Player inventory C)Equips said 6 arrows D)Otherwise, do nothing Now, A, B, and D I've accomplished. It's C that's giving me problems. scn 1RegBullet begin scripteffectstart if player.GetItemCount 113bullet == 0 player.additem 113bullet 6 player.equipitem 113bullet endif end So, this is what I've got now. THe problem is it gives me all 6 bullets, but it only equips one bullet, and the other 5 occupy a seperate inventory slot, necessitating I manually equip them, defeating the point, plust that one bullet acts weird, occacsionally becoming an item I can't unequip.
  2. I remember seeing it before, but now I can't find it. I am trying to find a mod I've seen before, which allows your equipped weapon to act as though it is enchanted with your currently selected spell. Anybody know where I can find it?
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