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Everything posted by AngryBritishAce

  1. I like the new Radiation system in Fallout 4. I can imagine it's debatable with other players, but I personally like the immediate change it has on the character, rather than hidden debuffs and slight stat changes. However, I feel like Radiation doesn't really hinder me that much, especially in Radiation Storms. The Storms are so cool, but I never felt like I was in danger when I was walking around in them. If you look at Avalanche's Mad Max -- another recent post apocalyptic game -- for example, storms are infrequent but devistatingly dangerous. Even your bog-standard sand storm could kill the player if they weren't careful, and that wasn't even the most dangerous storm. I was hoping Fallout 4 would offer something similar -- if not in furiosity, then at least in difficulty. Radiation in general is a bit timid, even when I was sucking down 10+ rads per second I never felt like I was in any immediate danger, and even in the glowing sea I barely took anything while wandering about suitless. I'm not neccessarily looking for a mod that improves the core radiation system, rather just makes storms and the glowing sea more potent. Are there any released, or in the works yet?
  2. Hi, Sorry for not getting back immediately :P I tried all of this and nothing seems to work, but thanks anyway. I can't really think of anything else that could help. If you're right, and this isn't something I can hope to fix, I'm assuming I'll either have to live with it or hope Bethy will somehow fix it in their next patch.
  3. Please forgive me, as I am not very good at the technical stuff behind computers in general, so if this is really easily fixed then sorry :confused: Anyway, yesterday I was wondering around Winterhold going through the College questline and I noticed some Cells off in the distance that had failed to show properly. I play Skyrim on ultra graphics most of the time and I had never experienced this glitch before. They showed the underneath of the map, showing sky and some terrain (in areas where it's really low). As well as this, there were also some cells in the ocean that didn't load/ show properly (however these were less noticeable). As far as I can tell, this is only happening in Winterhold and possibly areas where you can clearly see the ocean, however, I have not extensively looked into this in-game so it may cause problems around other areas in the game. I managed to take a screenshot of the glitch in action: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1082266720760396812/E3F6D0BDFAE89B8799A48F770A3A498A1867C55D/ I began to fiddle about with different settings and tried removing mods, and eventually discovered that this problem is partially fixed by going to "Options> Advanced> View Distance> Distant object detail = low." Although there are some cells that have disappeared, they are so far away they are not visible unless you really look closely. Now, although I can still happily play like this, I would rather understand why this is happening and find out a permanent solution to fixing it. As I've said, I've been able to run Skyrim on Ultra before with little-to-no quality drop in the past, so I would like to at least understand why this is happening. For the record, I have also tried the following solutions to try and stop this bug, however what I've said above has been the only solution that worked: -Removed all mods so it's pure, Vanilla Skyrim -Removed all DLC -Played with lowest graphics (found out through this method that it was the Distant Object Detail that caused the problem, however the rest of the settings didn't effect the glitch) -Played both using and not using SKSE -Downloaded the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (but that caused more problems than solved) -Uninstalled Skyrim and re-installed it -Updated Driver -"Attempted" to adjust game using SkyrimPrefs.ini (not at all experienced with this so I was changing things wildly hoping I'd do something with no real idea of what I was changing exactly). Thank you for your time. :biggrin:
  4. So I've been playing Skyrim since release, and nothing like this has ever happened, but some how, I can't remember at what point, I began to have a strange problem with my arms going dark or completely black when entering an interior. I took a picture and have shown it to other friends with Skyrim on PC, but they have no idea about this bug. Here is an example: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/559817564452704891/B577F594420DFEA3ED8E5A7FA423160CE1B33A38/ One friend suggested I update my GPU, but I did that and nothing happened. Another thing I tried was to uninstall all of my mods, as playing Bethesda games in the past like Oblivion and Fallout led me to conclude that most of the bugs that suddenly "appear" when playing were due to mods. Though the issue was not fixed, I did discover that when uninstalling "Mike Fox's Darker Dungeons" the arms were a lot lighter than when I had it installed. This mod simply reduces the lighting in each cell to 0, making unlighted areas pitch black. This must mean that the problem is not that textures or something are not showing, it's that light isn't working properly on them. here is a picture with the mod uninstalled: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/559817564466977091/66B068D9DAFC3E949EC7178F524AC3072C901459/ As you can see, it's still pretty dark, but at the same time it's not pitch black like it was with the mod. Can anyone help me? I am not very good with computers, if you do suggest something please provide some form of instruction. Thanks :)
  5. Well I tried it but even though it doesn't freeze it now just doesn't do the LOD at all. Do I have to update it AND go into World Edit?
  6. Ok, a while ago I started up the CS and tried to make a landscape. I tried to use the LOD, but it froze and said there was a "problem" and it had to shut down. I was a novice modder at that time and just said to myself "meh, I probably don't even have the determination to make a landscape." However, recently I've been designing small worlds and I have to give them mountain borders to stop people getting over and seeing that there's no LOD. I would really like to use it it would make my mods so much easier. Any help? EDIT: Now I see where the problem is. I isn't the LOD but it's actually the Hieght Editor. When I save changes, it freezes. Is there any way around THAT.
  7. hmm... I would quite like nocturnal animals, like zombies at night or, umm, giant owls? I'm not a expert on nocturnal life, but that would be kinda sweet :P
  8. I heard it was removed but I don't think so. There has been no word of it and Magic skills are now down to 5 (from 8 ), mysticism has been removed and enchanting has been put in. That means that 3 others will have been removed, so alchemy may be gone
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