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  1. I found a very recent mod that changes Suvi. Not sure if this meets your requirement but its amazing what removing the messy hair does http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/375/?
  2. I keep checking for a mod that gives infinite engine boost for the Nomad, or makes the Nomad faster. I know there are trainers out there that enable this option but I would rather not use them. A hyper mobility mod for the Nomad would be amazing and cut down on a lot of the time sinks in the game.
  3. I am looking for a mod that makes the Hyperguardian X Chest armor have 3 mod slots instead of 1. I tried this myself by using the Frosty Editor Suite and went to gear_chest_guardian_10 and changed the ConstValue for the mod slots from 1 to 3. However, when I launch with this change (and only this change) enabled, it still only shows one mod slot. So I tested my theory by editing the mod slots on the legs, armor and helmet by changing ConstValue from 0 to 1, and sure enough mod slots show up as expected. So something that just changes the Hyperguardian X chest (gear_chest_guardian_10) to 3 mod slots would be appreciated. Or telling me what I did wrong works as well.
  4. I have played through without killing any high-dragons (in fact those that say you need to kill one to get the hunter-shade are wrong) but not killing giants is extremely difficult.
  5. I did what DI186 said and it works fine for me. About 2 hours of playing and no bugs. I had already tried merging the new patch with my mods, so the solution presented in the OP didn't seem applicable to me. But what DI186 suggested works. Its almost like the game after patching just does not read anything from the merged directory.
  6. Yes steam is switched to offline mode. But Skyrim properties can only be changed in steam online mode, so you need to do the changes I suggested while in online mode and then switch steam to offline mode.
  7. I play Offline by default. I live in a country with slow connection speeds. I think I know what your problem is. A few things to keep in mind. 1- You need to be online in order to select the offline option, so you cant quit Steam in an online state and then start it without internet connectivity. You need to connect to the steam servers and then select offline for it to work. After that you can start up in offline mode until the next time you choose start an online session of steam. 2- By default an online session of steam will start downloading updates for any games you have. If an update has been started, the game will not be available in offline until the download is complete. So what I think happened in your case is that you connected to the steam servers, but an update started before you went into offline mode. At this point trying to launch Skyrim in offline mode will give you the error "the game is not ready to be played in offline mode." For future trips I would advise: 1. Switch to offline mode before traveling and keep steam in offline mode during the trip. 2. While in online mode, right click on Skyrim in your steam library and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu, go to the "Updates" tab and change the option "Always keep this game up to date" to "Do not automatically update this game". That way an update should not start when you are looking to switch to offline mode and make the game unavailable to you. 3. Optional: For a better gaming experience, I also suggest you select Steam >Settings and go to the "In-Game" tab and disable the "Enable Steam community in-game" option. I hate the steam community pop-ups in the game and this will disable it I hope that helps!
  8. In my opinion the unmodded game does not have any attractive females. At least the men got to cover up with beards. It was only when I downloaded a mod that fixed the textures did I begin to notice any of the women.
  9. I haven't played any other Bethesda games so I don't really have much to compare to. I would have to say I enjoyed Michael Hogan like everyone else, but Ulfric's VA was sub-par, he just cannot deliver an inspiring speech. I don't know if that is because of voice acting or the script written for him. The one that annoyed me the most was the talking dog. Though I supposed if a dog could talk he might sound like that. I still think there are too few VA's in the game. On my latest playthrough (I think its my 6th) I finally got fed up with some of the NPC's. I killed Nazeem and the Talos priest as soon as I got to Whiterun. I had to kill Ahlam too but that was because she sent thugs after me for killing Nazeem. Whether Nazeem and the Talos priest were killed because their voice acting was bad - or because it was so good that it got on my nerves is something I am still debating (i.e. were they meant to be annoying?). Having the Khajit talk like Puss'n'Boots from Shrek shows a certain lack of creative thinking. But if Bethesda was making them sound like that before Shrek was even released then I withdraw my objection.
  10. I have to admit when I first played the game I just used the console command. I did not want to miss out on content just because I did not have enough cash. That being said, I found that making money in subsequent playthroughs is not that hard. Lately I have been using Val's Meltdown mod - it essentially lets you smelt down loot into ingots and gems and offers some new ways to boost revenue in a manner I have not found to be immersion-breaking.
  11. This was my first Bethesda game, and it might be my last - I am not sure yet. I love Skyrim but some of the bugs really get to me. Having to use a console command during 'The Fallen" because Vignar would not leave that companion building was horrible. My main source of continued frustration is any quest objective that requires you to follow an NPC or requires the NPC to be at a specific spot. Even worse is when a bunch of NPC's need to be at a specific spot, e.g. the Greybeards all have to be in the courtyard. NPC pathfinding is horrible and on many instances they will just stand still and chill out until you collide with them while sprinting. This seems to 'wake' them up but I often feel like I am herding cats. It seems to be such a persistent and pervasive problem and if someone told me that this issue occurred in all TES games I would not be surprised.
  12. I have tried a lot of different options in this game, some of them distasteful like joining the Dark Brotherhood, but I have never killed Paarthunax and never will. Not being able to eliminate the Blades is one of my major gripes in this game (not being able to take down the Thieves Guild and Maven is another). I am also pissed I could not kick them out of the peace conference in the same manner as the Thalmor ambassador.
  13. I have played both since I started the game, but my initial choice was Stormcloaks. This was my first elderscrolls game so I did not know a lot of the backstory, and siding with the people who came real close to chopping my head off did not seem like a good idea. I wasn't even on the list! At the risk of going on tangent, it would have been nice to know how I landed in Imperial custody to begin with (maybe a "Return to Helgen" quest?) When I later discovered that Vignar is bugged, and all suggestions to solve the problem failed (talking about "the Fallen" quest), I never sided with the Stormcloaks again. Politically speaking, the more I played the game the more I felt that Ulfric was wrong. Right now I don't get any of my newer characters involved in the civil war since it just does not seem right with a character that is neither Nord nor Imperial.
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