Credit Goes To: Rusty at I can personally verify that I went from zero encounters to several per trip sometimes. Other users also had success. After 1.3.0+ patch came out, there has been a well known issue with many people that stopped random encounters from happening. The only known fix at the moment of me writing this is to use an older savegame or even start a new game.I know there's a patch coming out next week that fixes this issue, but I had nothing better to do and this seemed like a worthy challenge to fix this thing. You will need to install Cheat Engine[] to apply my fix.Steps to fix, you only need to do this once: - Download and save it as "kcd_fix.CT" - Start the game- Load your latest save file that has broken encounters- Pause the game (optional)- Start Cheat Engine- Select Kindgom Come process (computer + looking glass icon)- Open the previously downloaded file (folder icon)- At the bottom you will see one line, the value will most likely contain a very large number- Set it to 0- Travel anywhere a couple times and make sure that encounters are working.- Save the game- Done, starting from this save, your encounters will now be working correctly. Technical explaination for nerds:There seems to be a 4 byte variable that contains encounter blocker, it should usually be set to 0. Any quest that needs to temporarily disable encounters (like when you tell Morcock where Timmy is) uses a function that decreases this number by 1, because it's already at 0, overflow happens and it's set to hex value of 0xFFFFFFFF, this is by design, when the quest needs to unblock random encounters, it gets increased by one. This makes sure that even if two quests disable encounters at the same time, they will only be enabled once both quests have removed their blocker. What the actual problem is, this value was only decreased before version 1.3.0+, but was not increased. This didn't cause the problem before, because, apparently, this variable was not used to block encounters previously, but now it is.I found this value by filtering for changed values between bugged\non-bugged saves and before\after telling Morcock where Timmy is. Then I just scanned for pointers to this value, to make sure my address persists through different game runs, so you don't have to repeat the painful process all over again. If this particular pointer doesn't work for some reason (maybe it's different for GOG version), I can upload an entire pointer map that contains about 30 of them, which should be enough for anyone.