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About Belladori

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    United States
  • Favourite Game
    Mass Effect 2

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  1. Hello, Request for a simple cross amulet/necklace, please. Would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
  2. Thank you for all of these great replies and support! (I adore the "taking on more apprentices idea", too!) I have looked at those adoption mods, and they are super nice to have. I might have to try one in a playthrough, but I get taken out of immersion with multiple sons or multiple daughters because the voices are all the same. I can believably do up to one of each. But, I do appreciate the suggestions and the links!!
  3. I find it pretty unrealistic that with all of these kids running around without families or homes, that only the Dragonborn is moved enough to adopt one or two (or more, with mods). I would like a mod that has more NPCs adopt children. A really good example of this in-game is Falion and Agni. But I can't really think of any others, and there are quite a few children left all alone. It would just be nice to have homeless children get taken in by someone other than the Dragonborn. Thank you for your consideration!
  4. Hi I am wondering what INI settings I can change, or a mod I can install, that makes the game characters not pop out so much against the background. You can clearly tell that they are separate layers and it ruins the immersion for me. Oldrim didn't have this problem-characters looked like part of the world, not greenscreen. I would appreciate any help. Thank you!
  5. Thank you! I ran into this bug today and your fix did the trick. So much gratitude! :thumbsup: For anyone who comes across this bug and isn't sure what to do: NOTE: Skyrim was closed completely while doing this. 1. Download his file: statsmenu.swf 2. Copy (or Cut/Paste) this file from your download location to the Skyrim\Data\Interface folder. 3. That should be all you have to do. Good luck, and thanks again to the OP!
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