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  1. So you mean... the ones that I install manually to NOT check off on the mods tab and just check off the ESP?
  2. I have tried it over 10 times to enable the Jump Higher mod and when I launch Skyrim's Launcher from the Mod Manager and load my game, IT NEVER WORKS! I've tried both Jump mods, and I see them in the launcher AND I enable them but it doesn't DO anything. I modded the s*** out of Oblivion so I know what I'm doing... but then again.. I dunno. Someone please help me, this is seriously irritating. Thanks in Advance.
  3. How is it useless? o.O It wouldn't tell me the issue of which mod is which?
  4. My PC is high end. Also. I dunno what mod that could have caused it. I've had this issue before installing Better Cities. Would the OBMM Conflict Detector be able to tell me?
  5. Ok well I did that, and.... still some guards are not moving, and some of the guards that guard the doors to the Imperial City districts are facing the wall and not having their towards the door. The Palace Guards and some of them are still not in the Palace.
  6. Do I have to be outside the Imperial City or can I be in it?
  7. No they walk to their barracks of course. Lol
  8. Every guard. Some go to sleep when I do EVP, but some don't do anything. EDIT: And yes Sorry, Vanilla.
  9. Well I installed it from OBMM. I just deactivated it, Rebuilt the patch, and.... No still didn't work. As soon as some other guard comes to relieve him, the new one just stands there. The others still don't move, and in the post someone already said MAO wasn't the issue but I dunno now. This is seriously getting irritating as I've been trying to fix this everytime someone gave me advice and some people are already at a loss now. I hope you can still help me.. x.x
  10. I don't know if anyone else has encountered this problem but with MAO, my Guards don't walk around at all until I attack them, some guards are in their underwear and when I disable the mod, the game CTD's upon entering the Imperial City! I have Deadly Reflexes too and when I cut their heads off and resurrect them that seems to might have added to it. I dunno. I don't know what to do, I've tried everything. I haven't UNINSTALLED the game yet. I'm waiting from the thoughts from you guys if there is a fix for this before I have to do this as a last resort. Please help, and Thank you Very Much in advance. Is what I originally said. I DID Reinstall the game and DID make a new save. No help. I doubt it's MAO either so... yeah if you need anymore help, let me know. Here's the link to the full thread. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/429506-need-some-serious-help-with-mayus-animations-overhaul/
  11. Ok yeah I just did that and the game started up! Only problem is it still hasn't fixed my Guard issue with them still just standing there. Do you know what could be wrong..? Thanks by the way!
  12. But I don't have that activated though. At least I keep unchecking it anyway..
  13. Active Mod Files: Also I have, Merge Patches checked along with, Import Actors: AI Package, and Import Actors Animations.
  14. CCC is not even activated, but I now activated it for the hell of it and no it still didn't work. I rebuilt the patch and still nothing. I don't know what to do... What more information do you need to continue helping?
  15. If there's anymore information I have to give let me know.. I'll try...
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