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  1. Can't download anything at the moment (the site sits and waits for fs2.tesnexus.com forever when you go to do a download) Can't login using internet explorer 9 (no idea if I can download using IE9 since I can't even manage to login................)
  2. there are horse tails in the standard oblivion data files. data\meshes\creatures\horses & data\textures\creatures\horses
  3. While what I'm going to describe won't replace a default hairstyle, unfortunately, it can be pretty useful. 1. Put the data files (meshes/textures/esp) of the hairstyle/hairpack you want to use in your data directory (I use throttlekitty's hairstlyes). 2. Use TES4Gecko to convert the esp file to an esm file. optionally also use a file date & time changer to ensure this esm is more recent than any other esm/esp that also modifies hairstyles. 3. At this point you should be able to use the new hairstyles in the construction set and save them in your own custom esp. Finally I can do something about the terrible default Oblivion male hairstyles. Now if only there were a way to easily search and replace the bald hairstyles (except of course for monks).......
  4. Post 2 won't work because most of the default hairstyles share one default texture, so replacing any default style that uses that texture (grey.dds from memory) will screw up all the other hairstyles that use it. It is a cute resource saving trick, but leads to headaches for modders, just like one body for everything.
  5. HDR is ridiculous, what with the "eye adjustments" (trust me, my eyes don't work like that in real life unless something is blindingly bright to begin with. Look down at the glowing white road, watch it fade to normal. Look up, around, back down at the road. Oh, its glowing again! And what about the radioactive cement around the sewer tunnel you emerge from or the broken crate on the nearby jetty that glows all by itself when you approach it? This is realism? I think not!
  6. Okay, some reading in another VWD mod indicates that black textures are the result of using Bloom instead of HDR or plain rendering. I do use Bloom, mainly because I find it looks the best of the 3 rendering modes. HDR mode is ridiculously overbright and washed out. Can somebody point me to information on how to set up HDR parameters to make it look like bloom?
  7. Does anybody know the code/flag you need to set in BSA Commander to indicate that .cmp and .lod files are present in a .bsa archive? Also, anyone know why the distant LOD setup I'm using ("almost everything visible when distant", plus "far and away enhanced 3d distant land textures" on top of QTP3 + QTP3 patch 1.3) display black textures at some viewing angles and proper textures at others? (see attachments, only difference between the shots is horizontal angle of the camera) The black textures only happen on architecture, not the land. Note that I'm currently loading all the distant LOD stuff from the data folder, but I want to place it all in a .bsa archive (did that for qarls TP and other things and it works brilliantly). edit: the exact filename of the mod is "Almost_Everything_VWD-7705.7z" and it has a date of 26/9/2007 on it, if that helps at all.
  8. I've been running various versions of Pluggy since shortly after my first post in this thread and it has never created anything in my My Games/Oblivion folder by itself. I think the name of the second folder explains why too - it exists for User Files and if nothing uses Pluggy to create a user file then I doubt it would ever get created by itself.
  9. Success (mostly) with the executable at long last using the 108 release you uploaded! The executable can't find the documents folder, so the DLL needs to be copied still. Also I've seen no mention of the Pluggy/User Files folders you need to create in your Documents/My Games/Oblivion folder up until now and would have had no idea whatsoever they were required if the executable hadn't told me about them. You should document things like this. Now, finally off to see how this plays out in game.
  10. I'll try the debugging pack and I'm not worried about losing DynamicLL.ini, since that is one file I've never had (just the exe, DynamicLeveledLists.ini & DynamicLeveledLists.esp) -- even your placeholder file didn't have DynamicLL.ini, just the .esp Maybe that is the problem - the exe goes looking for DynamicLL.ini and can't find it because it is actually called DynamicLeveledLists.ini in the release versions.
  11. Progress report. Downloaded and installed the latest release 20 non beta OBSE, downloaded and installed the latest Pluggy (Pluggy dev 132) Under Win 7 64 bit, the executable does not crash, but it also doesn't appear to finish doing whatever it is meant to either. I end up with what you see in the attachment and no DynamicLL.ini file generated anywhere (yes, I pressed many keys, many times).
  12. Wordpad will do it right up to 2003 iirc. It might not format everything completely perfectly, but it will open and save .doc Write is a bit more limited, can only cope with a subset of word 6 .doc format, but a lot of the .doc files you see at places like this are often glorified text files anyhow.
  13. you can open doc files if you are running windows. Use wordpad or write to do it (in accessories). Failing that use OpenOffice or Abiword. Failing that rename to .txt. it should all make sense when you read the docs.
  14. I'm getting an intermittent problem lately with saving in Oblivion. Sometimes after beginning a new game I'm unable to save the game (you can click save, then new save and the game says "save successful", but there is no saved game file or you click on a pre-existing save and the game deletes it, while saying "save successful"). Quicksaves work just fine, as do autosaves. I've never had this problem before, and the only 4 things I've changed recently are OBSE, Pluggy, DLL & Martigen. One of them has to be causing this.
  15. I'm happy to help you test. I can test on XP SP2, Win 7 32 bit, Win 7 64 bit and Vista 64 bit. I only have access to XP for several more hours though.
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