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  1. Wow, L3DT is awesome! Thanks for telling me about it! I'm currently playing around with importing heightmaps from local geography! What is the largest worldmap we can use in FO4? I know that the Massachusetts map is scaled down by a factor of about 27.57... So I assume I could do something similar. Of course this only works if I can figure out procedural generation for stuff like trees also. God knows I'm not placing them by hand :p Maybe an xEdit script?
  2. I just watched a tutorial video, it looks like each pixel is supposed to be one Unit, but the vertical resolution is defined by the values you pick during import... I guess when you're importing a heightmap you don't care if the surface has cm precision, so I guess 16-bit could be good enough. This looks pretty cool though, I'm tempted to install the CK just so I can try this out. I'm very interested in procedural generation and how it could be leveraged in FO4, are you aware of any such tools for heightmaps?
  3. Well 16-bit only allows 65k values, and in FO4 the xyz values are like a dozen digits including precision, so I guess 16-bit is just not enough. I think in terms of raw generation though, you'd probably be fine generating a 16-bit raw and converting it... But if you don't do some interpolation, the smallest height differences will be like... well I guess somewhere between a few cm to a meter or so, depending on how many digits are used for precision (is this defined during the import? How big is each pixel anyway?)
  4. I haven't actually tried working with dds in gimp, but it might be worth taking a look at imagemagick--it can do a LOT of processing, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you could export from gimp in another format and use IM to convert to 32-bit dds.
  5. Wow. Just wow. I just fixed it. My plugin, to which I added hundreds of records over the past few days, without actually testing in-game (because I'm really dumb sometimes). I spent THREE HOURS, trying to figure out why my plugin wouldn't load. Almost 400 NPC_ records and a couple dozen AVIFs, MGEFs, PERKs, SPELs, RACEs, etc etc etc, I removed in various ways, sometimes entire record trees at a time. Sometimes, I would make a change, and the game would load, then I would try it again right away and it wouldn't. This is... well, I just don't even know. Frustrating. Finally, I started building a new plugin from scratch, and tested it with each new change. Turns out it was a perk. I made a perk for NPCs that rolls a random chance to take no damage, like Unstoppables. But I had the perk condition tab count set incorrectly. 0 instead of 3. Go figure.
  6. Thanks for the encouragement Stormwolf. I'm a bit surprised that no one here has dealt with damaging custom AVIFs before, but I guess I'll get around to testing it out someday on a vanilla save. For now, the variable delay before the perk can fire again is a "feature"!
  7. Can someone please at least test/confirm whether this is the behavior I should expect here? I am kind of thinking it's abnormal, but I can't find any reference online about it.
  8. The Rifleman perk applies bonuses any time the player (actually the perk subject, which could really be anyone who was granted the perk) is wielding a weapon with the right keyword combination, specifically WeaponTypeRifle [KYWD:0004A0A1] == Yes WeaponTypeAutomatic [KYWD:0004A0A2] == No WeaponTypeHeavyGun [KYWD:0004A0A3] == No I don't know what base weapon you started with, but if Rifleman affected it before and you didn't change the keywords it'll probably still apply. As for the actual effects, Rifleman uses Mod Weapon Attack Damage, Mod Target Damage Resistance, and Mod Outgoing Limb Damage. I am *mostly* sure these entry points all work with all damage types, but I haven't explicitly tested this. You could easily test it yourself by setting the physical portion of your weapon to 0.
  9. I don't know anything about animations, but modifying the projectile of a weapon is easy. There's a native projectile (PROJ) in the WEAP record itself, but you can also create an OMOD to set it to a different PROJ. Take a look at the PlasmaGun record in FO4Edit, it's pretty self-explanatory. I think the melty bit is from the Crit Effect and "Crit Effect on Death" flag.
  10. So I have this idea for an Action Boy/Girl rank 4, and I think I've figured out a way to create my intended effect--almost. I created an Actor Value with the "damage is positive" flag set, and I created the rank 4 perk and gave it a spell. The spell does three magic effects: 1. It constantly restores the AV at a rate of 1/sec. 2. If AP drops below 1, and the AV is less than 1 (and at some point I'll probably add a random chance), then it restores 9999 AP. 3. If AP drops below 1, and the AV is less than 1, then it deals 20 damage to the AV. This works (omfg I am so happy I could do this without a script!), except that when it triggers, it seems to be dealing WAY less damage to the AV than it should. The first time I tried it, it was supposed to deal 10 damage, and if I opened the console to check the value JUST after regaining AP, it had a value of ~4.5--very close to 5, which is half of the intended amount, so I thought maybe the hardcore modifier, or maybe resistance, or something might be affecting it... BUT, I changed the damage amount to 20 and tried again, and now it looks like it's dealing only *4* damage each time! What gives, guys?! EDIT: I gave it a damage value of 1000 and it appeared to change the AV by 200... Then I gave it a value of 150, and tried it about a dozen times. I got values ranging from 10-50. This doesn't make any sense at all.
  11. Thank you guys so much! This is exactly the kind of exposition I was looking for. SKK, I will try to keep that in mind when I'm coding. As an aside, I sang that song earlier tonight! niston, that is indeed a good reason to use a while loop. In any event, I concocted an alternative, but it has a problem which i'll discuss it in a new thread.
  12. ScriptHook for Grand Theft Auto V has a comprehensive database of game native functions at https://www.dev-c.com/nativedb/.. Why hasn't anyone bothered to do the same for F4SE? This is mostly a rhetorical question... but really, I would never have been able to write a GTA mod if the documentation had been, "figure out every function call on your own"...
  13. Oh and SKK, I fully agree and I would love a perk entry point for "ran out of AP"!
  14. I suppose I could have been misunderstood because I said "fires every second or so", but what I should have said is "runs on a 1 second timer"--no one runs unbound while loops in Papyrus anywhere, right? But I guess the question should have been more: what is the likely compute cost of the following code fragment? Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) If (aiTimerID == tick_timer_id) If (OwnerRef.GetValue(ActionPointAV) < APMinThreshold.Value) Self.StartTimer(CooldownLength.Value, tick_timer_id) If (Utility.RandomFloat() < ChanceToRestore.Value) OwnerRef.RestoreValue(ActionPointAV, 999) ; assuming AP gets damaged and can be restored. EndIf Else Self.StartTimer(TickLength.Value, tick_timer_id) EndIf EndIf EndEvent I don't really have a clear picture on what Papyrus' processing overhead is like. In C++, code like this would probably be measured in microseconds--getting the random number would probably take longer than everything else combined. I guess I could whip up a test script and start piling on meaningless work until it starts to lag... But I was hoping people here might be able to provide some exposition on just how fast Papyrus can execute a couple calls to the game engine and a couple booleans.
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