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Posts posted by FnorDragonrider

  1. Hi all,


    If you’re reading this and you're wondering who I am then you might want to check out Robin's news post that briefly introduces me. But let me explain a little more about myself. Firstly, a big hello!


    Okay, so my name is Paul and I go under the forum name BlindJudge - which comes from one of my favourite looking wakeboard tricks and no, I can’t do it - yet!


    I’m a passionate gamer who enjoys pretty much any game going, my Steam collection is pretty vast (1100+ games at present) and contains everything from the latest blockbusters through to some lesser known but amazing gems of indie titles. Currently I’m playing games such as Battleblock Theatre, retreading my way through Skyrim (this time modded to the brim) and some of the old school games like the Homeworld remake.


    I've been brought in alongside Robin to work in a Content Director role. It's a wide and very varied role but will initially focus on improving how the staff work behind the scenes and working on a complete redesign of the Nexus Mods site. That might be a little worrying, for a new guy to come in and tell you he's heading up a redesign of the sites, but let me try and put your fears to rest.


    The Nexus site design is now a good 4-5 years old and it's starting to show its age. Not only that, but it's also splitting at the seams due to all the functionality that's been "tacked on" since the last site redesign was done. The current design wasn't developed with a lot of the new functionality that's been added since in mind, hence why some places can seem a bit cramped and it's often hard to find exactly what you want.


    As has always been the Nexus way, we want this process to be as transparent and open to the community as possible and we would love people to come forward every step of the way to offer their suggestions, thoughts and any input you deem could help us deliver to you the site that you deserve. We're not keeping this a secret and just springing it on you once it's ready. We're not working in private with a couple of "respected users". We want to get everyone's opinion every step of the way through to completion. This is your site and your community and you guys are best placed to tell us what you think is best for it - not us and not a few "carefully selected" individuals. We would like it to not only look nice but be exceptionally easy to navigate and easy to find exactly what you're looking for while highlighting not only the bigger mods but also the hidden gems people may have discovered. Importantly we'd also like to to be future proof for any new functionality we add to the sites in the future to avoid that "tacked on" look.


    We’ve already started collecting lots of behind the scenes data over the last month. Heatmaps have shown us where people are clicking and how many people scroll up and down the pages. Analytics are showing us where people are arriving from and which pages they are entering and how they're browsing between the various pages on the site. The next logical step for us is to get some really important information from you guys, the people who use the sites the most, on what you'd like to see from a new Nexus site design. To that end I've set up a quick survey, it only has 15 questions, which are mostly multiple choice and should (honestly!) only take 5 minutes to complete, unless you want to give us really detailed information (which we'd really like to read!).


    So if you don’t mind, please take our survey, the information you submit will be used to make the site better for you, after all! As an added incentive we’re going to pick 5 names at random from the completed surveys and each of those people will receive a $50 Steam Gift Card.


    I know, they are annoying and no one likes to fill in surveys - but the information that we can capture from you guys would be highly advantageous to all of us when it comes to a site wide redesign. We don’t want to just change things over and spring it on you in a “TA DA” kind of way, we would like it to be user driven and because of this, my posts will more than often be asking for help, input, or informing you where we are in the process - and it’s going to be a long process!


    So what is our timeline and when do we start?


    Well, as mentioned we’ve already started to collect important data behind the scenes and hope this will give us a good insight into what is currently working and not working on the site. There will be a few more bouts of research, such as the survey, so we predict this could last anywhere up to around 8 weeks. We’ll try and get wireframes drawn up and put out in the public eye to gauge reaction and see if anyone has anything they strongly agree or disagree with. Heck, if you feel that you can come up with any ideas or wireframes or even designs yourself then we would love to see them.


    Following the research and initial planning stages we’ll jump into the initial design stages which we will announce on the site. This is where we will be consulting the community and UI/UX experts to come up with design mockups for the site, using wireframes and feedback for the designs. These will once again be scrutinised and discussed, shown to the community and your comments will help further these. This should last around 8-10 weeks.


    We would love for the new site (the moment it reaches Beta) to be released alongside the current one like the Nexus did with the previous design. This means that people will be able to switch between the two designs, old and new, finding out what they like about the new site, but more importantly what they don’t. There will be a feedback form for you to report back anything straight to us. Every single one of these will be read by me and put into metrics to facilitate changes to the more disliked features or a bug tracker to get things fixed.


    It will be exciting times for us over the next few months as the site is developed and coded. It will be done in parallel with the existing site, so nothing will change on the existing NexusMods.com site and, as we said, we'll consult you guys, the users, throughout the entire process.


    Site launch day will be exciting, this will be the day when the site swaps over from what it is now to the new one. It will have been a long labour of love from not only the staff here, but also the community as a whole and something I am exceptionally excited to see happen.


    Once the new design is rolled out we are going to make sure that site updates and features are then released quickly, no getting stagnant as we want to evolve at the same pace as (or ahead of!) the gaming industry, quick to react to changes taking place in the gaming world. It will be a part of my job to move the site forward quickly ensuring that we stay ahead of the pack. Through listening to the wants and needs of the community I believe this is very possible.


    It’s nice to finally say hello and I’m looking forward to working with each and every one of you.





    Welcome Paul



    And I'm also guessing that if I get Skyrim on a disc then that should be okay to go too?

    If you're serious about not intending to get a Steam account as I read in another post of your's, then I'm sorry but no, that won't work.

    "Every" distribution of Skyrim has to be activated online through a Steam account and registered with Steam or the game won't run. Skyrim is a Steam-exclusive game.


    Even if you can buy disc versions of it, this only saves you some downloading, and only if you know how to trick the installer to use the disc and not just ignore it and download everything from the network all over instead. All updates, patches and whatnot will still have to be downloaded from Steam afterwards.




    Because I've heard Steam can give a lot of people a LOT of trouble, and I didn't want to deal with it. I play Kingdom of Amular and it uses the Origin thing and it's a pain in the neck.....


    You don't have to be online to play SkyRim do you? Man that stinks how they are doing that.... I don't understand why they are going through clients to play games......


    my email is [email protected], I tried changing the DEP like the link you sent me suggested and now teh Game key code is invalid. /

    Totally missing my Oblivion Fix. feel free to email me anything that you think can help Thanks

  3. I did a reset on teh Computer and let it update thru 8.1, then Installed through the Gamestop App

    Bare Bones Oblivion GOTY Deluxe.. The launcher screen comes up and clicked on play and the

    Runtime error still persists.


    I'm running window on a Hp Laptop - Dual 1.8 Processors and 8GB RAM

  4. Personally I could care less about OBSE, I would just like the program to load, it has to be something in the C++ Microsoft changes in 8.1

    So Since I have a brand new up to date computer OBLIVION won't run on it ?

    Is there still anyway to get the DVD version of the game any more ?


    Thanks for reading this and HELP please.

  5. After updating my computer to windows 8.1 Oblivion will no longer load.

    I get a Runtime Error msg window. No 0x000 number

    The it shows the PATH to my Oblivion.exe.

    I have wyre bash, OBMM and OBSE (OBSE) won't work because I have a dl'd version not the CD.

    The game ran fine in windows 8.

    Dual 1.8 processors with 6Gb of ram


    Help ???


  6. Hello,


    I'm at a complete loss as to why Oblivion won't load.

    It runs as far as the break between Bethesda loading screen and then it is supposed to load

    the second splash screen and it blows up.

    Clean install with Shivering isle add in.

    No mods, vanilla game.

    It won't run.

    Help Please



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