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Where are items' cost?
kilay replied to Pzikhedelic's topic in Pillars of Eternity's Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
in EquippableGameData bundles "Value": this will change according to the discount you get from the seller -
Yes you're right, you have just to replace the keywords, but also the two that are in attack bundle, here a fix that make what you need. { "GameDataObjects": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.GenericAbilityGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Ironskin", "ID": "2d810c5c-b3cb-4f80-9ed6-5371e8a1f1e5", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.GenericAbilityComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "KeywordsIDs": [ "ab88e534-596e-4f40-b54e-9dd8b2cab983" ], "DisplayName": 225, "Description": 848, "UpgradeDescriptions": [], "UpgradedFromID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Vocalization": "GenericSpellCast1", "Icon": "gui\/icons\/abilities\/wizard\/ironskin.png", "UsageType": "Spell", "UsageValue": 0, "AbilityClassID": "acfd1303-4699-4939-91eb-6ac46d4af0bd", "AbilityLevel": 4, "IsPassive": "false", "StackingRuleOverride": "Default", "TriggerOnHit": "false", "IsModal": "false", "ModalGroupID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "IsCombatOnly": "true", "IsNonCombatOnly": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "UniqueSet": "None", "NoiseLevelID": "82bc1ce9-3a81-41ca-a61a-cc1f73a53de7", "DurationOverride": 0, "OverrideEmpower": "Default", "ClearsOnMovement": "false", "CannotActivateWhileInStealth": "false", "CannotActivateWhileInvisible": "false", "ActivationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "DeactivationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "ScalingType": "Default", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "DamageAdjustment": 1, "DurationAdjustment": 1, "BounceCountAdjustment": 0, "ProjectileCountAdjustment": 0, "AccuracyAdjustment": 0, "PenetrationAdjustment": 0 }, "StatusEffectKeywordsIDs": [], "StatusEffectsIDs": [], "VisualEffects": [], "SelfMaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackID": "ad4c4d4d-f9e8-4715-8eac-c89278a05731", "AITargetingConditional": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "Scripts": [] }, "AudioEventListID": "63e344d4-8877-4188-841f-ee3b164f0c41" }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.ProgressionUnlockableComponent, Assembly-CSharp" } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackMeleeGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Ironskin_Melee", "ID": "ad4c4d4d-f9e8-4715-8eac-c89278a05731", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackBaseComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "KeywordsIDs": [ "ab88e534-596e-4f40-b54e-9dd8b2cab983" ], "AttackDistance": 1, "MinAttackDistance": 0, "AttackVariationID": "97294f82-0d50-4d9f-bf04-45ed67b2d4e9", "UseParentEquippableHand": "false", "CastSpeedID": "e4c738a7-4d3f-407f-b035-cc76191fe26b", "RecoveryTimeID": "039ef4b4-eeb3-42d3-9817-a8df05c53515", "ImpactDelay": 0, "ForcedTarget": "Self", "AffectedTargetType": "Self", "AffectedTargetConditional": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "AffectedTargetDeathState": "Alive", "HostilityOverride": "Default", "PushDistance": 0, "FaceTarget": "true", "AccuracyBonus": 0, "PenetrationRating": 0, "DamageData": { "DamageType": "None", "AlternateDamageType": "None", "Minimum": 0, "Maximum": 0, "DamageProcs": [] }, "RequiresHitObject": "true", "StatusEffectKeywordsIDs": [ "ab88e534-596e-4f40-b54e-9dd8b2cab983" ], "StatusEffectsIDs": [ "5c986f63-025d-4901-97da-f4ffb8fafbb2" ], "RandomizeStatusEffect": "false", "CanGraze": "false", "CanCrit": "true", "DefendedBy": "None", "AfflictionsDefendedBy": "None", "AfflictionApplicationModifier": "None", "SubstituteHitVisualEffect": "", "VisualEffects": [ { "VisualEffect": "prefabs\/effects\/abilities\/cast\/fx_cast_wizard_enchantment_rhand.prefab", "AttachPoint": "RightWeapon", "AttachObject": "Caster", "AttachMode": "Attach", "MeshType": "None", "Event": "OnAnimEvent", "AnimEventID": 2, "Loop": "true", "Scale": "false" }, { "VisualEffect": "prefabs\/effects\/abilities\/cast\/fx_cast_wizard_enchantment_rhand_launch.prefab", "AttachPoint": "RightWeapon", "AttachObject": "Caster", "AttachMode": "PositionRotation", "MeshType": "None", "Event": "OnLaunch", "AnimEventID": 0, "Loop": "false", "Scale": "false" }, { "VisualEffect": "prefabs\/effects\/abilities\/wizzard\/fx_ironskin_start.prefab", "AttachPoint": "Root", "AttachObject": "Caster", "AttachMode": "Position", "MeshType": "None", "Event": "OnLaunch", "AnimEventID": 0, "Loop": "false", "Scale": "false" }, { "VisualEffect": "prefabs\/effects\/abilities\/wizzard\/fx_ironskin_start_chest.prefab", "AttachPoint": "Chest", "AttachObject": "Caster", "AttachMode": "Position", "MeshType": "None", "Event": "OnLaunch", "AnimEventID": 0, "Loop": "false", "Scale": "false" } ], "AttackOnImpactID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ExtraAttackID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "LaunchBone": "RightWeapon", "HitBone": "Chest", "OnHitShakeDuration": "None", "OnHitShakeStrength": "None", "NoiseLevelID": "15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63", "AllReactNoise": "false", "InterruptsOn": "None", "InterruptType": "Normal", "TargetAngle": 0, "ApplyOnceOnly": "false", "PathsToTarget": "true", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "AdditionalAttackOnTooltip": "false", "DoesNotApplyDamage": "false", "TreatAsWeapon": "false", "BounceData": { "Bounces": 0, "Multiplier": 0.5, "Range": 10, "InRangeOrder": "false", "NoRepeatTargets": "false", "AlwaysBounceAtEnemies": "false", "Delay": 0, "NeverBounce": "false" } }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackMeleeComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "EngagementRadius": 1, "IsUnarmed": "false" } ] } ] }
Mod Bugs — Missing Strings
kilay replied to bobothebee's topic in Pillars of Eternity's Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
could be a lot of reasons for that. outdated/broken mods, wrong mods order, corrupted save or and also some vanilla bundle have some issue on that (check The Deck Of Many Strings mod) . A way to found the culprit might be add one at time each mod, then exit to desktop and restart again and load your save, till you found the mod that causing the issue. and btw try to check the game w/o any mod and also check file integtity via steam/gog -
How stated in other threads using the same loot list ends to an incompatibility issue with other mods, so would be a good behavior check here before assign an item to a lootlist (vendor) . Here the list of the vendors already used by modders on Nexus Mods I will try to take it updated. Post here if you use a vendor not mentioned here. Trinkets is using Sanza's Map Emporium Grimoires of the Master Specializations is using Norgund at upper floor of Kraken's Eye Amir Spellbook is using Dark Cupboard The Bloody Blossom is using Marihi shop God equip is using the fish vendor in Neketaka The Bad and the Mercurial Ring is using Thoren in Lower Floor of Kraken's Eye (Lootlist ID:"2b57b471-18fa-471c-b00b-098c0c6831fa") Hand Cannons and other Things is using the Shady merchant at Port Maje ( ID:"a2922db1-af06-4b47-ac52-3c6e76f18c67") TT1 Unique Items is using Wild Mare The Red Hand is using Eofania in Sātahuzi Saint Cazza's Crown is using Henric, the weapons merchant in Port Maje Store Zilbest's New Overpowered Unique Equipments is using Berath's Blessing Store Baldur The Difficulty-Scaling Pig-Buddy is using fishmonger in Port Maye Thnks toTT1 for the original list
A question about summon spells
kilay replied to Niizzy's topic in Pillars of Eternity's Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
abilitiy calls an attack, that attack calls other two status effects, those two status effects calls other two items . So you can remove from the attack the status effect linked to the pistols (this one "bf8cdbb3-58ca-460c-9638-c15f107cdc0e" )to have only the sword.