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  1. I'm trying to extract the dialogue files from the w3speech files. When I search how to do this online I repeatedly see links to Lua utils for Witcher 3: https://github.com/hhrhhr/Lua-utils-for-Witcher-3 I downloaded the files but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them. If anyone could help me out I'd very much appreciate it, thanks.
  2. Just for the record, I managed to solve the issues. I had to access the fallout4custom.ini and added: [Archive] binvalidateOlderFiles=1
  3. I think I've tried both. You're referred to this right?:
  4. This where I've placed the file: And this is the file path:
  5. I was actually using a different extractor but I tried Archive2 and your suggestions I haven't done yet and it still hasn't worked unfortunately. This is basically what i got so far:
  6. Thank you for the response. I checked and it's definitely in the right folder. I can even preview the sound and listen to the line but when I go in-game it's not working. Can you think of anything else that could be causing this?
  7. I've been trying to make a custom NPC speak dialogue out loud when you click on them by reusing the vanilla dialogue. I've done this successfully multiple times before with Skyrim's Creation Kit but when I try it with Fallout 4's it doesn't work even though I'm doing everything the same as far as I can tell. I made a new quest: Then made a new 'Hello' Topic and filled out the info in the Misc tab: Then in the folder directory: Sound > Voice > mymodname.esp/mycharacter I placed the copy of the vanilla fuz file into it and renamed it to the name assigned. But when I go in-game and interact with the NPC the subtitles show up but there's no audio or lipsync. I've also tried unpacking the fuz, using the .wav and turned it into a .xwm and created a .lip file with the 32 bit version of CK and it STILL didn't work. I literally have no idea why it isn't working and would appreciate some help, thanks.
  8. Thanks for the response. Where can I find uninstallable codecs also what do they do and do I need them for anything?
  9. I've had Oblivion GOTY from Steam for a while now and when I got a new PC my friend built for me I transferred it and all other games to my new one and it still worked fine with all my saves but then suddenly I started to have issues with it and Fallout New Vegas. I lost all saves on New Vegas but I managed to get them back and make it work again by reinstalling it but Oblivion has a different issue and reinstalling it didn't help. All other games on Steam work fine with all saves. When I start it, there's no main music and when I load a save it lags like crazy then it usually crashes after a while. It's really frustrating. I had only 3 minor mods that I don't think makes much of a difference. One of them was the unofficial Oblivion patch which I reinstalled hoping it'd fix it but still no dice :\ The parts for my PC: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/vox9432/saved/1Y79 I'd really appreciate any help!
  10. I'd really appreciate someone help me this has been troubling me for a while :(
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