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About OmniScythe56

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Was wondering if anyone would be willing to do a retexture of the gravelord sword to make it resemble the Sparda sword from Devil May Cry 4
  2. Since Quiet's MGO model is out I just wana know if she can be swapped over Gray Fox or Raiden & if the model swap can have the abilities from the sneaking suit. Pretty much giving us speed & silenced footsteps. If this can work would anyone do it? I would but I have no clue how to model swap. Thanks in advance.
  3. any idea if texturing weapons or model imports will be a thing for this game? I would love to be able to make my arisen or my pawn look like Trish or Dante, weapons included.
  4. Any idea if removing vocation armor restriction could be done? Like being able to use the Charron set as Mystic Knight or being able to wear what Grette wears as a Fighter.
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