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Everything posted by m920cain

  1. I'm looking for a way to create a spell that stops enemies from casting spells for 8 seconds. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. any plans for new animations as a lich? ..i think floating would be cool
  3. i have a suggestion... for the lich models why not make a skeleton with a heavy kind of armor fitting in with the undead theme (armor like dragon-plate or something like that) and use a black robe for the bottom part with chains or runes on the robe i think it would look pretty cool and again thanks for making this mod man i'll be able to play a necromancer when this comes out ...can't be a necromancer without being a lich -m920cain EDIT: a black hood would be pretty cool too
  4. PEOPLE LOOKING FOR THIS ARMOR PAY ATTENTION! This armor can be found on the steam workshop simply type "Champion" "Champion Mage" or "Mage" in the search bar (searching *Mage* may have a really really long list of things)
  5. sorry to say but most ppl don't really care. its really sad that mods like this which add to the immersion will get ignored so somebody can make a normal armor into a slutty one
  6. Did..did you draw this? 'cause its completely AMAZING..someone NEEDS to make this if they don't i may die a little inside
  7. please tell me this is still being worked on?
  8. this looks so awesome. any release date planned?
  9. unfortunately i think this is out of my reach...i can't seem to get her doing what she is meant to properly so i'm going to take a break and try at it tomorrow
  10. Nearly at the Testing phase at the moment she is a Spellsword class wearing armored clothes that are equal to Daedric Chest , Boots , and Gloves while still giving her the look of being a woman (instead of a heavily armored fortress) but still allowing her to survive fights
  11. i'll give her default bard gear because i sadly don't have that awesome mage gear
  12. i won't be able to use malukah's voice though you'l need a song replacer for that also is there some specific clothes you won't her to have?
  13. i think i could give that a go if i get any good results i'll tell you
  14. I lack the skills to create anything good for skyrim with modeling and texturing so i'm looking for a person who is skilled enough to create these thing if anybody willing to make these thing it would be fantastic to see something from great games sequel come into skyrim
  15. Hello anyone who reads i'm looking for someone to make either a very flat but round (like dragon priest mask round) or Death's Darksiders 2 mask I am asking for someone to do this because i lack the skills to create anything for skyrim
  16. this is the Male Cleric armor mod... it has now been updated to add several choices for eg. can have a robe/plate set with green runes ( there's a lot of completely epic variants)
  17. well now i have more things to add the list i needa get...thanks :) omni-blade daggers would be cool
  18. My dream mod would be Mass effect 3 armor
  19. I was trying to find a mod that had the armor Shepard uses from ME3 but since i couldn't find any i thought i'd post a request I am now trying to find someone who can make armor for Skyrim that looks like Commander Shepard's Armor in Mass effect 3 or even the Blood Dragon Armor would be cool
  20. I was trying to find a mod that had the armor Shepard uses from ME3 but since i couldn't find any i thought i'd post a request I am now trying to find someone who can make armor for Skyrim that looks like Commander Shepard's Armor in Mass effect 3
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