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About cdevac1

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  1. To a certain extent. "Recyclenpc" was simply one of the suggestions I found while researching fixes for the problem, but it turned out to be bogus (at least in the way I used it). I've been successful in fixing a number of Farkas' Trouble in Skyrim and intimidation quests with console commands, but Vilkas not talking to me has me stumped.
  2. I'm doing the Companions quests for the umpteenth time, and I've done just about everything (Aela's totems, shipped Kodlak off to Sovengard and cured Farkas) but right after we took care of Kodlak, Vilkas stopped talking to me. When I walk up to him, he gives me one of his generic greetings but when I try to engage him in conversation...nothing. I've tried killing/resurrecting him, resetai, recyclenpc, disable/enable and beating him up to try and shock him back into the game with no effect. I can't go back to a time before he wasn't talking because I've purged saves since then. Anyone got a trick that I haven't tried? I'm open to suggestions.
  3. I'm currently doing Tools of Kagranac. I'm collecting Bal am as Aedra stones and hit the place near Dayspring Canyon. After leaving there I visited the Vigilant's base near there and had a fight with a ghost called Paladin's Wrath, who had killed the Vigilants there, and found a Fragment of Justice and a note on the corpse. The note has some mumbo-jumbo about ending his suffering and using the fragment to enter someplace, but no quest starts and nothing points to where to go. This is probably my fifth playthrough and the first time I've run across this Paladin. Anyone have any idea as to what this is? Is it from a mod, or is it vanilla?
  4. Don't know if it's possible, but I'd love to see a mod that allows the Dragonborn be able to choose the Jarl of a particular hold (yeah, I'm looking a you Maven and Siddgeir!). During the negotiations at High Rothgar and during the Civil War quest, when a hold changes hands, you can get stuck with some really unsavory Jarls. I'd just like to have an option to keep Law-Giver in charge of Riften.
  5. That seems a bit nuclear, but ok, I'll give it a go.
  6. I've begun having a problem the last couple of days. Unless I'm in a walled city (Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun or Windhelm) anytime I try to sleep or wait I get the message that I can't because "enemies are nearby". This play through won't let me buy a house in any of the walled cities so I have to buy a bed at the inn, but any of my other homes have enemies nearby. Anyone know of a way to fix this?
  7. That may be it. I have Mirai (come to think of it, she has her rude moments), and she has called down a dragon ally in the past (I had to ask her to stop because I kept killing it on sight!). I guess she could have tossed it out there. Curiouser and curiouser.
  8. I currently have "Clear Skies" activated as my shout. I'd have to check to see if I've burned souls to even use throw voice. Sofia is about the rudest follower I have, and she's never used it. The only place I've heard anyone use "cheesebrain" is Ashbee Gaming's playthrough on her channel.
  9. On my 4th or 5th playthrough, and just had something happen for the first time. I had just killed a pair of wolves on the road just West of Darkwater Crossing, and, while collecting the pelts, I heard a female voice say "Hey, cheesebrain!". The voice sounded like it was spoken through a megaphone, and I couldn't find anyone around. Has anyone else encountered this rather rude voice?
  10. I have tried talking to him on the balcony (where he seems to spend an inordinate amount of time in this play throught), but I've also tried several times when he's standing on the bottom step by the throne. Talking to Falk and the steward of Markarth in the throne rooms doesn't have any effect either. This isn't a deal breaker, but not having the perks someone like me can make use of makes things a bit tougher. I seem to have to use the "I am Thane! I demand you let me go!" dialogue a lot. Just can't stay out of trouble.
  11. I've been looking for a fix for this for about a week, and I see it has been a problem since around 2012, but I haven't found a fix yet. This is my fourth of fifth playthrough, and the first time this has happened to me. I've been named thane in Whiterun, but when I talk to Proventus about buying Breezehome there is no option to buy it. I've been offered thaneship in Solitude and Markarth, but again, no option to buy property to complete the requirements to be named thane. I'm coming up on the time to buy Honeyside in Riften and, I suspect, I'll run into the same problem. I've been able to buy the properties in Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar with no problems. My question is: after all this time, has anyone found a fix, or a work around, to solve this problem?
  12. A problem popped up for me in the last day or two. Whenever I try to sleep at one of my homes I get the "You cannot sleep when enemies nearby" message. I can sleep at Fort Dawnguard or at an inn, but not at one of my homes, in the Arch Mages' quarters or Jorrvaskr. I patrol around the area, but can't find any bad guys. Is there a fix?
  13. I was having constant CTDs on my fourth play through also. Try downloading Crash Fixes by meh321. Haven't had a crash since I did. It's magic!
  14. Hmmm, it may just be me then. When I pick a lock it's a one shot deal. The next time I have to open the same chest I get no experience boost from picking it. It's just a bit frustrating to have to pick the same lock 3 or 4 times in a game and get nothing for it. In addition, the time comes when you've picked all the locks in Skyrim and the lock picking tree becomes useless and, short of going back to Miraak's tower in Apocrypha, any perks in that tree are lost. The mod was just a thought as a way to keep things moving on.
  15. I've been having a small problem where Recorder, Seranna and Iona will get stuck somewhere when I leave. Not a big problem because I just "prid" and "moveto player". Just now, when I tried to moveto I got a bad refid message on Recorder. She had the refid of 75002306, but it wasn't working anymore. I went to her, hit ~ and clicked on her and she now has a refid of 74002306. Has anyone else seen refid's change during a game like this?
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