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  1. ****** Comment deleted as possibly leading to a site war. This is equivalent to flaming, but directed toward another site. Bben46, Moderator
  2. the beta should be out by the end of the week
  3. Ok here's a progress report. The armor is finished. now i'm working on the back pack and weapons. I'll post a new screanshot soon.
  4. It will be there, along with a few other things.
  5. Here you go. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/267642-1257821201.jpg http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/267642-1257821303.jpg Nice! Is it ready? I dont meen to be mean but the neck looks like it overlaps the helm a bit. and the mouthguard looks sunk. just two very small problems and not a big deal just some pointers. :thumbsup: Yeah this is just a WIP. The truth is, I stopped working on my ODST mod when I saw the screens posted by Spectre because I was very impressed by his armor, so I went back to work on some other mods. I didn’t know that his was going to be a limited release. I still have to do a bit of texture work and fix the neck issue. The mouth part just looks that way in this picture. For some reason objects appear distorted in fallout when you get to close to the camera. I’m also planning to add some Halo weapons and other goodies that people requested when I did the Spartan mod.
  6. Here you go. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/267642-1257821201.jpg http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/267642-1257821303.jpg
  7. That looks really nice man. Don’t post any more screenshots or people are going to start harassing you. I’m going to pm spetre again and make sure he doesn’t have a problem with me releasing my version. I don’t want to step on any toes here, know what I mean? Anyway, just curious who actually modeled that armor, (big props to him) that is very accurate? Anyway I’m going to dig up my files and put a mod together, maybe I’ll release some variants like the close quarter combat and recon. By the way, I know you and I know Spetre, but who is Nathan.
  8. I’ve never heard Spectre say anithing about not releasing his mod. As far as I know he was stationed somewhere else for the time being and he doesn’t have access to his PC. That is why we are all waiting for the mod. I don’t see why he would not release it. If someone gave him the ODST model as a gift for his service in the army, I think that was a pretty cool thing to do, but I don’t see why that would stop him from uploading it here or anywhere else. Unless the creator of the model asked him not to release it in which case I will release my ODST mod.
  9. Yes I’m still working on the mod. I can’t say how long it will be before it’s finished. There are a lot of factors involved- one is the mod itself which is very ambitious in size and scope, two is that I’m also working on other smaller mods, (one will hopefully be out soon) and three is the problem of time. I have very limited time to work on my mods because I have 2 jobs and a wife and three kids which are my first priority of course, but rest assured I will finish the mod. PS I would love to hear your ideas. I can’t promise that you will see them implemented in the mod, but you never know.
  10. No he's right, Modding's gotten old. WE QUIT! :P
  11. LOL, did you get all that? Now are you sure you still want to mess around with rigging and weights? If so, here is my advice to you, (the only thing I can add to what skree said) don't give up, it can be very frustrating, but if you keep at it you will get better. Good luck.
  12. I don't think there is a base texture for the helmet. Only thing i managed to find are creature textures , strange that one of the gek units is in the creature section. And one weapon that had the base texture with it in the upk. There where some others , i even found something that looks like it would fit the helmet but it didn't. has anyone tried checking to see if the helmet uses the same base Tex as the armor. From the pics in the first page it looks like that might be possible, with a separate tex for the visor. I suppose I could go out and buy the game for PC, (I have the 360 version) and whip this up, but it looks like neo is well on his way to getting it done.
  13. I almost feel bad for the guy who made that video. That seems like a lot of work just so you can get a magnum and some bullets. Why not just play through the game and get it that way. You might actually enjoy yourself while you’re at it. The best kinds of mods are the ones that add new content to the game. Not the ones that let you cheat and take all the fun out of playing. The ones that add new and interesting quests are my favorites, the only mods of that sort that you will get on the 360 are the ones made by Bethsoft.
  14. For me rigging is sort of like having a decayed tooth pulled. You know you got to get it done, but you rue the day you will have to do it. And once it’s done it’s a great relief. You are proud to have gotten through it without losing your sanity. @ Dampninja. Lucky for you I had the tooth pulled for you. Check out the trailer here. Read the description and follow the download link.
  15. Don't know. Post a picture; maybe someone will make it. ;)
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